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During the Limassol TNM, the distribution of the activities foreseen in the application was carried out between the partners.
The Italian school will be responsible for the following activities:


Durante el Limassol TNM, la distribución de las actividades previstas en la aplicación se llevó a cabo entre los socios.
La escuela de español será responsable de las siguientes actividades:


Granadilla guill 12  Granadilla guill 11















Granadilla guill 10  Granadilla guill 9















Granadilla guill 8 Granadilla guill 7
















Granadilla guill 5 Granadilla guill 1 5

















Granadilla guill 6  Granadilla guill 1 4
















Granadilla guill 1 3 Granadilla guill 1 2


The main objective was to give visibillity to the Erasmus world and explain the different projects we are carrying out related to Erasmus. In addition, we wanted our students were familiar with Erasmus. They could get an idea of what we do, how they can participate and why is important.   We made an event, with our Erasmus coordinator explaining all the important issues about Erasmus.

 VIDEO OF THE EVENT: ERASMUS DAYS In this event, we had:

                                                                                      - Presentation of Erasmus and Erasmus Days.

                                                                                      - Video-show of mobilities

                                                                                      - Real Erasmus experiences: former students from our school talked about their experience in Erasmus.

                                                                                       - Erasmus Logo Contest. We presented a contest to design a logo for our KA220 Erasmus project.

                                                                                       - Questions from our students.   

Our students attended the event, watching videos about mobilities and also real experiences by our former students participants in Erasmus. They will participate in the Erasmus Logo Contest we presentend in the event. Finally, they had time to ask as many questions as they wanted to know about Erasmus, mobilities, participants, and other topics.  

The final result: It was very positive. Most of the students could have a global vision about Erasmus, and they could understand the importance of the projects we are developing at the school. They showed a great interest in participate in the mobilities and in the activities.

In this event, we explained the topic of our project taking into account the relation between robotics and environment.

Ten eras day 1  Ten eras day 20








Teneras day 3  Teneras day 4










Tenerife detect game 1  Tenerife detect game 3















Tenerife detect game 4  Tenerife detect game 5















Tenerife detect game 6  Tenerife detect game 7















Tenerife detect game 2

Machines intended for the exploration of planetary surfaces

The objectives:

The main objective of this activity was to let our students know about different robots working in the exploration of planetary surfaces.                                                                                                            We worked with different robots and our students could study and see how important they are.

The work:

First of all, we showed them on the digital screen different robots that work on the planetary surfaces.                                                                                                                                                                                  After that, we focus on few of them such as Puffer, Opportunity, Curiosity... Then, they searched on the                                                                                                                                                                            internet information about these robots. They started to create a poster with some information about                                                                                                                                                                                      each robot. Then, they explained to the rest of classmates.

Firstly, they watched the information about robots. Secondly, they searched information with tablets.                                                                                                                                                                      Robotics yesterday, today ... and tomorrow ??? Robotics, a social influencer for a better life and a better world ?                                                                                                                                                               Title of the activity : Machines intended for the exploration of planetary surfaces Co financed by the EU Attachments :                                                                                                                                         Finally, they created a poster about each robot and explained their functions, work done on the planetary surface and so on.


They could learn about the work these robots do on the planetary surface and its importance.

Robotic spain machines 1 Robotic spain machines 2















Robotic spain machines 3 Robotic spain machines 4









Robotic spain machines 5



The main objective was to raise awareness of the help robots provide in our daily lives, especially for firefighters.                                                                                                                                                               We talked about the functions of firefighters and how they need machines for a more efficient work, in this case, robots.

The work:

First, during the class session, we brainstormed what activities the students were aware of that firefighters do. Starting from                                                                                                                                   that main idea, we projected a very simple presentation about these functions of firefighters and also their equipment.                                                                                                                                               Then, we watched several videos of some robots used by Robotics yesterday, today... and tomorrow??? Robotics, a social                                                                                                                                  influencer for a better life and a better world ? Title of the activity : ROBOTS HELP FIRETFIGHTERS. Co financed by                                                                                                                                                   the EU Attachments : Add pages if you insert photos. Provide a link if you made a video. firefighters either to put out fires                                                                                                                                         or to save people in sinkholes and natural disasters. Finally, we propose a creative and imaginative activity to the students.

