Teachers responsibles: Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska, Verka Maratilova, Adelina Simitchieva
Students concerned: 7th grade
Through research activities in teams, students had to discover and compare robots from famous movies. They also had to analyze their capabilities, qualities, advantages and disadvantages. Students were asked to say what they thought about robotization in human development.
How you have worked:
In the first stage of the activity, the students were assigned the task of studying movies with the participation of different robots in them. Then they had to choose a favourite robot and give reasons for their choice. Students were given the opportunity to form teams by themselves and to decide how they would present the results of the activity.
The work of the students:
At the beginning, the students formed teams and chose films to work on. The topic was interesting and fun and all the students took part in it willingly. They presented the results of their work by making PowerPoint presentations and posters with their favorite robots from cinema.
The activities were very interesting and the students participated actively and with great enthusiasm. The petite droid R2D2 from George Lucas' saga "Star Wars" was ranked number 1 among the students' most favourite robots. In their work, children showed creativity, applied their knowledge of summarizing and analyzing information, improved their digital and presentation skills.
Interaction between activity and environment and climate:
In the course of the activity, students came to the conclusion that robots can be programmed in a way that helps people to preserve and protect nature, as well as analyze climate change and its likely consequences and how important it is to take care of our planet.
The topic was close to the children and everyone worked with desire and interest. A number of parents also took part in it by helping with making of the presentations.