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During the Limassol TNM, the distribution of the activities foreseen in the application was carried out between the partners.
The Italian school will be responsible for the following activities:


Durante il Limassol TNM, la distribuzione delle attività previste nella domanda è stata effettuata tra i partner.
La scuola italiana si occuperà delle seguenti attività:


Granadilla annamaria 1Granadilla annamaria 2















Granadilla annamaria 5Granadilla annamaria 6















Granadilla annamaria 7Granadilla annamaria 8

















The objectives of this activity:

- To introduce students to the subject of the project

- To learn computational thinking
- To create a logo
- To learn cooperation and team work
- To understand how every tecnical discovery has influenced
people’s lives

We have done some research on robotics and computational thinking applied in various areas including teaching.

Students have carried out an activity related to the creation and
the preparation of the project logo that will be bring to the next
meeting in Tenerife…The principles of educational robotics have
found a practical application, and were, for students, an
opportunity to work according to a new methodology.
They worked in a climate of collaboration that allowed
everyone to achieve the goal.

The application of this methodology has allowed children a
conscious use of educational robotics in order to consider
errors in a constructive perspective that allows the search for
alternative solutions

Robot lancusi 1  Robot lancusi 3

















Robot lancusi 4 Robot lancusi 5

















Robot lancusi 6Robot lancusi 7


















Robot lancusi 8  Robot lancusi 9
















Robot lancusi 10
































Robot lancusi 12





















Our objectives were let students know fictions that have Robots or humanoids as protagonists and explain them                                                                                                                                                                the importance of Robotics for the development of human life and technological progress.

The work:

We started from the web and researched all the fictions in which robots and humanoids were present ; then the students                                                                                                                                           chose a character and individually deepened their knowledge of their characteristics by searching for information and images.

Each student chose a title to explore and then he did a research on the chosen character. Thus he discovered the function of                                                                                                                                     robots within that story and, above all, that attempts to humanize robots are often unsuccessful and highlight the negative                                                                                                                    characteristics of human.

The students understood that robotics is the science of the future because it will improve everyone's quality of life.                                                                                                                                                The important thing is not to attribute human functions to it and not to think that machines can experience human feelings.

Robotics lancusi fic 1 Robotics lancusi fic 2










Robotics lancusi fic 9 Robotics lancusi fic 8

















Robotics lancusi fic 7 Robotics lancusi fic 6
















Robotics lancusi fic 5 Robotics lancusi fic 4



















To analyze the different films

To know how many films have been produced about this topic To understand  that the robots are always                                                                                                                                                          presented  as allies and not as a threat to mankind

To parallel robots with humans. Also the Robots have a consciousness and express good feelings (friendship, sympathy, love)

To realize a PPT

The work:

I have helped students to find film with robots and I have guided them  to do researches and to build a PPT

Students, all together, have searched in the net, the films in which the protagonists were robots.

Students later worked divided into groups, and each group chose a film.

They studied the plot and the characteristics of the protagonist-robot.

Every group realized a text about what they have analyzed.

Each group has made up three PPT slides with pictures and text.


Students have enjoyed this activity.

They worked individually and in groups, and they were very enthusiastic to work together and                                                                                                                                                                               to watch some film on monitor touch in the classroom.

Some robots underline the importance of taking care of the environment, like Wall-e and others of                                                                                                                                                              saving the planet from pollution, like Eve, Wall-e’s friend.

Video:  .                                                                                                                107817179012386069947&rtpof=true&sd=true

Robotics lancusi l1 Robotics lancusi l2









Robotics lancusi l3


The objectives of this activity:

  • To know the story of Leonardo da Vinci and his works.
  • To study the animats of Leonardo
  • To know the first metereological instruments invented by him

The  work:

I guided the pupils in their researches to find out who Leonardo da Vinci was and showed them images of Leonardo's works on the digital board.

After that I printed documents and I gave them.

I divided students in groups and we discussed about Leonardo’s works.

Students worked in groups and they read documents about  Leonardo’s life and his works.

Every group studied a topic.

They completed multiple choice exercises and they tried to draw automatons.

Some students made a PPT about synthesis of their reearches and others prepared a poster.

At the end they confronted each other about their researches.

The results:

Students have known Leonardo da Vinci, a very brilliant Italian character who invented, painted, built, sculpted…                                                                                 

They discovered since fifteenth century there was talk about robots and Leonardo and his studies are at the origins of modern technology .

Some of his studies have contributed to the creation of important metereological instruments, like an hygrometer, an anemometer

Robotics italy immacolata 1 Robotics italy immacolata 2










Robotics italy immacolata 3 Robotics italy immacolata 4










Robotics italy immacolata 5 Robotics italy immacolata 6

















Robotics italy immacolata 7  Robotics italy immacolata 9

















Robotics italy immacolata 10Homme de Vitruve – Léonard de Vinci ️ - Fr Da vinci leonardo






Armaduras archivos - +queespadas 


Des robots humanoïdes agiles, puissants et rapides : Les 15 projets les ...