The students listened to the explanations and asked the questions they had. Finally, the pupils had the task of drawing their                                                                                                                                own firefighter robot after being shown several examples and they had to present their robots to their classmates by answering                                                                                                                       the questions on the worksheet.


The activity has been very positive for the students. They have learned a lot about robots and their usefulness for firefighters today.                                                                                                                 They have also shown a lot of interest and have actively participated in all the activities proposed throughout the session.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate. Positive aspects

In this task we took into account the relationship between robotics and the environment, in the sense that it is important                                                                                                                                        to extinguish a fire as soon as possible so that it does not spread and devastate thousands of hectares. This is possible thanks to robots.


Robotics spain fire 1 Robotics spain fire 3













Robotics spain fire 2











Robotics spain fire 4 Robotics spain fire 5













Robotics spain fire 6 Robotics spain fire 7














Robotics spain fire 8 Robotics spain fire 9















Robotics spain fire 10 Robotics spain fire 11















Robotics spain fire 12 Robotics spain fire 13








Robotics spain fire 14 Robotics spain fire 15




The main objectives were to differentiate: - what's robot? - how can we differentiate it from a person? -what are the three laws                                                                                                                               that must be fulfilled to know when we are dealing with a robot? - what are the main parts of the body of a robot taking as                                                                                                                                reference some images projected as children's models of robots.

The work:

-First we presented the topic of the lesson, robots.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Then we started a dialogue to talk about their previous ideas on the topic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - We worked with a digital presentation to emphasize the proposed objectives.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -We continue offering some models of robots.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -Finally, we offered to the kids some pieces to start to create their personal robots.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - We finished talking about their achieved goals.

-First we talked about robots. We start with a dialogue established with the contributions of each of the students and previous ideas of them.                                                                                              -Then we worked with a digital presentation in which the outlined objectives were emphasized.                                                                                                                                                                                                   -We continue offering some models of robots to differentiate their main body parts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -Finally, in teams, each group of four created a different robot from individual pieces of the body parts. Once they were finished,                                                                                                                      they shared them and compared them with the models offered, seeing if they had progressed according to the previous ideas they had.

The result:

It was very positive. At the end of the activity kids got two simple models of different robots created by themselves, starting from                                                                                                                     zero and paying attention to the main body parts of a robot analyzed. They showed great motivation.

In this lesson we focused on the explanation of the topic of our project. We delve into the relation between robotics and their help                                                                                                                       in our daily life, and the importance of some robots in terms of the environment.


Robotic spain wiar 1 Robotic spain wiar 20






Robotic spain wiar 3 Robotic spain wiar 5







Robotic spain wiar 6 Robotic spain wiar 7








Robotic spain wiar 8  




The objectives:

• To show the students what a robot is and its basic parts .
• To get the students familiar with the most famous robots
in movies.
• To inspire the students to colour a movie poster about famous robots.

The work:

The setting chosen is the 1st grade classroom.

First, the teacher asked the students what a robot is and what its main parts are.
Second, the teacher showed the students three movie posters about famous robots : Star Wars, Short Circuit and Wall-e.
Third, the whole class watched a short video about three famous movies.
Last, the teacher explain to the students two tasks :
Movie Poster puzzle and colour your own movie poster.

In the first session, the students watched the short video clips about the movies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   After that, the students, in small groups, completed a puzzle having the main poster of a film as a reference.
Individually, the students colour their own movie poster about the Star Wars robots : R2D2, C-3P0 and BB-8
In the second session, the students completed their prevIous works and colour their own movie poster about Wall-e and EVE.

The result:

It was very positive. In general, the students enjoyed talking about robots, watching the video clips and doing the activities
proposed about famous robots in cinema.
At the end of the activity, two of the sudents works were displayed in the main corridor of the shool.

Wall-e, the robot, was a perfect example of robotics and its positive influence on the environment.

