The Director of the school Guillermo, the coordinator
Our school, CEIP Juan García Pérez, is located in the heart of San Isidro, a town located in the south of Tenerife (Spain). It is the largest centre of kindergarden and primary education in the Canary Islands, with almost 1.000 students from 3 to 12 years old. There is a great diversity among our students (more than 25 different nationalities), due to the high percentage of migration in the area.
There are around 65 teachers responsible of different subjects. In Primary Education, from 1st Grade to 5th Grade, Music, Art and Physical Education are studied in English.
Our school has participated en previous Eramus projects for many years, as we consider it as a key aspect in the piloshophy of our school, because of our special characteristics.
Recently, in February 2022, we have been awarded with the Erasmus Accreditation.