Prof. Lucia Boveis the responsible teacher for this activity with the students of the 2nd grade of secondary.

The objective: 
The aim of the work was to introduce students to what the International Space Station is and how it operates. In addition, the aspects related to man's explorations in space and the effects of gravity on the human body were analysed

The work: 

We started by watching the video "The human body and space" in line with the topics covered in class in science hours. The video made by European students in collaboration with ESA (European Space Agency) showed experiments done by ISS (International Space Station) crew members on the effects of microgravity on the human body.  Then we gave different topics to explore at home, working in small groups.  Finally, we guided the students in class in the reorganization of data into multimedia materials.
The student teams searched in the web informations on the ISS and on the scientific explorations of our solar system. They have synthesized the information in several multimedia works using various programs (power point, Canva, the Genially platform,...). The sharing of works has allowed everyone to reflect on the relationship between man and space in the past, present and future.
In addition to the knowledge acquired on such interesting topics for the kids, the activity gave them another opportunity to work in groups with enthusiasm and fun, also using new presentation apps  (some works are attached).

Anna m iss 1 Anna m iss 2










 Anna m iss 3 Anna m iss 4










Anna m iss 5  Anna m iss 6
















Anna m iss 7 Anna m iss 8









Italie iss 9












Italie iss 10












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Italie iss 4












Italie iss 5












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Italie iss 12














: Research about water consumption in students’ homes

Responsible person(s) for this activity : AUTURI  &  DI PALMA

Classe of students concerned   :  II C    - 19 pupils

The objectives of the activity: The correct and conscious use of the water


:   We studied the Sustainable Development Goals, in particularry the number 6 about clean water and sanitation service                                                                             We asked the students how can we help the environment with simple behaviours                                                                                                                                         Everyone reflected about their behaviours during the daily life                                                                                                                                                                    The students wrote a list of wrong behaviours to be corrected                                                                                                                                                                        The students created a little mascotte, a drop named « Gocciolina ».                                                                                                                                                           Her goal was to make the whole world understand that water is a precious good

Explain the work done by the students : The students studied the Sustainable Development Goals, in particularry the number 6 about clean water and sanitation                                                                           service                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             They reflected about the correct and conscious use of the water                                                                                                                                                                 All together the students realized a list of good practices for saving water

The final result : The students realized a list of correct rules about the correct use of water

Interaction between activity and environment and climate: After this activity students have understood water is very precious, it is important not to waste water, and that we can save water following very simple rules even in our daily routine They have become more attentive and responsible. Infact they try to respect the rules with the collaboration of their families that have been involved.

Anna mar 1                                     Anna mar 2

Anna mar 3                                    Anna mar 4

Anna mar 5                                   Anna mar 5

 Auturi 2   

Auturi 3

Auturi 4

Auturi 5

Auturi 6

Auturi 7

Auturi 8

Auturi 9

Auturi 10

Auturi 11



Ita mad 1

Ita mad 2

Ita mad 3

Ita mad 4

Ita mad 5

Ita mad 6

Ita mad 7

Here are the details who permit you to recognize who we are.

A:  Hi! My name is Alessandra and I'm 12 years old. I have got brown hair and I'm not so tall. I'm wearing a white hoodie with a strange butterfly and the pants. My hobby is dancing, I love it! I do to dance 4 times a week. I prefer ballet, modern, contemporary and a little bit of hip hop!

B: Hello, my name is Andrea and I am 12 years old. I have brown hairs and brown eyes. I have glasses and I am wearing a grey yellow and black jacket, black pants and white and blue shoes. I like playing with my dog and my friends . I like History and Geography.

C: My name is Alice, my surname is Polverino. I’m 11 years old, I’ve got brown hair and brown eyes. I’m tall and thin. I live in Italy and my little town is Penta. My favorite sport is volleyball, I can play it. I like watching films and series on TV . My favorite food is pizza and Mc Donald’s food. My favorite season is summer and I like going to the beach. I love the sea! In the summer I spend lot of time swimming and playing

D: Hi! I’m Vito. I’m 12 years old. I’m not too tall, I have black eyes, black hair and I have black glasses. I dress a black and yellow T-shirt and white shoes. In myfree time I play the piano, with my phone and my nintendo switch. But my favourite hobby is playing football. I really like pizza, it is my favourite food. I’m good at school and my favouritesubjects are Physical Education andMaths.

E: .Hello friends! My name’s Iolanda and I’m 10 years old. I’m wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans. I have got glasses. My eyes are blue and my hair is long and brown. I like riding my horse. I go riding three times a week. But I have other hobbies, too, like playing to Nintendo switch.

F: Hello guys! My name’s Donato. I’m 10. My hair is black so my eyes, my nose is straight and my lips are thin. I’m not very tall but I’m slim. My favourite sport is swimming. I practice it for a year and in a short time I am able to swim very well. I’m very kind, friendly and playful. I’m also a little touchy.

