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During the Limassol TNM, the distribution of the activities foreseen in the application was carried out between the partners.
The bulgarian school will be responsible for the following activities:

My team has chosen: B16, B21

D7, D18

G5, G15

E3, E7

C7, C9

Po vreme na TNM v Limasol razpredelenieto na deĭnostite, predvideni v prilozhenieto, beshe izvŭrsheno mezhdu partn’orite.                                                                                                                   Bŭlgarskoto uchilishte shte otgovarya za slednite deĭnosti:


Granadilla mariya 8 Granadilla mariya 7














Granadilla mariya 6 Granadilla mariya 4



















Granadilla mariya 3  Granadilla mariya 2















Granadilla mariya 1 


Teachers responsibles: , Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska, Ginka Vlahova, Verka Maratilova

Students concerned:  4th and 5th grades

3 works sessions since 01/10/2022


  • to present the very topic of the project to the students
  • the students to learn about the emergence of robotics from ancient times to the present day, the types of robots and their application in life

How you have worked:

First the students learned about the subject, the objectives and the different partners in the project. Then  students were shown information about the origin and types of robots from different time periods - from antiquity /the remains of moving statues made in the 1st century BC, maidens made of gold, able to speak and think, mentioned by Homer, the design and construction of the mechanical flying pigeon by the ancient Greek mechanical engineer Architus of Tarentum 400 BC/ till the development of technical automated systems and the advancement of artificial intelligence these days.

The work of the students:

After learning about the basic concepts and types of robots, the 5th grade students made and coloured robot models, and the 4th grade students constructed robots from waste materials that they presented to their classmates.


Students learned:

- basic concepts

- about the origins of robotics

- the types of robots and their uses.

They showed creative thinking, acquired teamwork skills and had fun doing the activities.

Relation with environment: 

The students learned about robots and that they can be used in the protection of the environment and made models from waste materials.

Mariya robot 1 Mariya robot 2
















Mariya robot 4 Mariya robot 6
























Mariya robot 5 Mariyan robot 7 


Teachers responsibles : Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska, Katya Mitreva

Pupils concerned:  7th grade


  • Students to discover and understand the role of science fiction as a precursor to the development of industry, science and society.
  • Students to learn about the contribution of famous fantasy authors and their works that changed the thinking and attitudes of mankind

How you have worked: 

The students were presented with a list of famous science fiction works by world-renowned authors: Isaac Asimov, R. Heinlein, Arthur Clarke, Philip K. Dick, M. Crichton, St. Lem, Strugatsky brothers and others. They had the task to read part of a book of their choice and present it in a way they preferred to their classmates and to search for information online.

The work of the students:

During the first stage of the activity, the students worked independently, getting to know the work of their choice and studying the topic online. Then they shared the information they had found and their personal attitude to the works they had read through various methods: talks, discussions, debates, presentations and posters. The activities were emotional and all the participants had fun.


Students improved their reading skills, had the chance to work independently, exploring a topic and gathering information online about it. They improved their skills in summarizing, synthesizing and interpreting information. And last but not least they learned about new authors and their works.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.:

After all the reading and researching the students came to the conclusion that the living and non-living parts of our planet exist in mutual connection and harmony, and any disruption of this connected system would lead to catastrophic consequences affecting each of us. Students gained confidence to express themselves and defend their personal opinion, to respect other people's opinions and to listen to each other.

Mariya science fiction 1Mariya science fiction 2






















Mariya science fiction 3 Mariya science fiction 4






















Mariya science fiction 5 Mariya science fiction 6












Teachers responsibles: Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska, Verka Maratilova, Adelina Simitchieva

Students concerned:   7th grade


Through research activities in teams, students had to discover and compare robots from famous movies. They also had to analyze their capabilities, qualities, advantages and disadvantages. Students were asked to say what they thought about robotization in human development.

How you have worked:

In the first stage of the activity, the students were assigned the task of studying movies with the participation of different robots in them. Then they had to choose a favourite robot and give reasons for their choice. Students were given the opportunity to form teams by themselves and to decide how they would present the results of the activity.

The work of the students:

At the beginning, the students formed teams and chose films to work on. The topic was interesting and fun and all the students took part in it willingly. They presented the results of their work by making PowerPoint presentations and posters with their favorite robots from cinema.


