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During the Limassol TNM, the distribution of the activities foreseen in the application was carried out between the partners.
The portuguese school will be responsible for the following activities:


Durante o Limassol TNM, foi realizada a distribuição das atividades pretendidas no aplicativo entre os parceiros.
A escola portuguesa será responsável pelas seguintes atividades:


Granadilla annamaria 7 Granadilla antonio 6












Granadilla antonio 5Granadilla antonio 3













Granadilla antonio 2 Granadilla antonio 1



Teacher responsible:    DANIEL CALDEIRA

Students concerned:  32 students of 8th & 9th grade

Activity done from April 2023 to  September 2023

Objectives:   To learn about various uses of drones nowadays

How you have worked:   
The students had the chance to choose which subjet to study and then after individual investigation did their work choosing the format for it.

The work done by the students:  


Preparation of a written work


Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that can be piloted over long distances by electronic means, whether or not they require human intervention.

Drones can be used civilly or militarily, their main function being aerial photography, aerial videography or even for fun. In their military role, they can be used for different types of missions, such as reconnaissance and surveillance of certain areas or even carrying out attacks.

Public consultation launched - Drone Strategy 2.0 - for a smart and  sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe | EASA  NOVOS DRONES DA FORÇA AÉREA PORTUGUESA EM MISSÃO - YouTube

Not counting the more common civil uses, drones can be used for many things, such as for rescue in difficult to access places, disaster areas (in floods, landslides, collapses, fires, etc.), as they transmit images and videos in real time, so contributing to the success of these missions. Another possible way to use drones is in agriculture to quickly identify pests, crop failures and soil droughts.

Tecnologia drone em agricultura de precisão. DJI AGRICULTURE | Grupo Acre  Portugal




Teacher responsible:    MARTA RODRIGUES

Students concerned :  32 students of 8th & 9th grade

Activity done in April 2023


To provide a summarized approach to the various uses of robotics in exploration of Universe

How you have worked: 
The students had the chance to choose which subjet to study and then after individual investigation did their work choosing the format for it.

The work of the students:  investigation

                                                           written work

Result:   document

Nowadays,advances in technology are becoming greater and more important.

Such as robots that are used in various areas and in various scientific discoveries today, such as

the exploration of the universe.

The 20th century was a century of great innovation and great scientific discoveries that allowed the
development of technological resources that allowed space expansion. Today, space can be explored using
various technologies, such as: artificial satellites, space probes, telescopes, manned
spacecraft and space shuttles, space stations and even space exploration robots.

The exploration of space has always been a source of great fascination for humanity.

Space exploration is the set of human efforts to explore space and its celestial bodies. While the
study of stars is carried out mainly by astronomers using materials, the physical exploration of space
is carried out both by unmanned robotic probes and by manned space flights. 

An example of this technology is the creation and testing of a snake-like robot called EELS. This project is a testament                                                                                                                                            to humanity's insatiable desire to explore the unknown, inspired by the
possibility of descending through geological vents on the moon.

Antonio robot 1  Antonio robot 2


Teacher responsible :   NICOLE ANDRADE

Students concerned :  32 students of 8th & 9th grade

How to maintain quality by reducing component siz.

These components are used to amplify electrical signals to generate
electric power. The functioning of these components can be done like an
AC circuit within electronic devices to protect from voltage and
enhanced power. This miniaturization and integration capability
contribute to the development of smaller, more powerful electronic
devices. MOSFETs exhibit excellent noise immunity, making them
suitable for high-performance analog and digital circuits. Electronics
have a profound impact on various aspects of modern society and
culture, such as communication, entertainment, education, health care,
industry, and security.

Antonio robot 3  Antonio robot 7







Antonio robot 4 Antonio robot 5











Antonio robot 6 Antonio robot 8


Teacher responsible :   BERNARDO DUARTE

Students co,ncerned:  32 students of 8th & 9th grade

To learn about various uses of robots in protecting the quality of the environment

Antonio environ 1












Antonio environ 2











Antonio environ 3 Antonio environ 4







Antonio environ 5













Antonio environ 6






Antonio environ 7











Antonio environ 8  Antonio environ 9


Teacher responsible:   MARIANA VIVEIROS

Students convcerned: 8th & 9th grade

To provide a summarized approach to the various uses of robotics in preventing climate change.