When presenting the short video clip and the movie poster about Wall-e, the students, as a whole class discussed the
importance of taking care of the environment.

Robotics spain cine 1 Robotics spain cine 2







Robotics spain cine 3 Robotics spain cine 4









Robotics spain cine 5 Robotics spain cine 7









Robotics spain cine 8 Robotics spain cine 9








Robotics spain cine 10


Objective:  it was approaching our students to the topic of the title in a relaxed and funny way.

The work: the first day (12-12-22), I asked the students about the topic.

                        the second day: I brought them difital devices so they could investigate them

                       The students worked by pairs. They had to investigate about their favorite robot in science fiction and

                       they had to prepare as well a little discourse to share it with their classmates.

                       After writing a brief discourse, they read it to their classmates what they had found.

The result: the students learned about different robots and some of them developed a new interest in robotics.


Robotics spain sc fic 1  Robotics spain sc fic 3









Robotics spain sc fic 4  Robotics spain sc fic 5









Robotics spain sc fic 7









Robotics spain sc fic 2  


Activity realized by the 15 students of  the 5°D grade with the teacher  Miguel Marcos Redondo


There were two main objectives :

1) Students learnt about the history of calculators, when and how were created and the differences from the first calculator to modern ones.

2) Students learnt about the first systems to count, compose numbers, decompose them, add, susbtract etc starting with the abacus and then the comptometer.

The work done:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I asked students to bring their calculators to class. We practiced using them from basic functions to more concrete ones (parenthesis, square roots…) They soon realized that their calculators were different. Some could make square roots, but some couldn’t. And the way they got to make the calculator do it was different as well. We watched a video about the first calculator. And then I asked them to investigate about the history of calculator. I had three volunteers that investigated it at home.

Students investigated about the primitive versions of calculators. They prepared a little homework on a cardboard to expose and show their classmates what they have learnt.

Result :  

Students learnt about the history of calculators both by watching and listening to their classmates and then watching some youtube tutorials.

Calculator 1 Calculator 4






















Calculator 2  Calculator 5












Calculator 3











Activity done by  Samuel Barrera Vega and Samuel Almeida Hernández with the 25 pupils of 5° grade

The objective of this activity was that they know the meaning, operation and use of GPS


To develop this activity, we have combined our activity report with physical education (PE), more specifically with the orientation part.

From our area (PE) we have merged heeling (measuring the distance we cover by counting the number of steps we take) with the use of GPS.

First we have projected a presentation on GPS with basic and approach information and then we have projected an age-appropriate video on how GPS works. 

Finally we have done a practical part.
Our students attended the presentation and the video about GPS and did the practical part where the students took the tablets from the center and using Google Maps, we have chosen a place near the center to which, knowing the distance established by said application and cooperatively in mixed and heterogeneous groups, we had to arrive fictitiously doing the number of steps necessary to cover said distance while traveling through the educational center facilities.

FGps 1inally they understood the use of GPS and put it into practice in a real situation.







Gps 2  Gps 3










 Gps 4  Gps 5










Gps 6 Gps 7


Responsible : 
Ankita Khubchandani Khubchandani


Through this activity we worked the definition and the difference  between the traditional and modern phones.


In order to work this topic I have created a Powerpoint Presentation, in which the students will observe old phones and compare it with the intelligent phone.  I also drew a  button keyboard in the whiteboard and with the help of the students, we tried to write a message like our parents used to do  in the past.
After debating the difference about the different types of mobiles, the students had to interpret some messages in the white board and then the teacher would give them a worksheet in which they had to colour the smartphones. At the end, when the finished they could create a message in their own paper.

Final result:  
It was positive as we could find them enjoying the activity. There were able to explain and say with basic difference between both mobiles and they were amazed with how people used to write in old mobiles.
In this lesson, we focused our attention on explaining the concept and the necessity of mobile phones and Smartphones.  We linked the definition of the phone, the different types, and how we communicate through it.

Phone 1  Phone 2














Phone 3  Phone 5














Phone 6 Phone 7

















Phone 8  Phone 9
















Phone 10 Phone 4



The main goal was to know other students from the schoos which will visit Tenerife in the next LTTA mobility.

