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During the Limassol TNM, the distribution of the activities foreseen in the application was carried out between the partners.
The croatian school will be responsible for the following activities:


Tijekom Limassol TNM-a, raspodjela aktivnosti predviđenih u aplikaciji provedena je između partnera.
Hrvatska škola bit će odgovorna za sljedeće aktivnosti:


Granadilla barbara 4 Granadilla barbara 3

















Granadilla barbara 2 Granadilla barbara 1



The objectives:

  • To raise awareness of the importance of robotics, and the development of robotics through the history, present and future of Erasmus+
  •  To present the topic of cooperation in a simple way
  •  To be inspired by the cooperation of schools from 9 countries
  • To express your creativity
  • They feel happy about the results of their work.

Through the application used by the students, the framework of the topic Robotics Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow was divided. After that, we studied                                                                            the robotics chapter by researching on the Internet. Students made presentations and communicated with other students in the school through                                                                             the open application for students of our school.

The work done by the students:

  • They searched the Internet for information about robotics yesterday, today tomorrow.
  • In the Python programming language, they drew robots using codes
  • They studied various publications from other Erasmus collaborations.
  • They exchanged information about robots and the future

The results:

They learned what the European Union and Erasmus+ are.

They investigated the use and their operation

 in our Erasmus collaboration.

They introduced their visual work and explained/justified the choices they made.





They exchanged ideas and learned about the importance of collaboration in a common subject (9 schools - one subject ROBOTICS).

They could freely inspire and create.





Robotics croatia 1 Robotics croatia 2















Robotics croatia 3 Robotics croatia 4













Robotics croatia 5 Robotics croatia 6














Robotics croatia 7
















Our videos :





Objectives :

  • raising awareness of the importance of the cooperation for the Erasmus project
  • inspiration of the cooperation between 9 European Union schools
  • improving research and collaboration skills expressing creativity

The work:

After shortly explaining the topic to the whole class, I choose students who were interested to participate after lessons,                                                                             during their After-School Programme in the library. In the first meeting we talkes about Erasmus+ projects and importance                                                                        about cooperation between schools in EU members courties. Students did they first part of the reaseach from printed                                                                             online articles, and continued with their own reasearch using school tablets. They created PPT presentation with key                                                                          information about the topic. They research about the possible ideas for their own electric (LED) scarf. After making decision                                                              about materials they will use, they sew the LED lights into the fabric and did a small fashion show in the library.

  • Online research about Electric Clothes
  • Making the PPT presentation about the topic
  • Exchanging ideas about their own electric clothing.
  • Choosing materials for LED scarf.
  • Sewing LED lights into the fabric.

Results :

Students made PPT presentation with key information about Electric clothes. They also created they own LED lightable scarf                                                                made of white thin fabric and LED lights.



  • raising awareness of the importance of the cooperation for the Erasmus project
  • inspiration of the cooperation between 9 European Union schools
  • improving research and collaboration skills
  • expressing creativity
  • dealing with challenges of robotic transport

The work:

8th grade students already participaden in the introduction activities of the project so the most interested 3 from                                                                                    one class were able to join this activity during computer lab lessons. In the first meeting we talkes about                                                                                             Erasmus+ projects and importance about cooperation between schools in EU members courties. Students researched                                                                                   the topic online, using previous knowledge. They created PPT presentation with key information about the topic which                                                                              they shared via Microsoft Teams. They did the test flight using the school drone (DJI Mavic Air). First they coded                                                                                               the drone flight in the shape of Christmas tree and used the lines in the school yard as patways for the flight.                                                                                                   Due to the crowd on the flight day, they changed the flight plan and moved the flight to another part of the yard.                                                                                     They also created small package for deliverance which was carried by the drone.

  • Online research about robotics used in trasport of people and cargo.
  • Making the PPT presentation about the topic.
  • Creating simple code of the drone path.
  • Creating package for delivery.
  • Learn how to fly a drone.
  • Test flight with school drone carring package



Students made PPT presentation with key information about robotics used in transport.                                                                                                                                       Test flight on the school yard with drone carring a package was succesful.