The activities were very interesting and the students participated actively and with great enthusiasm. The petite droid  R2D2 from George Lucas' saga "Star Wars" was ranked number 1 among the students' most favourite robots. In their work, children showed creativity, applied their knowledge of summarizing and analyzing information, improved their digital and presentation skills.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

In the course of the activity, students came to the conclusion that robots can be programmed in a way that helps people to preserve and protect nature, as well as analyze climate change and its likely consequences and how important it is to take care of our planet.

The topic was close to the children and everyone worked with desire and interest. A number of parents also took part in it by helping with making of the presentations.

Mariya cinema 1 Mariya cinema 2










Mariya science fiction 7Mariya cinema 4





















Mariya cinema 3 Mariya cinema 5










Mariya cinema 6


Mariya pp 1












Mariya ppcine 2












Mariya ppcine 3












Mariya ppcine 4












Mariya ppcine 6












Mariya ppcine 7












Mariya ppcine 8












Mariya ppcine 9












Mariya ppcine 11


Esc 1

Esc 2

Esc 3

Esc 4

Esc 5

Esc 6

Esc 7


1.My name is Siyana. I am 12 years old. I have got long brown hair and brown eyes. I have a younger brother. My favourite food is sushi. In my free time I like watching films and reading books.

2.My name is Gala. I am 12 years old. I have a very cute pet dog. I like dancing folk dances and I am a dancer in one of the local folk dance groups. I love taking photos. Can you guess which is my favourite sports brand?

3.My name is Nikola. I am 12 years old. I like playing football and computer games. I also like a lot being in the countryside and having long walks in the mountains.

4.My name is Viktoria but friends call me Viki. I am 13 years old. I have long brown wavy hair. I love travelling and drawing. In my free time I sing with my friends for fun and read books. I love going to school because I learn new things! I play tennis at the weekends. I think I'm kind, sweet and polite. Making new friends is my favourite thing to do

5. My name is Yoana but for my friends I'm Yo. I'm 13 years old. I play volleyball. I really love travelling around the world with my family and friends. At the weekends I like hanging out with my friends. In my free time I like reading books and watching movies. I think I'm funny and polite and I like helping people.

6. My name is Viktoria. I am 12 years old. I like going to school because I learn interesting things but most of all because I am with my friends. In my free time I play the mandolin. I love nature and I like going for walks in the mountains. My favourite colour is pink.

7. My name is Blagovest. I am 12 years old. I have brown eyes and short curly brown hair. I have an older sister. I am good at drawing and I draw a lot in my free time. I also like making paper figures and playing video games.







Persons responsibles:  Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska & Anna Aleksandrova

Students concerned:  18 students from 5th & 7th grades

The objectives of the activity:  

Students :

  • to be encouraged to become explorers of the moon and unravel some of the difficulties faced by astronauts
  • to expand their knowledge about the natural satellite of our planet and the international space missions conducted on the moon.

How you have worked: 

The activity took place in three working sessions. During the first, students were given the task to find and research information materials related to space missions to the Moon. In the second one, students had to summarize and select the most interesting and important data and discuss it with the teachers. During the third work session, they had to present their researches to their classmates in the form of presentations or videos with the Capcut program.

The work of the students:

Students joined the activity with great desire and enthusiasm. They formed teams and together they searched and summarised information. The older students assisted the younger ones. Then they presented the results of their activity to their classmates.

Final result:


  • acquired new knowledge about the natural satellite of our planet, international space missions to the Moon and the work of astronauts
  • improved their teamwork skills
  • showed research spirit and creativity
  • improved their practical skills in working with the Capcut program
  • had fun.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

Students learned interesting facts about the influence of the Moon and its gravity on Earth's climate and especially the oceans’ tides.                                                      The activity was both interesting and relevant for the students. They showed enthusiasm and creativity. They demonstrated good teamwork skills and showed good results in presenting information.

Mariya 100 Mariya 101












Mariya 102 Mariya 103












Mariya 105Mariya 106


Persons responsiblesMariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska & Verka Maratilova

Students concerned:  16 students of 5th & 7th grades


  • to gain knowledge about the origin and development of the computer;
  • the contribution of the Bulgarian John Atanasoff to the creation of the first ABC computer;
  • the importance and role of computer systems for the development of humanity

              5th grade to learn how to work with the video editor programme CapCut.

How you have worked:

During the first work session, students were divided in mixed (5th and 7th graders) teams. Then they were given the task to carry out a research related to the emergence of the computer. During the second work session, they presented the results of their work. They also had to work at home to gather the necessary information.

