During this project, we have planned three TransNational Meetings. Three important meetings at three equally important moments in the project.
An inception meeting in Cyprus to start the project;
a second meeting at the end of the 2022-2023 school year to draw up the interim report (in Turkey);
a third meeting at the end of the project for the final project. (in Croatia)
The first meeting will take place in Cyprus from September 26 to 30, 2022.
This meeting will be important:
1.to get acquainted between the partners, to get to know the new ones;
2. because after the meeting with the Belgian National Erasmus Agency, the coordinator will make a summary of the arrangements for the project;
3. to remind everyone of their obligations;
4. for the explanations for the various documents;
5. to start the project correctly and simultaneously;
6. to choose the activities for which each will be responsible;
7. to recall the role of each local coordinator;
8. to start the "Detective Game" with trade dates and dates
    sending patches;
9. to respect the financial part and the related rules;
10. to respect the dates of the activities, the sending of the reports of the
      activities and meetings
11. to use a common platform;
12. to explain the permanent financial document, its objectives, its
       outfit, its use;
13. to choose a mascot, symbol of the project partner;
14. to explain the involvement of robotics in the environment
       and climate;
15. to set the schedule of activities;
16. to set the schedule for TNM and LTTA meetings


Durante questo progetto, abbiamo pianificato tre Incontri Transnazionali. Tre incontri importanti in tre momenti altrettanto importanti del progetto.
Un incontro iniziale a Cipro per avviare il progetto;
un secondo incontro al termine dell'anno scolastico 2022-2023 per la redazione del resoconto intermedio di gestione (in Turchia);
un terzo incontro al termine del progetto per il progetto definitivo. (in Croazia)
Il primo incontro si terrà a Cipro dal 26 al 30 settembre 2022.
Questo incontro sarà importante:
1.farsi conoscere tra i partner, conoscere i nuovi;
2. perché dopo l'incontro con l'Agenzia nazionale belga Erasmus, il coordinatore farà una sintesi delle modalità del progetto;
3. ricordare a ciascuno i propri obblighi;
4. per le spiegazioni dei vari documenti;
5. avviare il progetto in modo corretto e simultaneo;
6. scegliere le attività di cui ciascuno sarà responsabile;
7. ricordare il ruolo di ciascun coordinatore locale;
8. per avviare il "Detective Game" con date e date di scambio
    invio di patch;
9. rispettare la parte finanziaria e le relative regole;
10. rispettare le date delle attività, l'invio delle relazioni del
      attività e incontri
11. utilizzare una piattaforma comune;
12. spiegare il documento finanziario permanente, i suoi obiettivi, il suo
       vestito, il suo uso;
13. scegliere una mascotte, simbolo del partner di progetto;
14. spiegare il coinvolgimento della robotica nell'ambiente
       e clima;
15. definire il calendario delle attività;
16. definire il calendario degli incontri TNM e LTTA


Во текот на овој проект планиравме три Транснационални состаноци. Три важни состаноци во три подеднакво важни моменти во проектот.
Почетна средба во Кипар за започнување на проектот;
втор состанок на крајот на учебната 2022-2023 година за да се подготви привремениот извештај (во Турција);
трет состанок на крајот од проектот за финалниот проект. (во Хрватска)
Првата средба ќе се одржи на Кипар од 26 до 30 септември 2022 година.
Овој состанок ќе биде важен:
1.да се запознае меѓу партнерите, да ги запознае новите;
2. бидејќи по состанокот со Белгиската национална агенција Еразмус, координаторот ќе направи резиме на аранжманите за проектот;
3. да ги потсетува сите на нивните обврски;
4. за објаснувањата за различните документи;
5. да го започне проектот правилно и истовремено;
6. да ги избере активностите за кои секој ќе биде одговорен;
7. да се потсети на улогата на секој локален координатор;
8. да ја започне „Детективската игра“ со трговски датуми и датуми
    испраќање закрпи;
9. да го почитува финансискиот дел и соодветните правила;
10. да ги почитува датумите на активностите, испраќањето на извештаите на
      активности и состаноци
11. да користи заедничка платформа;
12. да го објасни постојаниот финансиски документ, неговите цели, неговите
       облека, неговата употреба;
13. да избере маскота, симбол на проектниот партнер;
14. да се објасни вклученоста на роботиката во животната средина
       и климата;
15. да се постави распоред на активности;
16. да го поставите распоредот за состаноци на TNM и LTTA