The first interplanetary spacecraft (Sputnik in 1958)

Video: .

The objectives : 

The objectives of the activity were the research activities conducted by students regarding the level                                                                                                                     of the technology development leading to the time of the first interplanetary spacecraft.                                                                                                                                They were supposed to learn about super powers, about the motivation behind space travel, and also                                                                                                                 about the achievements which were the consequences of space travel. The outcome was a written interview                                                                                            between a journalist and an imaginary astronaut.

The work :


I gave them a time frame (the period after WWII till 1960s), to think about and to discuss what they know                                                                                                      about life at the time. It involved politics and science in the sense of competition between super powers.                                                                                                    I initiated discussions as to why they think space travel was of interest at the time, and what people might                                                                                                    have thought that they would achieve by launching spacecraft into space. I told them about using reliable                                                                                                   sources and to try to come up with a well-rounded picture of the state of science at that time.


The students participated in the discussion in class, they took notes and noted down questions for further                                                                                            research that was supposed to be done at home. Upon return to class, each of them presented to others                                                                                                      what they learnt to see whether they came up with different or similar information. We made sure                                                                                                          that everything is clear because they needed that background information in order to come up with                                                                                                               an interview between a journalist and an imaginary astronaut who was going to be a member of Sputnik crew.


Robotics croatia 4 1 Robotics croatia 4 2
















Robotics croatia 4 3















 Robotics croatia 4 5Robotics croatia 4 4


















Video:  .

The objectives:

  • to raise the consciousness of the European

Union and Erasmus+ projects

  • to present the project
  •  to introduce the topic
  • to think about the importance of hairdressing devices (past, today, future)

The work:


Firstly, the activity was explained in the framework of the project. After that, we researched the Internet to find out about                                                                                                                                                      all the hairdressing devices. Students made the poster in Canva. We discussed the importance of these devices in everday life.                                                                                                                                                The students had to use these devices for role-playing. At home students talked with their grandparents and next time we discussed                                                                                                                                what people used before for hairstyling. The next lesson was dedicated to the future. We were studying the robots used in hairstyling.                                                                                                                               In the last lesson we summarized everything we discussed : Robotics yesterday, today ... and tomorrow ???


  • they searched on the Internet for various hairdressing devices
  • they made a poster in Canva
  • role-playing
  • interviews at home
  • they exhanged the  ideas of how they could combine robotics and hairstyling in the future

Robotics croatia 5 1 Robotics croatia 5 4














Robotics croatia 5 2 Robotics croatia 5 3








Robotics croatia 5 5Robotics croatia 5 6





Activity made by Irina Krlić


The objective of the activity was for students to do independent research in the domain of « Robotics and climate »,                                                                               but to focus specifically on the use of robots in scientific attempts to improve the situation with the seas and the oceans.

The work:  The students were divided into four groups. Each group was supposed to do specific research : Group A – Can robots reduce the effects of climate change and how ?, Group B – Robotics solutions for climate change ?, Group C – Acquatic robots and Group D – The role of saildrones.  When they returned to the classroom, we created learning stations to exchange the information on what they came up with. We divided the white board into four columns, and noted down the most important facts they learnt. We also  had a discussion on what they think the challenges are, and how the use of robots can improve various aspects of life. Following that activity, I showed them some more links to various websites that deal with the issue for those who want to learn more and we talked about this additional material/information .

The students needed to do their research at home. Upon their return to the classroom, they needed to report to each other (at each learning station) what they learnt, and put together the information on a separate piece of paper in order to be able to report on their findings to the other groups. They needed to pick a person who was going to do the reporting on behalf of the group. After the reporting, we noted down the key points on the board. That was followed by the discussion on problems/challenges they noticed as they were doing the research, and on what they think could be done to improve the situation. 