Robotics plays a key role in the fight for climate! Robots can be used to collect environmental data in hard-to-reach                                                                                                                                              areas such as polar regions or dense forests. They can monitor air quality, soil temperature and ecosystem
health, providing valuable information to scientists, such as creating a "sloth robot".
Suspended in a network of cables to cover large areas, the robot only moves to collect data when it detects environmental                                                                                                                      variations, such as changes in time or the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Or it can be
programmed to crawl slowly through the cables, like the sloth that gives it its name, without scaring the residents of                                                                                                                                            the area, which he may be trying to observe.In addition to following the rhythm of nature, The fact that the
robot does not shake all the time unnecessarily means that it spends verylittle energy. The energy is supplied by batteries,                                                                                                                recharged by a small photovoltaic panel, which allows the robot to stay in the environment for
long periods of time without maintenance.

Antonio climat 1 Antonio climat 2








The automation of industrial processes through robotics can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, optimizing energy efficiency                                                                                                         and minimizing waste. With robotics, we are advancing the search for sustainable solutions to meet climate challenges. A robot is                                                                                                                able to calculate how much people emit carbon from everyday activities, such as turning on the light, eating and traveling.                                                                                                                      Named SustenBOT, the initiative aims to draw attention to the impact that these activities generate on the planet and make the                                                                                                    population aware of the risks of climate change.

Antonio climat 3













Scientists are developing robots that can help fight forest fires, monitor the health of the oceans, and even remove plastics                                                                                                                        from aquatic environments. These promising technologies have the potential to make a big difference in preserving our planet.


Teacher responsible:   FÁTIMA LOPES

Students concerned: th & 9th grade


To provide a summarized approach to the various uses of robotics 

in everyday life in various areas from domestic to the most advanced science.


Antonio life 1

















Antonio life 2




Robotics is the science that studies technologies such as                                                                                                                                                robots, automatic mechanisms used to carry out human                                                                                                                                              activities and movements, with wide application in industrial                                                                                                                                      production, medicine and domestic activities.













Antonio life 3​​​​​​​



• Robotics is becoming practically mandatory for most logistics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     companies, robots help with shipping, maintenance and quality                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          control in more developed companies, thus maximizing time                                                                                                               





Antonio life 4​​​​​​​



With the growth of the internet, robots are now part of people's homes.                                                                                                             The most common are automatic vacuumcleaners, but there are other,                                                                                                                developed forms. 









Antonio life 5​​​​​​​



Robots have made major advances in the healthcare industry,                                                                                                                                     fromperforming assisted surgeries to robots helping humans                                                                                                                                     recoverfrom physical therapy injuries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  













Teacher responsible : TOMAS AZEVEDO

Students  concerned: 8th & 9th grade

Objectives:  To describe some robots that make history in cinema.


Antonio robots 1



R2-D2 is a small astromech droid from the Star Wars franchise.                                                                                                                                He is known for his loyalty and bravery, often helping the main                                                                                                                                  characters in their adventures. His design’s simple yet functional,                                                                                                                            with a cylindrical body and a dome-shaped head. He is painted in                                                                                                                             white and blue, with various panels and buttons on his body for                                                                                                                               different functions.







Antonio robots 2​​​​​​​




Wall-E is a garbage-collecting robot from the movie of the same                                                                                                                              name. He is characterized by his curiosity and love for his companion,  Eve.                                                                                                      His design is inspired by industrial machines, with a boxy body                                                                                                                                and treads for movement. He’s painted in rusty and worn colours,                                                                                                                          with various tools and gadgets attached to his body for his job as a                                                                                                                        trash compactor.





Antonio robots 3​​​​​​​




The T-800 is a cyborg assassin from the Terminator franchise.                                                                                                                                     He is known for his strength and durability, as well as his ability                                                                                                                               to mimic human behavior. His design is menacing and metallic,                                                                                                                                   with a bulky body and glowing red eyes. He’s equipped with                                                                                                                                         various weapons and gadgets, including a plasma rifle and                                                                                                                                           a grenade launcher.


Teacher responsible:   LUANA LOBREGA

Students concerned:  8th & 9th grade

To present some robots that are part of  science fiction mostly in cinema history.


We all like movies and a good movie is science fiction, with advanced technologies, robots.  I will give the example of a striking                                                                                                                 and threatening robot, "The Terminator", benefiting from not needing to show its emotions. The killing machine sent to the                                                                                                                    future to kill Sarah Connor, this one has a human form hiding its threatening and incredible robotic physiognomy.