G: Hello! My name’s Giorgio and I have 10 years old. I have short, brown hair and brown eyes. In this photo I have a blue sweatshirt and black trousers. I like listening to music. My favourite kind is Italian pop music. I hope to see you soon!



Responsible person for this activity : Anna-Maria Galdieri Students concerned : Class  5 C  Primary School

The objectives of the activity: To discover the use of robotics in agriculture To analyze the different robots used in agriculture To realize posters How you have worked : I divided students in groups and explained them the importance of robotics in agriculture. On monitor touch I showed them movies and documentaries about the subject. Then I supervised the work of the groups

The work done by the students :
They had to research info about robotics in agriculture. They watched documentaries on digital board and worked in teams. A team found info, another team found and printed images, the third team prepared posters. They realized two posters. Finally a leader of every team explained what they have learned in the work sessions to the classmates.

Final result : Students have enjoyed this activity.  They worked in groups, and they were very enthusiastic to work together and to research some info on monitor touch in the classroom. They understood that the use of robots has positive and negative consequences. The former because it helps in people's manual work and the latter because it takes away jobs from people which are replaced by machines. More they learned to manage the conflicts that arose during the group works. Positive aspects :
They learned that there are new ways of cultivating the fields and the importance of robotics nowadays also in this sector, above all if it can protect more environment, but often it doesn’t happen. They studied a topic of the Agenda 2030 They experienced the group work. They shared their ideas

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Ita agri 16

Ita agri 17             



Climate challenges in Italy and in the world and Artificial Intelligence

Teacher reponsible : Mosca Paolo

Person outside the school involved in the activity :  Ph. D. De Vivo Carmela

Students concerned :  22 students of the 2B grade

Objectives:  Undertanding the causes of climate change : CO2 emissions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   To know the consequences in Italy and in the World of the increase of the temperatures.                                                                                                                                                 To know AI emerges as a crucial tool in the fight against climate change, offering innovative solutions for accurate predictions,                                                       biodiversity conservation and energy optimization.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            To become aware about our behaviour and the choices we can make in everyday life to reduce our environmental impact.

How you have worked :  Presentation of the expert researcher on climate change.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Brainstorming activities in the classroom Group work to create a digital presentation of the topic.

The work of the students:  Participation in the lesson held by the expert with relevant questions and answers.                                                                                                                                                             Teamwork to create a digital presentation on causes, effects and remedies to the climate change.                                                                                                                               Digital presentation for final result.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The students were interested and motivated thanks to the intervention of ah external expert who has aroused interest and                                                                     participation. Group work has allowed a constructive interaction between pupils aimed to the goal.


Anna maria april 1Anna maria april 2











Anna maria april 3Anna maria april 4











Anna maria april 5Anna maria april 6











Anna maria april 7Anna maria april 8




Robotics and weather forecasting

Responsible teacher :  Margherita Autuori

Other person :  A meteorologist : Gaetano Genovese

Students concerned:  94 students of  5th year of Primary and 2nd year of Secondary School


To discover the use of robotics in meteorology

To analyze the different tools used in meteorology

To discover how to become a metereologist

How you have worked : 

We divided students in groups and explained them the importance of robotics in meteorology.

On monitor touch we showed them movies and documentaries about the subject.

In the last work session a meteorologist of 3Bmeteo came and met students, group by group. He talked with them about robotics in meteorology

The work of the students:
They had to research info about robotics in meteorology. They watched documentaries on digital board and worked in teams. They followed the meteorologist’s lesson with interest and attention

Final result:

Students have enjoyed this activity.  They worked in groups, and they were very enthusiastic to work together and to research some info on monitor touch in the classroom. They understood that the use of robots is very important to study the meteorology and climate challenges.

Interaction between activity and climat and environment: positive aspects :

They learned that meteorology is an amazing science to study

They studied a topic of the Agenda 2030

They experienced the group work.

They were envolved in an interesting university lesson.




Responsible teacher: Galdieri Anna Maria  &  Margherita Autuori

Students concerned: ------ All students involved in LTTA


To check the knowledge of the Countries involved in the project                                                                                                                                                                                                        To check the acquisition of robotics learning
To work in groups

How you have worked:

We divided students in 9 groups. Each group represented a Country of the project.
We printed some tests in English about the nine nationsinvolved in the project and about robotics yesterday, today and
tomorrow and we gave them. Then we supervised the work of the groups and a timed race has begun.

The work of the students:

They worked in team. Some student read the questionnaire, some student looked for the answer, some student searched in Internet.                                   Every team worked peacefully and in a climate of great collaboration.

Final result:

Students have enjoyed this activity, above all because it took place in the garden.
They worked in groups, and they were very enthusiastic to work together and to research to solve the own test in in the shortest possible time.
At the end of the race we we delivered certificates of attendance to all the mobility students

They studied geographical, historical and cultural aspects of nine European Countries. They verify their knowledge of robotics.
They used English language
They experienced the group work.
They shared their ideas

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Date de dernière mise à jour : 11/06/2024