Qui nous reconnaîtra grâce aux détails qui suivent ?
A: Brown hair, blue eyes, thin, average height
Name and surname: Kristiana Srbakoska
Age: 12 years
School: St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola
Hobbies: Traveling and volleyball
Interests: Beauty and fashion
,Something distinctive: Knows gymnastics
B: Hello My name is Filip Trajkovski. I am 12 years old and I study in the
elementary school "Kliment Ohridski" from Bitola. I was born in Italy and
I speak Italian fuently. My favorite hobby is playing video games, I'm
good at chess but also while we lived in Italy I was a member of the
football club F.C Gattinara, Italy for 5 years. Lately, with my parents, I'm
starting to learn to ski and I'm enjoying it. I'm also interested in new
technologies and the universe, I like to discover interesting data about
space and the planets in it. I like to travel and discover new places.
C: Hello my name is Tamara and I am a 12 year old girl. I am a good
student at school. I am 7 th grade in Sv. Kliment Ohridski in my
hometown Bitola. My favourite subjects in school are biology, P.E.
and german. My hobbies are drawing and playing basketball. I draw
a lot in my free time, and I mostly draw flowers and portraits. I play
basketball with my friends and when I will be 8 th grade I will play
for the school team. I love traveling with my family. That’s all from
me wish you the best.
D: Hello I am Ognen an average 12 year old. I come form Bitola, North
Macedonia. One important thing about me is that I love basketball, I live
for that game. Playing basketball with my friends is the best feeling ever. I
go to school in Kliment Ohridski , and play for its team. Also am an
excellent student , my favorite subjects are history, biology, p.e and
Informatics. Another thing that I am interested in is programing, I have
been learning for two years, coding for me is like solving puzzles. One
more thing about me is that I like diving. I do it every summer it amazes
me seeing all the sea life. That’s all from me I wish you the best.