The final result is a video in which group representatives state the key findings following both the research and the discussions we had in class.

Oceans 1

Oceans 2  Oceans 3


















Oceans 4  Oceans 5











Responsible teacher :  Ratko Johan

Pupils engaged in this activity :  7th grade

Time for this activity:   

End :  30 Fevruary 2023

Number of work sessions, research :

2 sessions to reasarch about robotics and drones in meteorology,

2 sessions to make the presentation,

2 sessions to present in other classes (5th and 6th grade),

2 sessions to fly a drone in different weather

Objectives :  

-to see how robotics was used in the past (origins)

- to see and reasearch how robotics is being used in the present for meteorology

- To see haw it will be used in the future and how it can be used to predict the future when talking about the weather and disasters

- To se how different weather conditions effect drones

How you have worked:  

  • The students gathered with their mentor and various ideas for the creatin of the presentation were laid out.
  • The students researched how robotics is used in meteorology
  • As the topic was a complicated one it was tricky to find correct understandable info
  • The students organized all theirs knowledge in the presentation
  • The students presented in 2 classes and had to use their presentational skills
  • the students shot the final version of the movie
  • Some of the students flew a drone from the first time

The students experimented flying a drone in calm weather and in very windy weather

The work of the students:  

  • The students did this whole project individualy or in groups (planning, researchinf, creating presenting). They were mentored by a teacher.
  • All of the details about the work can be seen in the answer above                                                                                                                                                                  

The result:   

  • The students got new insights into various new technologies that can help us in when trying to predict the weather
  • The students learned about new technological solutions and how robotics can be used
  • They learned how to fly drones
  • They worked on their organizational skills
  • They worked on their presentational skills

Links for videos:



Pictures :

Barbara 1  Barbara 3

















Barbara 2 Barbara 4


















What is done in my school to protect the environment ?

One teacher was responsible of this activity

Students concerned : 17 students from  MYP2 (Grade 7)

Dates of the activity: 

Beginning : 11th April, 2023

End : 25th April, 2023

Number of work sessions, research : 4 block lessons

Objectives:  The objective of the activity was for students to become aware of the steps taken by school authorities so far, as well as of accomplishments by other students via other projects, and of how a campaign for further protection of the environment can be started.

How you have worked: 

I explained to them that they need to think through what is it that they know about the protection of the environment particularly what can be done about it when schools are concerned. I told them to make objective observations about what is being done at our school, and to also consider potential suggestions for the improvements that are possible.

The work done by the students: 

Initially, the students needed to come up with examples individually as to what is it that they noticed is being done at school to protect the environment. Then they were placed in groups to see if they noticed the same things. Afterwards, we made a sketch on the board on how we can make a poster that they could draw on. At that time they came up with ideas as to what could be done to improve the situation, so we made an additional poster and named it « Our school campaign » with ideas the students will present to the school leadership.

Result : 

A big poster showing in drawings what is being done at school, and a separate one on which they wrote suggestions for the school campaign.

Link of a video :

Barbara environ 2  Barbara environ 5










Barbara environ 3 Barbara environ 4
















Barbara environ 6 Barbara environ 7

















Barbara environ 9


















Barbara environ 1





Responsible teacher : Silvana Svetlicic

Students concerned :  6,th, 7th, 8th grade students (all the school students)

Dates of the activity:  

Beginning :  2 february 2023

End :  28  february 2023

Number of work sessions, research :  10 periods x 45’ for 5 days a week

Objectives : 

  • To raise awareness of the importance of robotics, and the development of robotics through the history, present and future of Erasmus+
  •  To present the topic of cooperation in a simple way
  •  To be inspired by the cooperation of schools from 9 countries
  • To express your creativity
  • They feel happy about the results of their work.

How you have worked:  

 Through the application used by the students, the framework of the topic Robotics in film industry was divided. After that, we studied the robotics chapter by researching on the Internet. Students made presentations and communicated with other students in the school through the open application for students of our school.

