During the Limassol TNM, the distribution of the activities foreseen in the application was carried out between the partners.
The macedonian school will be responsible for the following activities:

Katá ti diárkeia tou TNM Lemesoú, i dianomí ton drastiriotíton pou proorízontai stin efarmogí pragmatopoiíthike metaxý ton etaíron. To makedonikó scholeío tha eínai ypéfthyno gia tis akólouthes drastiriótites:

Name of school : Public Primary School « Sv. Kliment Ohridski »- Bitola

Robotics  & environment

Activity  1: Workshop in outdoor classroom-

« How will robots clean the garden, how will they look »


Activity 2: Educational worshop in National Park Pelister «Mother Nature and robots »Taking care about the Nature. Olacing robots in some places in National Parks for explaining about rare species and detecting fire or destroument if Nature.


Activity 3: Making educational video which is going to be used in teaching proces about robotics and environment.

It will be made from bigger students and will be shared in all classes at the school.


Robotics & climate

Activity 1: Activitis with our robot made by students « nasiot cistko »

Robot made by student we will be use un celeaning process in classrooms

Teachers will explain how is made and how is working.


Activity 2 : Educational workshop from parent with students about climate change and impact of robotics in it

25 03.2024

Activity 3: Worshop with students for making crossword about climate change and robotic.



Students were looking for the documents sent from other partners and discover other students from the different countries that will be part of the mobilitY;                                                     Coordinators Violeta Stevanovska and Gordana Anastasova made presentation from different document and together with students present different documents from each country. After each presentation  students have task to solve the table and write wich picture to whom belongs. Pleasant working atmosphere, many smiling children's faces expressed their satisfaction from this activity. The fact that students learn and master new knowledge through practical work, which is the basis for building lasting values and skills, is particularly significant.  This activity has positive impact on students live, it was motivating and challenging on the other side. This knowledge that studets have reached they will transfer to their parents, sisters and peers, so we will have positive influence in people's lives. Also they practice english and learn about different names from different countiess.

Tenerife det gam violeta 1  Tenerife det gam violeta 2
















Tenerife det gam violeta 4  Tenerife det gam violeta 5
















Tenerife det gam violeta 6  Tenerife det gam violeta 7
















Tenerife det gam violeta 8  Tenerife det gam violeta 9
















Tenerife det gam violeta 10  Tenerife det gam violeta 12
















Tenerife det gam violeta 13  Tenerife det gam violeta 14
















Tenerife det gam viometa 3  


The students were tasked with researching what robotics means and how we define it, then presented this to the younger students who were tasked with drawing robots as they imagined them. The 7th grade students had the task of researching what robotics is, robots and what is their role in life and in society. Then they made a short presentation which they shared with the first grade students. The next activity was drawing robots by the first graders according to their imagination - the way they imagine robotics. From the obtained drawings, an exhibition was made, which was read by all the other students from the first grade.  It was quite interesting for the students. For older students, the opportunity to independently explore and for younger students to learn from them, and for younger students to follow an interesting presentation that motivates them to make interesting drawings.

Tenerife logo violeta 2Tenerife logo violeta 1
























Tenerife logo violeta 3  Tenerife logo violeta 4
























Tenerife logo violeta 6  Tenerife logo violeta 7
























Tenerife logo violeta 8
























Tenerife logo violeta 5











The second activity referred to the creation of astronomical timetables and this activity was also supported by previous research. Older students were tasked with researching what an astronomical clock is, what it is for, and how it can be used to measure time. They found pictures and videos and a model of a simple astronomical clock to be made with the younger students.  The students created an explanation of what an astronomical clock is and explained to the younger students how it should be made and how the parts should be cut and then assembled. The students were divided into groups and worked on one clock, so that each member of the group had a given task. Also, all the teachers from the project team were involved in this activity and helped the students. The clock was made of colored paper and each circle represented a separate section that read days, months, hours, signs and seasons.  Great satisfaction from the students, especially when the finished product, i.e. the clock, was received, they were excited and independently moved the hands telling the days and months and zodiac signs. Quite a challenging activity that caused great motivation among the students. Pleasant working atmosphere, many smiling children's faces expressed their satisfaction from this activity. The fact that students learn and master new knowledge through practical work, which is the basis for building lasting values and skills, is particularly significant. This activity has positive impact on students live, it was motivating and challenging on the other side. This knowledge that studets have reached they will transfer to their parents, sisters and peers, so we will have positive influence in people's lives. This activities has positive impact on environment, especially in the area of nature conservation and waste selection. The students cut the excess paper left over from cutting and making the clock and put it in a separate basket designated for paper. That paper is later recycled and reused.

