Responsible person(s) for this activity Verónica Guerrero Ferrer Other person involved in the activity -
Person outside the school involved in the activity -
Class(es) of students concerned 2nd Grade Number of students concerned Around 23 students
Dates of the activity (beginning & end) Beginning: 18/12/2023 End: 20/12/2023
Number of work sessions, research: 3
What were the objectives of the activity?
The goal of the activity was to reflect about the importance of recycling, reusing and the utilities of a robot in our daily life.
Explain how you have worked. In the first place, we started the session talking about robots, what the students know about them, what robots can do, what robots are made of, etc. Then I asked them how they think we could make our own robot with products that we use in our daily life. They started to give some ideas and we conclude to reuse recyclable materials such us: briks, paper, plastic bottles…Kids and myself brought some materials from home to work with. Afterwards, they designed what their robot would look like on a piece of paper. They shared their pictures and ideas with the rest and agreed on how the robot would be; they started to build the robot with the materials we had already collected previously and finally to decorate it.
Explain the work done by the students The students interacted with each other in big group sharing their ideas between robots and reusing materials. They Attachments : Add pages if you insert photos. Provide a link if you made a video. individually drew the picture of a robot, agreed on how the robot should look and then joined the pieces to build it. For the process of joining the pieces they worked in pairs and taking turns with my guidance and support.
What has been the final result ? The result was great, students enjoyed the activity from the beginning, since robots was a topic quite motivating for them. Also they were excited about the process of assembling the pieces of the robot and the decoration. They have realized how important and useful recycling can be.
Interaction between activity and environment and climate. Positive aspects It has been very positive for the kids to reflect about the importance of recycling and reusing and to realize how it is possible to do it with simple steps. As a negative aspect of robotization nowadays, we could highlight that the automatization provide by robots and different technological machines can make humans life too comfortable and push humans to be less mentally and physically active.