  • On the Internet wo loock for information about Robotics in film industry
  • They used the Sway application as part of Office 365
  • Using microbits, they assembled the elements
  • They studied various publications from other Erasmus collaborations.
  • They exchanged information about Robotics in film industry
  • They could freely inspire and create.

The work done by the students:  

  • Research                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  • depending on the age, some classes use office 365 (sway or PowerPoint)
  • programmed in scratch Microbit as an example of the possibility of using robots in the film industry
  •  make a presentation
  • present to other students       
  • Final result:
    • They learned what the European Union and Erasmus+ are.   
    •   They exchanged ideas and learned about the importance of collaboration in a common subject (9 schools - one subject ROBOTICS).      
    •      They investigated the use and their operation in our Erasmus collaboration.
    • They introduced their visual work and explained/justified the choices they made

    Link for video

    Barbara film 1 Barbara film 2
















    Barbara film 3 Barbara film 4
















    Barbara film 5 Barbara film 6
















    Barbara film 7Barbara film 8
















    Barbara film 9







Consequences of climate change in our country

Responsible teacher for this activity:  Mirjana Blažičko

Students concerned through this activity:    20 students of 2nd grade


The objective of the activity was for students to do independent research in the domain of « Robotics yesterday, today and tomorrow and climate », but to focus specifically on the consequences of climate change in our country – Croatia. 

Dates of the activity: 

Beginning : 2nd February, 2023

End : 16th February, 2023

Number of work sessions, research : 10


How you have work :      

The students were divided into four  groups. First they had to draw one consequence of climate change in our country.  Then each group was supposed to do specific research about topic, for example disappearance of shells (periska shell) due to too warm sea, fires, foloods,....

  When they returned to the classroom, we created learning stations to exchange the information on what they came up with. We divided the white board into four columns, and noted down the most important facts they learnt.

We also  had a debate on what they think the challenges are and how the use of robots can improve various aspects of life – the thesis was : the consequences of climate change can no longer be influenced. The debate was followed by two 5th grade classes.

Following that activity, I showed them some more links to various websites that deal with the issue for those who want to learn more and we talked about this additional material/information.

The work done by the students:   

The students needed to do their research at home, to do pp presentations or posters for exibition.

 Upon their return to the classroom, they needed to report to each other (at each learning station) what they learnt, and put together the information on a separate piece of paper in order to be able to report on their findings to the other groups. Some of them made ppp and presented the topic in other classes.   They needed to pick a person who was going to do the reporting on behalf of the group. After the reporting, we noted down the key points on the board. That was followed by the discussion on problems/challenges they noticed as they were doing the research, and on what they think could be done to improve the situation.

A group of students made an exibition Climate change in  school hall. They had an interactive lecture in which they explained to the students in an interesting way what they had discovered about the topic

Final result :  

The final result is a video and student’s presentation, debate and school exibition and lecture about the topic.   




Bar mad 1                    Bar mad 2

Bar mad 3                   Bar mad 4

Will you recognize each girl with the following details ?

A : My name is Sara Markus, I am born in Zagreb. I have 2 siblings and I have a talent for public speaking. I am very tall ,I have blue eyes and long hair.

B: My name is Mihaela, I am born in Madrid. I have an older brother and I am very athletic. I am also very tall , I have brown eyes and long brown hair.

C: My name is Sara Zalar, I am half Slovenian. I do not have any siblings and I have a talent for languages. I am quite tall, I have hazel eyes and brown hair.

D: My name is Karla, I am born in Zagreb. I have 2 siblings and i have for musical things. I am not as tall, I have brown eyes and brown hair.


Barbara cathedr 1   Barbara cathedr 2

Barbara cathedr 4  Barbara cathedr 5

Barbara cathedr 6  Barbara cathedr 7

Barbara cathedr 8

The influence of acid rains on the Zagreb Cathedral

Teacher responsible of this activity:  Mirjana Blažičko  

Number of students concerned:    8

Objectives:   The objectives of the activity was for students to do independent research in the domain of "Robotices and climate", but to focus specifically on the influence of acid rainsk on the Zagreb cathedral.