The most popular and fun robot duo in fiction could not be left out. The two are great symbols of the Star Wars franchise,                                                                                                                            the strongest in the history of science fiction, and are, alongside Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, the only characters to
appear in all six films (and everything indicates that they will also be in the seventh). 3PO is a robot diplomat fluent in                                                                                                                                  more than 6 million languages and dialects, while R2 is an android responsible for aircraft maintenance and navigation,                                                                                                                                     but who proves to be a true hero, always bringing solutions to free other characters from dangerous situations.

and with this i conclude that technologies go far beyond what we imagine. Robotics is incredible and we can use it to our
advantage. whether for our health, environmental reasons, leisure, etc.

Antonio sc fic 1















Antonio sc fic 2



Teacher responsible :  DIOGO  MENDOCA

Students concerned: 8th & 9th grade

How robots can help the transport industry


Antonio transp 1















Antonio transp 2




Antonio transp 3





Antonio transp 4








Antonio transp 5






Antonio transp 6




Antonio transp 7




























Antonio transp 8




Antonio transp 9








Antonio transp 10 Antonio transp 11


Teacher responsible :  LEANIA FREITAS

Students concerned: 8th & 9th grade

To know about several space missions to Mars


Space missions to Mars

Several space missions to Mars have been done in the past, the main goal
of these missions is to investigate if Mars actually has the habitable
conditions to support life, since it is the only planet known so far, other
than Earth, that could possibly be suitable for living beings.
The first spacecraft to get to Mars successfully was NASA’s Mariner 4, that                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  was launched in 1964 and arrived in 1965.

Of all the space missions targeted at Mars (50 in total, including the

unsuccessful ones), the operators so far have been:
▪ NASA, the United States
▪ The Soviet Union (that no longer exists)
▪ Rosaviakosmos, Russia
▪ ISAS, Japan
▪ ESA, European State Agency
▪ The United Kingdom (with ESA)
▪ CNSA, China
▪ ISRO, India
▪ MBRSC, The United Arab Emirates.
The most recent mission to Mars was operated by the United States, the
spacecraft was launched in July 2020 and landed in February 2021.

NASA: Rover Curiosity macht „faszinierende“ Entdeckung auf dem Mars ...

A couple science instruments used by NASA for missions to Mars:

Antonio mars 1 Antonio mars 2









Robotics and space missions to Mars Obviously, technology and robotics play a big part when it comes to space missions                                                                                                                                     to Mars since they are used in the creation of rovers and equipment used for the missions. Mars exploration rovers                                                                                                                                    (space exploration) A rover is a planetary surface exploration robot constructed to land on other planets. They have                                                                                                                                         been used in Mars, can take pictures, and collect information about the planet by, for example, taking crust samples.       

                                                  Some of NASA’S robots used in space missions to Mars:

Antonio mars 3 Antonio mars 4












Antonio mars 5











                                                                               Images of landscapes in Mars taken by rovers

Antonio mars 6 Antonio mars 7









Antonio mars 8 Antonio mars 9











Teacher responsible :   ALIX BETANIA SILVA

Students concerned : 8th & 9th grade


To describe the arrival of the Man to the Moon   and learn about some of the most significant missions for the discovery of space

Result :

Trips to the moon from 1957 to 1969.

Antonio lune 1
















November 1957 - Sputnik is a spacecraft launched under the Soviet space program. "Sputnik 1", "Sputnik 2" and                                                                                                                                          "Sputnik 3" were the official Soviet names of those objects, and the remaining designations in the series ("Sputnik 4"                                                                                                                                             and so on) were not official names but names applied in the West to objects whose original Soviet names may not                                                                                                                                          have been known at the time. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite to go into orbit, launched 4 October 1957 and                                                                                                                                 Sputnik 2 was the first spacecraft to carry a living animal (the dog Laika) into orbit, launched 3 November 1957.

Antonio lune 2 Antonio lune 3










Antonio lune 4









December 1957 - Kaputnik America's first attempt to launch a satellite ends in America's humiliation.                                                                                                                                                                      The rocket, built by the US Navy, exploded on the launch pad. The press dubbed this attempt "Kaputnik."