Astron clock violeta 1  Astron clock violeta 2















Astron clock violeta 3  Astron clock violeta 4















Astron clock violeta 5  Astron clock violeta 6















Astron clock violeta 7  Astron clock violeta 8















Astron clock violeta 9  Astron clock violeta 10      


The older students, together with the computer science and technical research teachers, did research on robots and how they relate to science fiction. From the found videos, they chose videos that can be shown through pantomime and the younger students will guess them. The videos are related to robotics and robots that help clean the environment as well as robots that purify the air.  The students from the seventh grade, together with the teachers Atanas Peev and Darko Avramoski, according to the given guidelines, selected part of the videos and highlighted them in front of the group of students. they will be able to guess. After each successful pantomime, the students watched the videos. at the end of the activity, together with the students, we pretended to be robots who are in charge of cleaning the classroom and purifying the air. G reat satisfaction from the students, especially when tehy were robots itsefl. The have moved in the clasroom and imagine that they should clead the flore and purify the ari so they have mede movements and it was insiring and very creative to see how good imagination students have.  Pleasant working atmosphere, many smiling children's faces expressed their satisfaction from this activity. The fact that students learn and master new knowledge through practical work, which is the basis for building lasting values and skills, is particularly significant.  This activity has positive impact on students live, it was motivating and challenging on the other side. This knowledge that students have reached they will transfer to their parents, sisters and peers, so we will have positive influence in people's lives.  This activity has positive impact on students learning about environment and also for practical activities about cleaning the classroom. We have shown them that in the future planet earth should be cleaner then today, and we will be the ones that will help in it. That is the reason that today activity was for playing robots that clean the Planet Earth.  Cleaning the environment and purifying the air ate the first steps in education for fight wth global changes. This activity had great positive impact in students learning and gaining knowledge about this subject.


Bitola fiction 1a  Bitola fiction 2a









Bitola fiction 3a  Bitola fiction 5a









Bitola fiction 6a  


Violeta robots 6dVioleta robots 6e














Violeta robots 6a























Violeta robots 6c
















Violeta robots 6f


Violeta robots 5a Violeta robots 5b








Violeta robots 5c Violeta robots 5d








Violeta robots 5e Violeta robots 5f









Violeta robots 5g Violeta robots 5h








Violeta robots 5j


Covid bitola a1 Covid bitola a3
























Covid bitola a4 Covid bitola a5























Covid bitola a2 Covide bitola a7






Covid bitola a6








Students were researching for the robots and robotics and and their use in the immediate environment where we all live.

Teachers Atanas Peev and Darko Avramoski have made exibition of all  robots that school have and explain the students                                                                                                                                         how they work and what students can make with them.

Great experience and exitment of all students especially the part where students were making movements with the robots.

Pleasant working atmosphere, many smiling children's faces expressed their satisfaction from this activity.                                                                                                                                                                        The fact that students learn and master new knowledge through practical work, which is the basis for building lasting values                                                                                                                                 and skills, is particularly significant.

This activity has positive impact on students live, it was motivating and challenging on the other side.                                                                                                                                                                                    This knowledge that students have reached they will transfer to their parents, sisters and peers, so we will have
positive influence in people's lives


Students were researching about appropriate platform to make logo and reasearch also about robotics and the project itself.

Teachers Violeta Stevanovska and Gordana Anastasova give direction to the students that will be part of the mobility in Tenerife to make logo.

After that logos were put in the electronic survey for students in 7th grade. There were 3 logos that were the best, and after that we had
voting and we have choose 2 logos for presentation.

Great experience and exitment of sll students esspecially the part where students were making logos online using Canva.

Pleasant working atmosphere, many smiling children's faces expressed their satisfaction from this activity.                                                                                                                                                                               The fact that students learn and master new knowledge through practical work, which is the basis for
building lasting values and skills, is particularly significant.