How you have worked: 

The students were divided into four groups. Each group was supposed to do specific research : Group A – About the Cathedral of Zagreb?, Group B – About tithothaonium limestone, where can be found near Zagreb,... ?, Group C – What’s going on with the Cathedral and Group D – Abouth acid rains.  When they returned to the classroom, we created learning stations to exchange the information on what they came up with. We divided the white board into four columns, and noted down the most important facts they learnt. We also  had a discussion on what they think and know about acid rains and about the influence of acid rains on the Zagreb Cathedral.  Following that activity, I showed them some more links to various websites that deal with the issue for those who want to learn more and we talked about this additional material/information .

The work done by the students: 

The students needed to do their research at home. Upon their return to the classroom, they needed to report to each other (at each learning station) what they learnt, and put together the information on a separate piece of paper in order to be able to report on their findings to the other groups. They needed to pick a person who was going to do the reporting on behalf of the group. After the reporting, we noted down the key points on the board. That was followed by the discussion on problems/challenges they noticed as they were doing the research, and on what they think could be done to improve the situation. 

The link of our video :


Barbara cathedr 10  Barbara cathedr 11

Barbara cathedr 12


‘’Trash-monster machine ‘’

Responsible teacher: Marina Bošnjak

Students concerned :  6 of 3th grade

The objectives:  

-To raise awarness about the numerous usages of the importance of waste separation

- encourage creativity, cooperation and logical thinking

-to learn how to apply program to a Lego robot

How you have worked: 

  • The students gathered with their mentor and they discussed the topic of waste sorting.
  • The students listened to the story of the character Sophie who wants an interesting waste sorting bin in her school
  • The students draw their robot bin for waste sorting
  • The students built ‘’Trash-monster machine’’ using a Lego set

The students programmed the robot using word blocks

The work done by students: 

  • The students did this whole project in pairs
  • They were mentored by a teacher. All of the details about the work can be seen in the answer above.

Final result: 

  • The students got new insights into various new technologies that can help us in everyday life and in school.
  • They learned how to use Lego Spike Essential set




They learned how to program Lego robots   by using word blocks


Link of our video :





Barbara cathedr 20  Barbara cathedr 21

Barbara cathedr 22  Barbara cathedr 23

Barbara cathedr 24


Responsible teacher :  BARBARA  CICMAK

Students concerned:  8th grade

The objective of the activity was for students to attempt to change environmental behaviours of younger students and in the immediate surroundings of our school in order to stress the importance of sustainability.

How you have worked : 
I explained to them that there is a need to thoroughtly think through what is it that they know about the protection of the environment, how to best conduct research on improving it, and what needs to be stressed the most in our immediate surroundings.

The work of the students:

The students decided which issues they will deal with, and they needed to find the most efficient way to pass their message on to others. They decided that they would be:

  • Motivating students and teachers to use public transport
  • Motivating all to walk or cycle to school
  • Raise awareness about the need for more to accept vegetarian and/or vegan diet

Final result :

The students created a survey on CO2 emissions.

They also created posters informing everyone on the « Mobility Challenge » they created (motivating students and teachers to walk or bike to school, and to use public transport).

Slika na kojoj se prikazuje tekst, poster, Oglašavanje, pokazati znak

Opis je automatski generiran  Slika na kojoj se prikazuje namještaj, odijevanje, u dvorani, stol

Opis je automatski generiran

Slika na kojoj se prikazuje u dvorani, namještaj, odijevanje, prozor

Opis je automatski generiran  Slika na kojoj se prikazuje tekst, pismo, papir, knjiga

Opis je automatski generiran

Slika na kojoj se prikazuje tekst, pismo, papir, knjiga

Opis je automatski generiran  Slika na kojoj se prikazuje tekst, Tiskanje, papir, knjiga