The work of the students:

Firstly, the teams collected and summarized information related to the creation of the first digital computer, designed and assembled by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry and called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, abbreviated ABC /1939 - 1942/. After that, they prepared presentations and videos to present the results of the activity to the 5th and 7th grade students.

Final result:

Students gained new knowledge related to the emergence of the first digital computer, with memory, processor and automatic execution of operations, working with a binary number system and logical expressions. They felt a sense of pride and national identity from the fact that the discoverer of the first computer was of Bulgarian origin. They improved their teamwork and personal expression skills.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

Students concluded that computers can help people solve important problems related to environmental and climate protection by analyzing data and making development predictions. At the same time, the issue of collection and recycling of obsolete computer and mobile equipment is also essential.

The activity contributed to the acquisition of new knowledge, the development of personal presentation skills and critical thinking. The 5th grade students learned how to work with the video editor programme CapCut.

Mariya 110 Mariya 111












Mariya 112Mariya 113












Mariya 114 Mariya 116












Mariya 117


Responsible personsMariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska & Lyubka Dacheva

Students convcerned:  6th & 7th grades


- to search for information and gain new knowledge about the origins of unmanned aerial vehicles and modern drones;

- to develop personal skills and critical thinking;

- to learn new English vocabulary related to the topic of the activity.

How you have worked:

During the first work sessions teams were formed. Each team was given the task to find, research and summarize information, photos and videos related to the appearance of the first unmanned aerial vehicles and their development to modern drones. Then to summarize and present the results, in a way chosen by them, to their classmates.

The work of the students:

The topic of the activity was very close to the interests of the students. Some of them have seen and even used drones. In the beginning, the teams collected, analysed and summarized information, from the emergence of the first unmanned aerial vehicles in 1839 to modern drones. The teams presented the collected materials through posters and presentations.

Final result:

Participants expanded their knowledge about the emergence of unmanned aerial vehicles and their uses. They also demonstrated critical thinking skills by pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of using drones in everyday life, analyzing and synthesizing information. They improved their teamwork skills and had fun together.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

Students learned when and how the first drones appeared and what their use was. The topic was interesting for them, giving them the opportunity to be creative and have fun at the same time.

Mariya 120Mariya 121












Mariya 122Mariya 123












Mariya 124Mariya 125


Responsible personsMariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska & Anna Aleksandrova

Students concerned: 8 students of 7th grade


  • to gather information about the origin of the vacuum cleaner and its development over the years;
  • types of vacuum cleaners and ways of use;

              how do students imagine cleaning the home in the future?

How you have worked:

In the first stage of the activity, students were divided into two teams. Each team had to collect the necessary information and summarize it in a presentation. Then they had to present the results to their classmates.

The work of the students:

The teams formed gathered a lot of information from the creation of the first vacuum cleaner in 1869 to the present day. They analyzed the benefits and harms of the vacuum cleaner and then they followed the path of its development. Types of vacuum cleaners and the ways of their use were discussed. Students were asked to lay out their assumptions about cleaning the house in the future.

Final result:

The topic of this activity was not of great interest to the students and only a few of them volunteered to take part in it. All of them have this piece of appliance at home but they don’t like to use it. However, the ones who took part in it did it seriously and thoroughly. They learned many useful things about the correct use of the cleaning systems, the different modes of operation and the advantages of the established brands.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

During the activity, students discussed details, both at school and at home with their parents. They looked at different types of vacuum cleaners and discussed which types of filters are the safest for our health and for keeping the air clean.

Mariya 130 Mariya 132












Mariya 133Mariya 134


























Responsible persons:  Anna Aleksandrova  &  Verka Maratilova

Students concerned:  17 students of 7th grade


  • to research and study information about the use of drones in modern society and the prospects for their development.

             to develop skills for selecting and summarizing information.

How you have worked:

The teachers divided students into teams according to their interests and desires. Each team studied different types of robots and their use in different areas of life - science, medicine, environmental protection, wildlife care, agriculture, entertainment and military activities. The English teacher helped the students with the vocabulary.

The work of the students:

The topic was interesting and close to the participants, as some of them use drones for fun. The teams summarized the collected information and presented it to their classmates through posters, presentations and capcut videos.