January 1958 Explorer I was the first satellite launched by the United States in 1958. They launched                                                                                                                                                                     this satellite in response to the launch of Sputnik I and Sputnik II by the Soviet Union, thus beginning                                                                                                                                                                         the space race, closely related to the Cold War. It was the first spacecraft to detect the Van Allen radiation                                                                                                                                                            belts. The Van Allen Belt is a region where several atmospheric phenomena occur due to concentrations                                                                                                                                                                     of particles in the Earth's magnetic field.

May 1958Vanguard I On May 17, 1958, NASA launched Vanguard 1 into orbit, the first satellite powered                                                                                                                                                             by solar energy and an important victory for the United States in the space race. The considerably bigger                                                                                                                                                               Sputnik satellites fell out of orbit and burned up on their return to Earth in 1958, while Vanguard 1 is still                                                                                                                                                                  in space. To this day it is still the oldest artificial satellite in space and it is estimated that it will continue                                                                                                                                                                               in orbit for around 240 more years.

December 1958 - SCORE On December 18, 1958, NASA scored its first real goal during the Space Race                                                                                                                                                                     by launching the first telecommunications satellite into orbit.

Antonio lune 5 Antonio lune 6









                                                   Explorer 1







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                                        Vanguard 1

September 1959 – Luna 2 of the USSR became the first terrestrial object to impact the Moon.

April 1961 - Vostok 1 The Soviet Union sends the first man into space. Yuri Gagarin took off                                                                                                                                                                                                from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and orbited the Earth in 108 minutes.

June 1963 – Vostok 3 Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space on a mission                                                                                                                                                                       that would last 3 days and during which she completed 48 laps around the Earth.

March 1965 - Voskhod Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov, who was traveling aboard Voskhod 2, became the first                                                                                                                                                        human being to perform a spacewalk by staying outside the ship he shared with cosmonaut Pavel Belyayev                                                                                                                                                                  for 12 minutes.

December 1968 – Apollo 8 On December 21, 1968, the first human space flight around the Moon took place.                                                                                                                                                           It is also the first human space flight to enter the gravitational influence of another celestial body.                                                                                                                                                                                His crew was the first in history to see the far side of the Moon, as well as the first to observe the Earth from                                                                                                                                                          our satellite.

July 1969 – Apollo 11 was the fifth manned mission of the United States Apollo Program and the first in history                                                                                                                                                        to land a human being on the Moon. The Apollo spacecraft of the mission was sent into space on July 16, 1969,                                                                                                                                                        it landed on the moon on July 20 of that same year and the next day two astronauts (Armstrong and Aldrin)                                                                                                                                                       became the first to walk on the lunar surface. This trip is considered one of the most significant moments in                                                                                                                                                  human history. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin spend two hours on the Moon's surface collecting rocks                                                                                                                                                       and setting up observation equipment. On July 24, the astronauts achieved a perfect splashdown in the waters                                                                                                                                                     of the Pacific Ocean, ending the mission.

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Responsible teacher:  MARTA RODRIGUES  &   TIAGO TEIXEIRA

Students concerned: 8TH AND 9TH GRADE

Objective of the activity: To provide a summarized approach to the various uses of robotics in exploration of Universe.   
To learn a little more about the  the utilization of robots for the exploration of planetary surfaces

How you have worked: The students had the chance to choose which subjet to study and then after individual investigation did their work choosing the format for it.

The work done by the students: Preparation of a written workInvestigation

Final result: Document Word

Machines intended for the exploration of planetary surfaces

Today, space can be explored using technologies like artificial satellites, space probes, telescopes, manned spacecraft and space shuttles,
space stations and even space exploration robots.  And thats the theme of my work.

Why do we use that machines?

Artificial Satellites and other machines are equipment created by man with the aim of exploring the Universe.
They are launched into space using unmanned rockets that orbit the planets, other satellites or the Sun, being used to further study the solar system.



Teacher responsible:   MARTIM CAMARA

Students concerned:  32 students of  8TH AND 9TH GRADE

Objective:  To learn about the history of robotics

The woek done by the students:    Investigation. Preparation of a written work

Robotics yesterday

A robot is an electromechanical device, or group of devices, capable of carrying out work autonomously or pre-programmed.                                                         Robots are commonly used to perform tasks in poorly lit places, or to perform tasks that are dirty or dangerous to humans.                                                Mechanism whose command is automatically controlled.

Robots have a long history, starting with simple machines created in ancient times to automate tasks. In the18th century, mechanical
automatons appeared. The 20th century saw significant advances in industrial robotics. Today, robots are constantly evolving,
playing roles in various industries and even in everyday life, with virtual assistants and autonomous robots.