Opis je automatski generiran


Designing and making different types of recyclable bins/containers for recycling waste

Responsible teacher : Ivana Devernay Cimić

Students concerned: 14 students of 8th grade


- to develop research skills when researching about the classrooms and school environment taking into account the specific needs ofintended users
- to raise awareness about importance of waste separation for recycling and 4R’s principles (Reduse, Reuse, Recycle and Repeair)
- to develop creative thinking and communication skills when drawing own ideas/designs for improving the school environment
- the develop self-organisation and research skills when creating the research plan needed fot the research work (collecting, organising and analysing information)
- to develop critical thinking and communication skills when analyse existing products, investigate and select appropriate construction techniques and tools and properties of materials along with their environmental impact
- to cevelop comminication and creative thinking skills when providing a range of designs, make a plan of production,
- to devleop manual skills when use tools safely and effectively to create their products/solutions
- to develop critical thinking skills when evaluate the product
- to develop menagement skills when promoting waste separation for recycling

How you have worked:

- the teacher guided the students through all stages of the project, giving them clear instructions
- the teacher designed detailed instruction for all project stages (Inquiring and analysing – StageA, Developing ideas – Stage B, Creating the
product – Stage C and Evaluating – Stage D).
- teacher presented and explained how to create the research plan, how to research and write the resources according to Academic honesty policy:
how to draw 3D, isometric view ad orthographic projection with dimensioning; how to create the step by plan; presented the safety rules in working with plywood and jigsaw; how to create check list when evaluating the product

The work of the students:

The students worked through all Design project stages:
The students :
Stage A
- explained and justified the need for a solution to a problem (waste separation and recyclling) according the 4R’s principles (Reduse, Reuse,
Recycle and Repeair)
- constructed a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
- analysed a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem                                                                                                                                                                              - developed a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research
Stage B
- developed design specifications, which outlined the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected
- presented three different feasible design ideas sketched clearly
- presented the chosen design in a 3-D drawing and outlined the main reasons for its selection with reference to each point of the design
- developed accurate orthographic part drawing in a scale and with dimensions for the creation of the chosen solution by creating a parts
(cutting) list
Stage C
- constructed a logical step-by-step plan, which outlined the efficient use of time and resources,sufficient for peers to be able to follow the plan
to create the product
- drew scaled working parts including all necessary dimensions
- demonstrated technical/manual skills when making the product
- followed the plan to create the product
Stage D
- explained the success of the product against every aspect of the design specification based on authentic product testing (Aesthetics,
Function, Manufacturing, Materials, Size)
- based on testing results the students described strengths and weaknesses of the product
- described how the identified weaknesses and limitations of the product could be improved
- The students did this whole project in pairs or in groups of three
- studets were continuously monitored by a teacher
- evidence about the students’ work can be seen in attachment and additional documents

Finbal result:

- In this project the students collaboratively took an active role in improving the school interior, which encourages their sense of belonging.
- The student collaboratively created different school supplies-products needed, primarily recycling bins/boxesfor paper, plastic or aluminum cans

A person embling a box

Description automatically generated  Two girls standing at a table

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Two girls standing next to a table with paint and brushes

Description automatically generated    A couple of kids working on a wood table

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A group of people working on a table

Description automatically generated

A yellow box with a green plant painted on it

Description automatically generated

A blue garbage bag in a hexagon shape

Description automatically generated

A box full of wood

Description automatically generated

A garbage bag on a wood floor

Description automatically generated

A colorful trash can on a wood floor

Description automatically generated

A shelf in a room

Description automatically generated



Sustainable architecture – designing energy efficient house model in 3D software

Responsible teacher :  Ivana Devernay Cimić

Students concerned: 12 students of  7th grade


- to develop research and thinking skills when researching about sustainability, realtionship between architecture and environment and
different building materials
- to raise awareness about importance of designing sustainable architecture
- to develop creative thinking and communication skills when drawing own ideas/designs for improving the school environment
- the develop self-organisation and research skills when doing the research work (collecting, organising and analysing information)
- to develop critical thinking and communication skills when analyse different houses around the world, investigate and select appropriate
   construction techniques and properties of building materials along with their environmental impact                                                                                                                 -  -to develop communication and creative thinking skills when developing design ideas
- to delvelop self-organisation skills when making a plan of creation
- to develop digital skills when drawing the energy efficient house in choosen 3D computer software (Minecraf architecture)
- to develop communication skills when presenting the design solution for the energy efficient house