Final result:

Students expanded their knowledge about the use of drones in people's lives. They discovered many unknown and different areas in the use of drones. Students realized drones can replace man in dangerous, difficult and impossible for man activities. Participants improved their teamwork and personal expression skills.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

Students were very impressed with the underwater drones that are used to clean water bodies. They learned how drones can help protect wildlife by monitoring and filming endangered species. They also noted another current application of drones, namely their use to support the processes of creating energy from renewable sources.

The time to carry out the activity was limited and the topic was interesting for the students, so they will continue their work on it in some classes.

Mariya 135 Mariya 136












Mariya 137Mariya 138












Mariya 139 b

 Mariya 139 d











Mariya 139 cMariya 139


Responsible persons:  Atanaska Peneva  &  Anna Aleksandrova

Students concerned:     7th grade


  • to collect and analyze information about the structure of the computer as well as the importance of computers in modern society and the spheres in which they are used - education, science, industry, communications, administration, entertainment, etc.

             to present the summarized information to their classmates in an original and creative way. 

How you have worked:

During the first work session, students were divided into three teams with different tasks related to the structure and use of computers. Each team had to collect the necessary information and summarize it in a presentation. During the second one they presented the results to their classmates.

The work of the students:

The teams gathered a lot of information about the structure and the different parts of the computer. They explained the names and the purpose of each part. They talked about the applications of computers in various areas of human life, their positive and negative impact on man. With great enthusiasm, they discussed their assumptions about the computer of the future - its appearance and capabilities.

Final result:

The activity was interesting for the students. They like using computers both in the educational process and for fun and games. They showed substantial knowledge about the different parts of the computer and their purpose. During the activity, students demonstrated the ability to analyze information, think critically and creatively. They achieved high results in their teamwork.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

The activity was useful and fun for all participants. They discussed details, both at school and with their families. An important aspect of their reasoning was related to the positive and negative impact of computers on man.


Mariya 150 Mariya 151












Mariya 152 Mariya 153












Mariya 154


Responsible persons:   Mariya Bonova, Lyubka Dacheva & Verka Maratilova

Students concerned:  19 students of 6th  &  7th grades


Students to find out about the benefits and opportunities provided by smartphones and their differences from ordinary mobile phones.

How you have worked:

At the beginning of the activity, the teacher prepared a presentation with information and photos of mobile phones with buttons without internet and applications and the evolution of these mobile phones to today’s smartphones.

The work of the students:

After seeing the presentation and discussing the differences between cell phones and smartphones, students focused on the benefits and advantages of modern mobile devices. As this is their favourite piece of modern technology, some students wanted to make a presentation themselves about the smartphone and present it to their classmates.

Final result :

The activity was interesting and enjoyable for the students. They learned about the progress of mobile communications, the main differences between basic models and new generations of smartphones.


Interaction between activity and environment and climate:

Students realised that the rapid development of communication technology and the frequent change of devices create a real danger of environmental pollution with harmful and dangerous substances. They concluded themselves that it is very important that old phones are collected in designated places and recycled.

Negative aspect: Children spend too much time on their smartphones instead of communicating in person with their peers.

Mariya 160 Mariya 161












Mariya 162 Mariya 163












Mariya 164



Responsible persons: Lyubka Dacheva, Mariya Bonova & Mariela Hadzhiyska

Students concerned:   18 students of  6th & 7th grades


Students to acquire new knowledge about the meaning and use of a GPS system and its main characteristics - location, speed and time.                                                 

How you have worked:

The activity was implemented in two stages - theoretical and practical. In the first one, the teacher presented brief information about the main applications of GPS for military and civil purposes, the development of GPS from the beginning in 1973 with the launch of the first satellite, through 1993, when full coverage of the planet was achieved, to this present day.

The work of the students:

The second stage was related to practical activities, in which students went to different locations in the city center and the school yard with the task to determine their location using Google Maps and to share it with others.  All groups then gathered at a pre-marked point on the map. The activity ended with the preparation of presentations in which the students shared what they had learned about the GPS.

Final result:

Students enjoyed themselves and participated actively in the practical part of the activity. They acquired skills to use Google Maps and GPS in a real situation

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

During the activity, we had a discussion about the negative consequences and influence of the huge number of satellites covering the entire Earth orbit on the climate, human health and wildlife.  The conclusion we made is that much more knowledge and improvement of satellite systems is needed to be done to reduce the damage they cause to the life and health of the planet.