Firstly, we sent twelve photos and twelve descriptions to other schools with the information of our students.

Then, we also received the information given by other schools.

Once we had the photos with the descriptions from other countries, we spent some lessons finding out and matching the descriptions with the photos.

Our students worked in small groups, and one country was given to them. They had to match the photos with the descriptions. Once they finished,

we checked and if their predictions were corrected, they received another country to carry on with the research.

They finally found all the descriptions from all the partners countries. They could know all the students who would be coming to Tenerife

Spane dg 1  Spane dg 3
















Spane dg 2 Spane dg 6










Spane dg 4  Spane dg 5
















Spane dg 7


Work done by SAMUEL ALMEIDA HERNÁNDEZ ,  SAMUEL BARRERA VEGA,  GUILLERMO  LOZANO with pupils of 5th & 6th grades.

The objectives:  

  • Know the international space station official webpage.
  • Discover how a satellite works.
  • Find a specific information in an official webpage.
  • Know how to select a specific information and know how to express it speaking in English.

The work:  

Teachers have prepared the informatic class with 24 Chrome Books.

Selected pupils have to follow the steps that teachers say. They have to scan the front page of The International Space Station and then find specific information.

When they have found the information, they have to answer some questions about the worked theory.

The pupils .....

They have to use the Chromebooks to navigate and find the required information. Every pupil has to work individually.

Result: A Continuous colloquy

Iss 1  Iss 2








Iss 3  Iss 4




Work done by Carmen Teresa Pestana Lorenzo wit pupils of 1st grade.

The main objectives were :

To remind the students what a robot is. To get the students familiar with the role of robots in  surveillance and security . To inspire the students to colour a  poster about  traffic police robots.

The setting chosen is the 1st grade classroom.

First, the teacher reviewed with  the students what a robot is.

Second, the teacher asked the students about different roles a robot could have in our society.

Afterwards, the teacher showed the students two videos about surveillance robots in differents settings (at home and the streets)

Third, the whole class coloured a poster about a traffic police robot.

Firstly, the students discussed about different jobs a robot could have in our society helping humans.

Then, the students watched the short video clips about surveillance robots. After that, the students talked about the specific task of a traffic police robot.

Finally, the students colour their own poster about a traffic police robot.

Result :

It was very positive. In general, the students enjoyed talking about robots, watching the video clips about surveillance robots and doing the activity proposed (coloring the poster)

When presenting the topic of surveillance and security robots in our society, the students with the teacher guidance discussed the importance of  robots to be eco-friendly with long lasting batteries.

Security 1  Security 2















Security 3 Security 4









Spain dg paz 1














Spain dg paz 2 Spain dg paz 3









Spain dg paz 4  Spain dg paz 5








Spain dg paz 6



Work done by Samuel Barrera Vega, Samuel Almeida Hernández, Guillermo Lozano  with pupils of 6th grade.


  • Use the tablets in order to  create communicative material.
  • Develop the digital competence in pupils .
  • Learn how to manage the Jamboard app.

 The work:  Classes have been divided in groups of 6 people to work ULTIMATE SPORT.  One of them was named as Community Manager.                                                                                                                                The teacher allowed each group to take a tablet.  After every  Ultimate Training, the community manager in colaboration with the others                                                                                                                              had  to collect the information  about the session and   moved to the app.

The students had five goals to get :

- Post an interview .

- Chronicle of a match

- A training report

- Post the logo and the  team clothes.

- Competition day report with photo.

ResultEach team  created a Jamboard   posting the  information explained above.

Touch pad 1 Touch pad 2









Touch pad 3 Touch pad 4












Work done by Sherezade Goya González and Ankita Khubchandani Khubchandani

Objectives: Through this activity we worked the concept, importance and the different parts of the watch with our students

The work:  We divided the class in small groups and each group received a digital and normal broken clock.                                                                                                                                    Each group had to repair one by one the given clock and then when they finished and sure, they put their thumbs up.                                                                                                                        Once they finish, the clocks rotate and another member of the group tried to repair it.