Robotics bitola b1  Robotics bitola b2











Robotics bitola b3 Robotics bitola b4











Robotics bitola b5 Robotics bitola b60















Robotics bitola b7 Robotics bitola b8






Viol mad 1

Viol mad 2

Viol mad 3

Viol mad 4

Qui nous reconnaîtra grâce aux détails qui suivent ?

A:  Brown hair, blue eyes, thin, average height                                
      Name and surname: Kristiana Srbakoska
      Age: 12 years
     School: St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola
     Hobbies: Traveling and volleyball
     Interests: Beauty and fashion
    ,Something distinctive: Knows gymnastics

B: Hello My name is Filip Trajkovski. I am 12 years old and I study in the
elementary school "Kliment Ohridski" from Bitola. I was born in Italy and
I speak Italian fuently. My favorite hobby is playing video games, I'm
good at chess but also while we lived in Italy I was a member of the
football club F.C Gattinara, Italy for 5 years. Lately, with my parents, I'm
starting to learn to ski and I'm enjoying it. I'm also interested in new
technologies and the universe, I like to discover interesting data about
space and the planets in it. I like to travel and discover new places.

C: Hello my name is Tamara and I am a 12 year old girl. I am a good
student at school. I am 7 th grade in Sv. Kliment Ohridski in my
hometown Bitola. My favourite subjects in school are biology, P.E.
and german. My hobbies are drawing and playing basketball. I draw
a lot in my free time, and I mostly draw flowers and portraits. I play
basketball with my friends and when I will be 8 th grade I will play
for the school team. I love traveling with my family. That’s all from
me wish you the best.

D: Hello I am Ognen an average 12 year old. I come form Bitola, North
Macedonia. One important thing about me is that I love basketball, I live
for that game. Playing basketball with my friends is the best feeling ever. I
go to school in Kliment Ohridski , and play for its team. Also am an
excellent student , my favorite subjects are history, biology, p.e and
Informatics. Another thing that I am interested in is programing, I have
been learning for two years, coding for me is like solving puzzles. One
more thing about me is that I like diving. I do it every summer it amazes
me seeing all the sea life. That’s all from me I wish you the best.

Activitis with our robot made by students « nasiot cistko »

Responsible person(s) for this activity

Darko Avramoski, Ljupka Petkovska

Other person involved in the activity

Ljupka Petkova

Person outside the school involved in the activity

Class(es) of students concerned


Number of students concerned


Dates of the activity (beginning & end)

What were the objectives of the activity?

Developing students' awareness of the involvement of robotics in climate change

Have the objectives been met?


If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked.

Tasking students to research robotics and climate change and the uses of robots

Explain the work done by the students

Presentation of a prepared presentation on robotics and climate change and cleaning the school with the control of "our cleaner"

What has been the final result ?

Understanding the importance of robotics in climate change


Responsible person(s) for this activity

Gordana Anastasova - principle

Other person involved in the activity

Violeta Stevanovska- teacher

Person outside the school involved in the activity

Class(es) of students concerned

II-1 grade from  primary school St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola

Number of students concerned


Dates of the activity (beginning & end)


What were the objectives of the activity?

How will robots clean the garden, how will they look

Have the objectives been met?


If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked.

We have outdoor classroom which enable activities contected to nature and cleaning the gardens, so students have opportunity to imagine and explain that

Explain the work done by the students

They made robots from paper that is responsible for cleaning the gareden, so they discuss aboute treir function and possibilities.

What has been the final result ?

acquiring new knowledge and skills that will help reduce environmental pollution

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

Positive aspects

First of all students were in gareden and have contact with nature, so they had chance to make robots that will clean the gareden and improve the cleaning proccess, explaining that garedns are responsible for giving us oxygen





















Violeta 200












Violeta 201


Violeta 202Violeta 203











Violeta 204Violeta 205











Violeta 206

Responsible person(s) for this activity

Daniela Petkovska -  teacher  

Other person involved in the activity

Angela Nikolovska – parent; Viktorija Petkovska - student

Person outside the school involved in the activity

Angela Nikolovska - parent

Class(es) of students concerned

II-3 grade from  primary school St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola

Number of students concerned


Dates of the activity (beginning & end)


What were the objectives of the activity?

An introduction to some types of robots, what robots are made of, Can robotics help with

the fight against climate change?

Have the objectives been met?


If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked.