Mariya 170Mariya 171












Mariya 173Mariya 174


Responsible persons:  
Mariya Bonova, Atanaska Peneva & Mariela Hadziyska

Students concerned:   17 students of 5th & 7th grades


  • to learn about the creation, functions and significance of the ISS.
  • to be inspired by the idea that when working professionally, in mutual understanding and synchrony, the results are impressive. 
  • To come to the idea of the ISS as a model of a better world.

How you have worked:  
At the beginning of the activity, the IT teacher told the students about the creation and importance of the ISS, what it is and how it works. She also told them about her visit to the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, where they monitored and made a video conference with the ISS .

The work of the students:  
Students were divided into groups and were given different tasks: to make posters, presentations and videos on the topic which they had to present to their classmates. They also discussed the facts that impressed them the most.

Final result:  
Students were greatly impressed by the cooperation, understanding and harmonious relations of astronauts from 15 countries, including the USA and Russia, who live and work on the ISS, united by the common goal of exploring space.  They had fun watching Earth from space through the ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment, courtesy of the ISS.

Interaction  with climate and environment:   
Students realized the importance of the ISS in protecting the climate and life on earth, thanks to the continuous observation and space researches carried out by the astronauts.



Responsible persons: Mariya Bonova, Katya Mitreva & Mariela Hadzhiyska

Students concerned:   21 students of 5th  &  7th grades

Objectives:  Students to learn about the results achieved in space exploration.

How you have worked:  

In the first stage of the activity, students had to search for  information on the Internet, books and magazines related to the key successes of man in space exploration, such as the first scientific achievements in 1957 made by Yuri Gagarin;   the first robot to land on a comet;  the first man to walk on the moon;  the first Hubble Space Telescope; SpaceX; the space mini-robot Philia and others.

The work of the students:  

Students were divided into small teams. Then they chose a topic to work on, to research and select information about it.  They had to summarize the information in posters, presentations and videos.  In the second stage of the activity, they presented the prepared materials to their classmates. Students discussed the things that impressed them the most.

Final result:  Space exploration has always sparked the interest of mankind from ancient times to the present day. The same goes for the students and teachers who took part in this activity.  Many of them continue to read and enrich their knowledge about Space even after the end of the activity.

Interaction with climate & environment:  

Satellite imaging and space exploration give us better understanding of the causes of global warming by providing us with a large body of data to examine the variations in the Earth’s orbit.

Mariya 180Mariya 181












Mariya 182Mariya 184












Mariya 185Mariya 187














Responsible persons:  Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska &  Verka Maratilova 

Students concerned:  17 students of 5th & 7th grades


  • to learn about the progress and future development of the robotization of vehicles and the application of artificial intelligence in them
to show creativity                                                     and research spirit in their work.

How you have worked:  During the first meeting the teacher presented to the students the progress in the field of aircraft with vertical take-off and landing with electric propulsion, autonomous cars, traffic management in "smart cities", the entry of artificial intelligence into all types of transport as a prerequisite for the development of a safe, ecological and efficient environment.

The work of the students:  After the information provided, students, divided into groups, were given the task to make posters, presentations and videos on different topics:  artificial intelligence in the management of air vehicles, autonomous cars, robotization of railway transport, traffic in "smart cities".  They then presented their work to their classmates discussing the things that impressed them the most

Final result:  It was very interesting for the students to present and discuss the future trends in the development of autonomous cars and their vision.  They were really impressed by the flying robotic car "Fast Gazelle" /Sai Ling/, presented at the exhibition in Dubai by the leading Chinese aviation conglomerate (AVIC).

Interaction with climate & environment:  Transport is one of the main polluters of the air and the environment. It was highlighted the importance and necessity of replacing conventional fuels with electric and hybrid energy carriers. Students realized that in the transport industries, the introduction of artificial intelligence and autonomous driving is developing very quickly, and soon the "cars of the future" will be moving in our cities.

Mariya 190Mariya 191











Mariya 192Mariya 193











Mariya 194Mariya 195











Mariya 196Mariya 197











Mariya 198


Responsible persons:  Zhasmina Hadzhiyska  &  Verka Maratilova

Students concerned:  21 stuydents of 5th & 6th grades

Objectives:   - to gain new knowledge about the planets near the Earth and in particular about Mars - mysterious, special and
highly desired as a target in the hearts of space agencies.
- to gather information about the missions carried out and future intentions to establish a human colony on the Red Planet.