Apart from trying to repair the clock, the students tried to express succesfully the time in English and present it                                                                                                                                 in front of their classmates. The rest of the class assesed and helped them.

Watches 1 Watches 2







Watches 3 Watches 4











Watches 5  Watches 6












Watches 8 Watches 9







Watches 10


Responsible teacher for this activity:  Sherezade Goya González

Students concerned:    23 pupils of  grade 2°

The objectives :  Through this activity we learnt more about the concept :mportance, parts, uses… of a computer in our daily lives.

How you have work:   I started with an assembly to get some previous ideas; then I showed a video presentation to explain the topic
and main concepts.
In the second lesson we made a kahoot to practice the vocabulary of the topic and finished with a drawing creation and explanation about how they use computers.

The work done by the students:   In a great group we started making an assembly to talk about what’s a computer for the student. Then we moved
toward an activity of video presentation and a slideshare link where they could learn more about the concept, kinds, parts, uses… of a computer in our daily life and
what its programming language is. At the end, aftern practicing throughout a vocabulary game related to the topic we ended up drawing one by one how they use a
computer in their present life; accompanying with verbal support.

Final result :    It was positive as I could find them enjoying the activity being conscious of the versatility of computers; the importance of studying its languages                                           to programme them; the parts that they can’t see when they use some devices…

Positive aspects:    We focus on the importance of computers in the digital era in which we live, when we use them for almost everything:
dance, listen to music, search information, learn things, make video calls…

Links for videos:



Guill comput 1 Guill comput 2 

















Guill comput 4 Guill comput 5


















Guill comput 6


























Teacher responsible :  Nathalie Müller Vena

Students concerned :  9 students of 3rd grade

Dates of the activity: 2 sessions  on 17th and 28th of March 2023In that worksheet, they had to explain what happened in eav

Objectives: The main objective of this activity was not only that students learn about the different trips made ton the moon, from Spoutnik to the last trip                                                                                             but also the most important goal was that the pupils use English to talk about the topic.

                            The objective was met in the sense that English language was usezd as vehicular language, students have also learned specific and not specific vocabulary                                                           related to this topic.

How you have work:  first of all, we explain the children the different trips done to the moon (from Spoutnik to the last trip to the moon). Then, they completed aworksheet with                                                         each trip done to the moon. In that worksheet they had to explain what happened in each of them and also to colour the pictures.

Work done by the students : students watched some videos :


                                                               Then we explained the different trips done, the, pupils completed the worksheets with the information they learned and after they coloured the                                                                               different pictures. 

A video :

Spain trips 1 Spain trips 2















Spain trips 3 Spain trips 4
















Spain trips 5 Spain trips 6




Responsible treachers :  SHEREZADE GOYA GONZALEZ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ANKITA KHUBCHANDANI  KHUBCHANDANI

Students concerned:   24 students from 2°C and  2°B grades

Date of the activity:   1/06/2023 one session of 45 ,minutes

Objzectives of the activity: through this activity, we worked on the concept, importance and difference between robots with our studentd focusing                                                                                                                                            on then importance of their help in our daily lives. Moreover we talked about their contribution to the planet.

We have worked:   we worked in a big group to explain the importance of some robotics machines that help us to improve our quality of life.                                                                                                                                         To do this, we used some videos with simple explanations. We analyzed how can them solve some problems related to recycle, save the energy,                                                                                    contreibution to the clean air...using a poster of recycling ways. At the end, we offered our kids a worksheet where they could work one by one                                                                                   creating a personal model of robot, each one of them with different parts, names and fonctions.

Work of the students: the students tried to express successfully the importance of recycling to improve our lives on planet Earth. Each class talked about their most                                                                                      common  robots known. Finally, they created a personal model of robot, able to do different works, helping people and Earth.

Final result: it was positive as we could find them enjoying the activity. There wzere able to explain and sayb the basic objecyive of robotics in the environment at the                                                              time they thought of possible ways to help people in tyhzeir daily lives.