How you have worked:

  - the teacher guided the students through all stages of the project, giving them clear instructions
- the teacher designed detailed instruction for all project stages (Inquiring and analysing – Stage A, Developing ideas – Stage B, Creating the
product – Stage C).
- teacher designed a lecture for the students and talked about sustainable architecure (location/climate, environment, building materials, isolation, solar panels, wind turbine, water tank, pond with fresh water, urban, fragrant or permaculture garden etc.)
- the teacher demonstreted how to design energy efficient house model in choosen 3D digtial software (in continental, Mediterranean or mountain climate)
- teacher presented and explained draw 3D house in digital software; how to present the final product in public

The work of the students:

The students worked through phases :

The students :
Stage A
- researced about sustainability, architecture around the world (described some typical house  ) and explained how the environment
influenced their design and construction
- described house designs located in different climates (continental, mountain and Mediterranean)
- defined the architectural symbols and floor plan
- rated the energy efficiency of their house/flat
- outlined the main features of an energy efficient house design
Stage B
- describe house style (Mediterranean, continental, mountain, tropical…) fot their house
- defined the region/climate where the house planned to be built in
- defined and explained construction material
- described and explained the roof slope (easily inclined, steep or flat)
- defined the target user (Who is the house for?)
- specified the number of family members
- described the house interior in details
- described the exterior in details (+ garden)
- described the energy-saving features of the house
- defined the size of each room
- specified the ceiling height
Stage C
- researched the programs for 3-D modelling in a Pros camp; Cons List and argumented the choice of the 3-D modelling software
- demonstrated technical skills when designing the energy-efficient house in a 3-D modelling software (e.g. Minecraft)
- created the energy-efficient house, which functioned as intended and was presented appropriately
- described orally the process of designingthe house and its interior in the 3-D modellingsoftware, with a focus on the energy- saving features
- included the screenshots of the key phases of creation and photos/screenshots of the final house
- stated the changes made to the house design and floor plan
- the students did this whole project individualy
- the students were continuously monitored by a teacher                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - evidence about the students’ work can be seen in attachment and additional documents

Final result :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - in this project the students raised awareness  importance of designing sustainable architecture
- the students learnt a lot about energy-saving features and renewable sources of energy
- the students learned renewable energy resource concepts and energy-saving features in the context of sustainable building
- the student individually created energy efficient house design in 3D software


Designing an energy efficient house

Responsible teacher: Linda Zelić

Students concerned: 18 students of 6th grade


This is created as an interdisciplinary unit so that students can fully explore the energy efficiency and ways how to save resources, energy and money right in our home. In Design they investigate the ways in which environment influences the house design and construction along with the energy-saving strategies in house design, In Sciences they study about the forms of energy and the alternative sources of energy. This leads to a strong understanding of how humans are responsible to create changes towards sustainable development. The student’s interdisciplinary task is to design an energy efficient house in a program for 3-D modelling.