Name: Martim Ferreira Câmara

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Responsible of the activity:   DINIS CANDELÁRIA

Students concerned:  32 students of  8th  &  çth grade

 Objective:   To know a little about te International Space Center

What has been the final result ? a power point

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Responsible of the activity:   ADRIANA AZEVEDO

Students concerned:  32 students of 8th  &  9th grade

Objective:   To present several utilizations of Robot in Medicine

Robot surgeons

What is robotic surgery?
Robotic surgery or robot-assisted surgery is a type of surgery where the doctor manipulates a robot, which makes incisions and resections, using a joystick console.

What does a robotic surgeon do?
Robotic surgery allows doctors to perform many types of complex procedures with more precision, flexibility and control than is possible with conventional techniques. Robotic surgery is generally associated with minimally invasive surgery – procedures performed through small incisions.

What surgeons use robots?
Robotic-assisted surgery is offered in several specialties, including gastrointestinal,cardiothoracic, gynecologic oncology, otolaryngology (head and neck) and urologic surgery.
What are the benefits of robotic surgeons?
Robotic surgery offers numerous benefits, including:
• Reduction of postoperative pain;
• Less blood loss;
• Minor scars;
• Greater precision for more precise joint replacements;
• Faster recovery;
• Shorter hospital stay;
• Less risk of infection.

What are the disadvantages of robotic surgeons?
The main disadvantages are the cost of the technology and the unavailability of the robot in many cities. The patient often needs to travel to undergo surgery.

Does robotic surgery have a future?
In the future, we can expect similar rapid innovations in robotic surgery.
Advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and imaging technologies will likely lead to even moreprecise and effective robotic surgery

Can a robot replace a surgeon?
Absolutely, but only in conjunction with highly advanced robotics. The empathy,, insight, and inventiveness that surgeons bring to their work will never be fully replaced by machines. Robots have advanced significantly in recent years, helping patients heal from injuries and assisting surgeons during operations.

Is robotic surgery expensive?
The initial average costs per case were higher with the robotics group ($25,593 compared with $16,495), but after two years, the average cost per patient undergoing robotic prostatectomy declined to a level below that of open surgery ($14,481).

Can robotic surgery go wrong?
The complications are usually due to hemorrhage caused by laceration. Other  reported complications include injury to surrounding tissue, and serious injury (including blindness) related to prolonged surgery.
Are you awake during robotic surgery?
General anesthesia is typically required for robotic surgeries, to avoid movements.

Work done by:
Adriana Azevedo

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Responsible person(s) for this activity 


Other person involved in the activity 


Person outside the school involved in the  activity


Class(es) of students concerned 


Number of students concerned 


Dates of the activity (beginning & end) 

Beginning : December 23 

End : May 24 

Number of work sessions, research : -

What were the objectives of the activity? 

To know different paths to arrive at an independent energy  autonomy.

Have the objectives been met? 


If your answer is no, why haven't you  achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked. 

The students had the chance to choose which subjet to study and  then after individual investigation did their work choosing the  format for it.

Explain the work done by the students 


Preparation of a written work


What has been the final result ?

PDF Document




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Responsible person(s) for this activity 


Other person involved in the activity 


Person outside the school involved in the  activity


Class(es) of students concerned 


Number of students concerned 


Dates of the activity (beginning & end) 

Beginning : December 23 

End : May 24 

Number of work sessions, research : -

What were the objectives of the activity? 

To know exemples of sustainables companiesand how they work.

Have the objectives been met? 


If your answer is no, why haven't you  achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked. 

The students had the chance to choose which subjet to study and  then after individual investigation did their work choosing the  format for it.

Explain the work done by the students 


Preparation of a written work


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Responsible person(s) for this activity 


Other person involved in the activity 


Person outside the school involved in the  activity


Class(es) of students concerned 


Number of students concerned 


Dates of the activity (beginning & end) 

Beginning : December 23 

End : May 24 

Number of work sessions, research : -

What were the objectives of the activity? 

To know how robots can help the firefighters

Have the objectives been met? 


If your answer is no, why haven't you  achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked. 

The students had the chance to choose which subjet to study and  then after individual investigation did their work choosing the  format for it.

Explain the work done by the students 


Preparation of a written work

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Date de dernière mise à jour : 25/06/2024