Spain environ 1 Spain environ 3









Spain environ 4 Spain environ 5









Spain environ 6 Spain environ 9








Spain environ 7Spain environ 8















Spain environ 11 Spain environ 2















Spain environ 13 Spain environ 14














Spain environ 10 Spain environ 18









Spain environ 15 Spain environ 16














Spain environ 20



Responsible teacher :        Miguel Marcos Redondo


  Pupils concerned:     18 pupils of the 6° grade

                                               from 6 to 8 June 2023


There were two main objectives :

1) Students learnt and investigated about robotics in transports, their utilities and advantages.

2) Students made in groups a simple exposition to their classmates, showing them  what they had investigated and learnt.

How you have worked :  

I wrote in the blackboard the topic ; « Robotics in transports. » Then I asked the students to investigate this topic in groups. They made a fast research and they found out that there have been many advances in the field of robotics in tranports.

Then I asked them to choose one specific topic or invention.











How the pupils worked:

Each group focused on investigating one particular invention and prepared a simple exposition for their classmates. They looked for information, photos and videos so the other groups could also learn about their invention.

The last 30 minutes of the activity each group made their exposition. They made use of the Interactive Digital Board.







Students learnt about many different new vehicles, new uses of already existing ones thanks to innovative auto pilot options

and some public transport that could save lives and the environment at the same time.


Guillermo robotics in transpoprt 2  Guillermo robotics in transport 1










Guillermo robotics in transport 3 Guillermo robotics in transport 4










Guillermo robotics in transport 5 Guillermo robotics in transport 6










Guillermo robotics in transport 7 Guillermo robotics in transport 8










Guillermo robotics in transport 9


Responsible persons for this activity : Guillermo Lozano Fernández & Eva Hidalgo Álava 

Students concerned : 6th grade

The objectives of the activity : The main goal of this activity was to find out information about the recent fires in Tenerife. In addition, we study incidence that climate has in fires and robots which help firefighters to extinguish them.

How we have worked :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  First of all we divided our students in different groups. Each group watched a video using tablets about fires in Tenerife, climate and its incidence in fires and robots helping firefighters.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    After each video, groups discussed about the topic they had just watched. Then, groups rotated and watched anoter video. Finally, they all watched the different videos. After this, we made a debate asking them questions and listening to their opinions. 

The work done by the students :                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Students watched videos, discussed in groups about the information they watched and they participated in a general debate talking and giving their opinion about fires, robots and climate.

Final result:    The result was very interesting. They were able to get the most important information and reflect about what happened in Tenerife with the fires. Students were very collaborative and participative. 

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.  Positive aspects                                                                                                                                     We could see and understand how climate can affect and increase risk of fires on the Earth, although human action is the first cause of fires. 

Negative aspects   As a negative aspect nowadays human action is the first cause of fires, and although with new technology we have better options to prevent fires or help firefighters, it is in human hands to reduce these terrible disasters. 

Eva 5

Eva 1

Eva 2

Eva 3

Eva 4




Guil mad 1                         Guil mad 2

Guil mad 3                         Guil mad 4

Guil mad 5                         Guil mad 6

Guil mad 7                         Guil mad 8

Try to recognize those pupils tanks to the following details.

A. My name is Iker. I’m 11 years old. My eyes are brown and I’ve got short hair. I play football. I am from Venezuela but now I live in Tenerife. My favourite food are arepas, which are a typical food from Venezuela

B. Hi, my name is Daniela. I’m 11 years old. I like to play volleyball. I’m tall. I am from Spain. My favourite food is pasta. I have got long brown hair. I like music.

C. Hello, I’m Imra. I’m short. My favourite colour is blue. I’m eleven years old. I play football. I have short black hair. I like hamburgers. I’m 11 years old.

D. Hello, I’m Prosper. I am 11 years old, and I like to play tennis. My favourite food is french fries. I’ve got black eyes and I have got black hair. I am from Nigeria but I live in Tenerife. I play videogames.

E. Hi, my name is Romaisa. I’m 11 years old. My favourite colour is blue and red. I have got curly hair and brown eyes. I am from Spain but my parents are from Morocco. I like Quevedo.