I talked to the parent to cooperate. The parent came out to meet us. I told him what the goals were and we agreed on how to achieve them. We found materials, the parent made a presentation that he presented to the students.

Explain the work done by the students

students listened carefully, actively engaged in discussion, asked questions and came to conclusions

What has been the final result ?

acquiring new knowledge and skills that will help reduce environmental pollution

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

Positive aspects

By applying artificial intelligence and using robotics in

everyday life comes to protect the Environment!!!!!!!

Decrease in temperature, Decrease in storms, Decrease

drought, Decrease in ocean warming which increases

water level, Reduction of loss of certain species of mercury

world, reduction from lack of food, Reduction of health

problems etc.


Educational worshop in National Park Pelister «Mother Nature and robots »


Violeta 210Violeta 211











Violeta 212

Responsible person(s) for this activity

Violeta Stevanovska teacher

Other person involved in the activity

Gordana Anastasova- principe

Person outside the school involved in the activity

Class(es) of students concerned

II-1 grade from  primary school St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola

Number of students concerned


Dates of the activity (beginning & end)


What were the objectives of the activity?

How will robots clean the garden, how will they look

Have the objectives been met?


If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked.

We have outdoor classroom which enable activities contected to nature and cleaning the gardens, so students have opportunity to imagine and explain that

Explain the work done by the students

They made robots from paper that is responsible for cleaning the gareden, so they discuss aboute treir function and possibilities.

What has been the final result ?

acquiring new knowledge and skills that will help reduce environmental pollution

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

Positive aspects

First of all students were in gareden and have contact with nature, so they had chance to make robots that will clean the gareden and improve the cleaning proccess, explaining that garedns are responsible for giving s oxygen


Responsible person(s) for this activity

Ljupka Petkova

Other person involved in the activity


Person outside the school involved in the activity


Class(es) of students concerned

Students from the 7th grade

Number of students concerned


Dates of the activity (beginning & end)

30.10.2023 till 12.11.2023

What were the objectives of the activity?

Students to get aware of the importance of keeping the environment clean and safe

To make a video as a product of their research

Have the objectives been met?

Yes they have

If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked.

Students were instucted what to explore ,to think about possible ways of keeping the environment clean and safe and how to preserve it that way,what  they as individuals can do about it and to make a video with same strong messages or students’ own  view  of these messages

Explain the work done by the students

Students work in groups of 5.First they discuss the problems  that we are facing nowedays like pollution, lack of clean air and clean water,changes in biodiversity ect.

They work together and write all the possible things that can be done to preserve the environment clean and safe.They discuss the work that has been done by the robots and how they can assist in this process, and finaly what thay as individuals can do considering this problem.At the end they create 3 videos.In the first one  two girls who are outside are giving their advice on keeping the environment clean.In the second video  a boy is explaining possible ways of saving the environment.And in the last video all the students that participated in this activity are reading their messagess and that is combined with onother video.

What has been the final result ?

Students have made videos and posters with messages on how to protect the environment

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

Positive aspects

By making these posters and videos about the environment student will become more aware of the fact that not only the society but also thay as individuals  can do something to protect the environment and to keep it clean and save

Worshop with students for making crossword about climate change and robotic


Responsible person(s) for this activity

Ljupka Petkova teacher

Other person involved in the activity

Darko Avramoski- teacher

Person outside the school involved in the activity

Class(es) of students concerned

IX grade from  primary school St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola

Number of students concerned


Dates of the activity (beginning & end)


What were the objectives of the activity?

How will robots clean the garden, how will they look

Have the objectives been met?


If your answer is no, why haven't you achieved your objectives?

Explain how you have worked.

Developing crosswords was challengig with students and started with giving terms connected to the subject and matching them

Explain the work done by the students

Divided in groups students started to match the terms and words and developing crossword

What has been the final result ?

Final result is crossword on english and macedonian language

Interaction between activity and environment and climate.

Positive aspects

This activities give student opportunities to read the terms and find explanation about them, so they gain knowledge about climate change and environment


Vio 1















Vio 2















Vio 3















Vio 4















Vio 5















Vio 6















Vio 7















Vio 8















Vio 9















Vio 10















Vio 11















Vio 12















Vio 13















Vio 14















Vio 15















Vio 16















Vio 17










Date de dernière mise à jour : 24/06/2024