How you have worked:

Introduction session:

The students were first introduced with the design situation: ‘International Energy Agency and Ministry of Ecology have designed an energy-efficiency action plan. The plan covers significant energy efficiency improvements andmobilizes investments in energy-efficient buildings. You are an architectspecialized in energy-efficient house designs hired to lead the house constructions.’
Research sessions (Stage A: Inquiring and analysing): Through the structured inquiry, using a variety of primary and secondary sources of information the students were expected to investigate:
- What are the top treasons to be energy efficient?
- How the environment influences the design and construction of
- How can we make our home more energy efficient? – the students talked to their parents, reviewed their energy bills, discussed how
to reduce the bills and make their home more energy efficient
- What are the requirements for building an energy-efficient house?
- What do I need to know to be able to construct a house design plan?
- Which software are used to create 3D models?
The students made a summary of their research findings with the conclusion on ‘What would be the main features of an energy efficient house?’
Drawing (Stage B: Developing ideas):
The students first develop the design specification for a house they are planning to design. They started with the initial concept sketches and
continued with more detailed sketches and annotations. As a result, they drew the house in 3-D along with the scaled and dimensioned floorplan
(blueprint) of the house interior using the architectural symbols.
Designing in the 3-D modelling software (Stage C : Creating the solution):
The students explored some free programs for 3-D modelling, analyse their pros and cons and selected the best option. Then they created a 3D model of an energy efficient house design in the chosen program for 3D modelling.
They presented their house to their classmates and the teacher evaluating its energy-efficient features.

The work of the students:

The students were expected to:

- research about the top reasons to be energy efficient; how the environment influences the design and construction of homes
- investigate the features and benefits of an energy efficient house
- review the energy bills of their homes and rate the energy efficiency of their house/flat
- describe the energy-saving strategies in their house and discus how to make their home more energy efficient
- investigate how to read blueprints and how to recognize architectural symbols
- explore free programs for 3-D modelling, analyse their pros and cons and select the best option
- develop a design specification for an energy efficient house design that they are planning to design
- draw the scaled and dimensioned floor plan (blueprint)
- design an energy efficient house in a program for the 3-D modelling

Final result:

The final results are :
- the evidence of research
- the floorplans
- the house design in a 3-D modeling program


My space travel – imaginary planet

Responsible teacher:  Janja Leščan

Students concerned: 8 students of 1st grade


The objective of the activity was for students to wrote a composition on the topic of space travel. They had to design the
planet themselves, the appearance of the planet, the plants that grow on that planet, sights, animals and some events and
meeting the inhabitants of the planet.

How you have worked:

The students were divided into 2 groups. Group A wrote the composition, group B did the improvisation according to the written composition, and group B rehearsed and acted out the play and made the props.
Students did their assignments at school according to predetermined guidelines.

The work of the students:

The students needed to do their research planets at home. Upon their return to the classroom, they needed to report to each what
they learnt, and put together the information. They chose students who will act out their journey to the imaginary planet and compare the conditions of life on Earth with their new conditions and explain how to apply robotics in the new eco- system.

Final result:

The final result is a play about possible life in a new eco-system and ways of applying robotics in everyday life.


Impact of climate change on flora (orchids) and fauna (ambhibians) in Plitvice National Park

Responsible teacher: Barbara CICMAK

Students concerned:   12 students of 8th grade


The objective of the activity was for students to do independent research in the domain of « Robotics yesterday, today and tomorrow and climate », but to focus specifically on the consequences of climate change in our country – Croatia.The impact of climate change on flora (orchids) and fauna (ambhibians) in Plitvice National Park.

How you have worked:

Before the trip to the Plitvice lakes the students were separated into two groups. One group was researching about amphibians (where they live, time of mating, all about their life). The second group was researching about the flora (orchids) of the beautiful park.This investigation will be done in 3 hours.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              In the second stage of the project, students came to Plitvička Jezera, and were separated back to their original groups joining the workers of the park. The first group helped the workers to pick up injured amphibians that are in the middle of the road. The second group, helped the other set of workers to take pictures of endangered orchids.

The work of the students:

The students needed to do their research. They needed to report to each other what they learnt, and put together the information on a
separate piece of paper in order to be able to report on their finding.                                                                                                                                                                          That was followed by the discussion on problems/challenges they noticed as they were doing the research, and on what they think could be done to improve the situation.

Final result:

Find a way to help amphibians to cross the road safely in NP


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Date de dernière mise à jour : 10/06/2024