How you have worked:  In the first stage of the activity, the teacher played the participants parts of the National Geographic documentary
"Mars", a hybrid format of alternating feature and documentary footage that predicted what life would be like there. After that,
she assigned the students to follow the missions carried out on the Internet - successful and unsuccessful; to gather information about planned future missions and their objectives, now with the participation of robotics and artificial intelligence.

The work of the students:  

In the second stage of the activity, students made presentations and interesting videos about the various missions to Mars and
their results. Participating students presented their work to their classmates, discussions were held in which they shared
what made the strongest impression on them.

Final result:  After the activity, students expanded their knowledge about the Solar System and the planet Mars, improved their teamwork
skills and their skills to summarize and present information.
They improved their competences for working with CapCut video editor program.

Interaction  with climate & envuironment:  Students found information about the dangers that could arise when transporting samples from Mars to Earth and back. Also that there is a very rich array of bacteria and spores that not only survived space travel but reached Mars and began to reproduce and adapt. The problem is that no one can say for sure where their evolution will go, how far it will go, and what danger will arise if it is brought back to Earth.

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Mariya 212Mariya 213











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Mariya 217


Responsible persons:  Verka Maratilova  &  Mariela Hadzhiyska

Students concerned:   19 students of 5th grade

Objectives:   to understand, to be motivated and convinced that climate protection is of primary importance for life on earth and what is the role of robots in it.

How you have worked:   The teacher showed the students different types and applications of robots in the fight against climate change. She also explained how many world organizations with the help of artificial intelligence conduct researches, observations and build warning platforms for natural disasters.

The work of the students:    

Students made presentations on various applications of robotic artificial intelligence in the protection and preservation of the environment and climate. They gave their own ideas for solving climate problems.

Final result:   After the activity, students realized the need to change our thinking and lifestyle so that we can live in harmony and balance with nature.

Interaction with climate and environment:  Students learned about different types of artificial intelligence robots that help people in protecting the environment and climate.

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Mariya 222Mariya 223











Mariya 224Mariya 226


Mariya 230Mariya 231











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Mariya 234












Responsible persons:  Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska

Students concerned:   5th  &  7th grades


 to realize the need of and gain knowledge about new technological advancements related to robotics and artificial intelligence as part of our future. Artificial intelligence and robotics can play an important role not only in economics, finance, healthcare, security, but also in wildlife conservation and fight with the climate change.

How you have worked:   During the first work session, the teacher presented to the students different types and applications of robots in the fight to protect our planet and stop climate change.

The work of the students:  

Students prepared presentations, posters and videos with various applications of robotic artificial intelligence in the protection and preservation of environment and climate.  During the second work session, they presented their work to their classmatess and discussed together their personal position and attitude to the problem.

Final result:  

Students learned that artificial intelligence in symbiosis with human potential can bring positive changes in optimizing and transforming agricultural processes; can be used for observation and protection of entire ecosystems and habitats around the world; to fight with air, soil and water pollution; when sorting and recycling waste; for restoration and reforestation of destroyed areas and to make sustainable energy technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines more efficient.  

Inyteraction with climate and environment:  Students worked on the topic seriously and responsibly, and the results achieved show that they are aware of the need for joint and constant efforts to protect the planet.














Responsible persons:  Mariya Bonova, Zhasmina Hadzhiyska

Students concerned:  22 students of 6th & 7th grades

Objectives:   Students to increase their knowledge of the results achieved in the landing on the planets of the solar system, the moon, space phenomena, comets, large asteroids, black holes.

How you have worked:  Students were divided into teams with the task to searching for information on the Internet, in books and documentaries related to space missions to planets and objects.

The work of the students:  

Students summarized the information and made presentations and videos. They presented space missions to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Mercury.  Special attention was paid to the first male astronaut - Yu. Gagarin and the first female astronaut - V. Tereshkova, as well as to the two Bulgarian astronauts G. Ivanov and Al. Alexandrov.   The presentations made were presented to their classmates in physics & astronomy and English classes, and the videos were projected on the information system at school.

Final result:  Students learned useful and interesting things related to space missions and found out about Bulgaria's contribution to space exploration.

Interaction with climate and environment:   

Students realised how important it is to get to know the galaxy and the planets around us and how important are the Space laws and regularities for the preservation of our planet.

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Mariya 243Mariya 244












Mariya 245Mariya 246














Date de dernière mise à jour : 21/06/2024