F. Hello, I’m Giada. I’m 12 years old. I’ve got straight blond hair and brown eyes. I like to use Tik Tok. My favourite colour is black.

G. Hi! I’m eleven years old and I’m Yulietta. I like to draw and I am from Tenerife but my parents are from Cuba. My favourite music group is Twice, they are from Korea.

H. Hello! My name is Gabriela. I’m 11 years old. My favourite colour is pink. My favourite hobbie is cooking with my family. I’ve got glasses and I’ve got dark brown hair. One of my favorite song is “Eastside” of Benny Blanco.



Responsible person(s) for this activity Verónica Guerrero Ferrer Other person involved in the activity -

Person outside the school involved in the activity -

Class(es) of students concerned 2nd Grade Number of students concerned Around 23 students

Dates of the activity (beginning & end) Beginning: 18/12/2023 End: 20/12/2023

Number of work sessions, research: 3

What were the objectives of the activity?

The goal of the activity was to reflect about the importance of recycling, reusing and the utilities of a robot in our daily life. 

Explain how you have worked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In the first place, we started the session talking about robots, what the students know about them, what robots can do, what robots are made of, etc. Then I asked them how they think we could make our own robot with products that we use in our daily life. They started to give some ideas and we conclude to reuse recyclable materials such us: briks, paper, plastic bottles…Kids and myself brought some materials from home to work with. Afterwards, they designed what their robot would look like on a piece of paper. They shared their pictures and ideas with the rest and agreed on how the robot would be; they started to build the robot with the materials we had already collected previously and finally to decorate it.

Explain the work done by the students                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The students interacted with each other in big group sharing their ideas between robots and reusing materials. They Attachments : Add pages if you insert photos. Provide a link if you made a video. individually drew the picture of a robot, agreed on how the robot should look and then joined the pieces to build it. For the process of joining the pieces they worked in pairs and taking turns with my guidance and support.

What has been the final result ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The result was great, students enjoyed the activity from the beginning, since robots was a topic quite motivating for them. Also they were excited about the process of assembling the pieces of the robot and the decoration. They have realized how important and useful recycling can be.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Positive aspects  It has been very positive for the kids to reflect about the importance of recycling and reusing and to realize how it is possible to do it with simple steps.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         As a negative aspect of robotization nowadays, we could highlight that the automatization provide by robots and different technological machines can make humans life too comfortable and push humans to be less mentally and physically active.

Guillermo 100Guillermo 101











Guillermo 102Guillermo 103











Guillermo 104Guillermo 106


The importance of taking care of planet

Guillermo 110Guillermo 111











Guillermo 112Guillermo 113











Guillermo 114Guillermo 115












Guillermo 116

Responsible person(s) for this activity

Francisco Garrido Fernández

Other person involved in the activity


Person outside the school involved in the activity


Class(es) of students concerned

4th and 5th Grade

Number of students concerned

24 students

Dates of the activity (beginning & end)

Beginning: 03/04/2024

End: 17/04/2024

Number of work sessions, research: 6

What were the objectives of the activity?

The main goal was to show and learn about the importance of taking care of planet and ways to keep it clean.

Have the objectives been met?


If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?


Explain how you have worked.

They have worked in teams, and they had the possibility to look for information about de topic and also they were able to invent and create new ways to clean the planet and keep it clean by their creativity and mind. we provided students with a tablet. And every team has to create a poster with this important information When they had all information they had to show to the rest of the class and explain their investigation.

Explain the work done by the students

Our students worked in teams of 4. First, they participated in a debate about the  importance of clean the planet and keep it clean, and the importance of recycling.

In the others sessions, they worked actively doing a research with tablets and collecting the information about the topic.

What has been the final result ?

They were quite good. At the beggining of the activity they found difficult to find some examples to start, but with a bit of help they finally worked properly and even the ways to clean the planet that they invented are really amazing and good, showing a lot of creativity.

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

Positive aspects

With the research we are founding interesting ways to improve and take care of planet.



Date de dernière mise à jour : 24/06/2024
