The school of Bitola
Primary Public School "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"- Bitola is school that is synonymous with innovation and excellence in teaching. With its 32 years of existence, our school has sealed the supreme success in education, sports, project work and innovation in teaching and learning. Located in the suburb of the town our school has the largest number of students in the city of 1000, and 45 classes from grade 1-9. The successful organization of the educational process, and day care for students from grades I to V, is organized by 67 teachers with appropriate vocational education. There is also a professional service consisting of a pedagogue, a psychologist, a special education teacher and librarian.
In our school, students are educated and educated on the values that are most important for building a healthy person, which is respect for differences, tolerance and coexistence and acceptance of everyone in the community. Through numerous projects, school activities, exhibitions, performances and celebrations, students are fully implemented in school life together with their teachers and parents. We also are dedicated on working on projects where students are gaining permanent knowledge and teachers develops themselves.
In our school, values and opportunities continue to be built for each student and each teacher, as we share experiences with one another in order to preserve the integrity of the school.

The coordinators: Gordana Anastasova and Violeta Stevanovska