Durante este proyecto, hemos planificado tres Encuentros Transnacionales. Tres encuentros importantes en tres momentos igualmente importantes del proyecto.
Una reunión inicial en Chipre para iniciar el proyecto;
una segunda reunión al final del año escolar 2022-2023 para elaborar el informe provisional (en Turquía);
una tercera reunión al final del proyecto para el proyecto final. (en Croacia)
La primera reunión tendrá lugar en Chipre del 26 al 30 de septiembre de 2022.
Esta reunión será importante:
1.para familiarizarse entre los socios, para conocer a los nuevos;
2. porque después de la reunión con la Agencia Nacional Erasmus de Bélgica, el coordinador hará un resumen de los arreglos para el proyecto;
3. recordar a todos sus obligaciones;
4. por las explicaciones de los diversos documentos;
5. para iniciar el proyecto correcta y simultáneamente;
6. elegir las actividades de las que cada uno será responsable;
7. recordar el papel de cada coordinador local;
8. para comenzar el "Juego de detectives" con fechas comerciales y fechas
    envío de parches;
9. respetar la parte financiera y las normas conexas;
10. respetar las fechas de las actividades, el envío de los informes de los
      actividades y reuniones
11. utilizar una plataforma común;
12. explicar el documento financiero permanente, sus objetivos, su
       atuendo, su uso;
13. elegir una mascota, símbolo del socio del proyecto;
14. explicar la implicación de la robótica en el medio ambiente
       y clima;
15. fijar el cronograma de actividades;
16. para establecer el calendario de reuniones de TNM y LTTA


Tijekom ovog projekta planirali smo tri Transnacionalna sastanka. Tri važna sastanka u tri jednako važna trenutka u projektu.
Početni sastanak na Cipru za početak projekta;
drugi sastanak na kraju školske godine 2022.-2023. za izradu privremenog izvješća (u Turskoj);
treći sastanak na kraju projekta za završni projekt. (u Hrvatskoj)
Prvi sastanak održat će se na Cipru od 26. do 30. rujna 2022. godine.
Ovaj sastanak bit će važan:
1.upoznavanje između partnera, upoznavanje novih;
2. jer nakon sastanka s belgijskom nacionalnom Erasmus agencijom, koordinator će napraviti sažetak dogovora za projekt;
3. podsjećati svakoga na njegove obveze;
4. za objašnjenja za razne dokumente;
5. ispravno i istovremeno započeti projekt;
6. odabrati aktivnosti za koje će svaki biti odgovoran;
7. podsjetiti na ulogu svakog lokalnog koordinatora;
8. za početak "Detektivske igre" s datumima trgovine i datumima
    slanje zakrpa;
9. poštivati ​​financijski dio is njim povezana pravila;
10. poštivati ​​datume aktivnosti, slanje izvješća o
      aktivnosti i sastanci
11. koristiti zajedničku platformu;
12. objasniti trajni financijski dokument, njegove ciljeve, njegove
       odjeća, njezina upotreba;
13. odabrati maskotu, simbol partnera projekta;
14. objasniti uključenost robotike u okoliš
       i klima;
15. utvrđuje raspored aktivnosti;
16. odrediti raspored sastanaka TNM i LTTA


Po vreme na tozi proekt sme planirali tri transnatsionalni sreshti. Tri vazhni sreshti v tri ednakvo vazhni momenta ot proekta. Nachalna sreshta v Kipŭr za startirane na proekta; vtora sreshta v kraya na uchebnata 2022-2023 g. za izgotvyane na mezhdinniya doklad (v Turtsiya); treta sreshta v kraya na proekta za okonchatelniya proekt. (v Khŭrvatiya) Pŭrvata sreshta shte se provede v Kipŭr ot 26 do 30 septemvri 2022 g. Tazi sreshta shte bŭde vazhna: 1.da opoznaem partn’orite, da opoznaem novite; 2. tŭĭ kato sled sreshtata s Belgiĭskata natsionalna Erazŭm agentsiya, koordinatorŭt shte napravi rezyume na dogovorenostite po proekta; 3. da napomnya na vseki za negovite zadŭlzheniya; 4. za obyasneniyata kŭm razlichnite dokumenti; 5. da startira proekta pravilno i ednovremenno; 6. da izbira deĭnostite, za koito vseki shte otgovarya; 7. da se pripomni rolyata na vseki mesten koordinator; 8. da zapochnete "Detektivska igra" s tŭrgovski dati i dati izprashtane na pachove; 9. da spazva finansovata chast i svŭrzanite s neya pravila; 10. da spazva datite na deĭnostite, izprashtane na otchetite na deĭnosti i sreshti 11. da izpolzvat obshta platforma; 12. da razyasni postoyanniya finansov dokument, negovite tseli, negovata obleklo, negovoto izpolzvane; 13. da izbere talisman, simvol na partn’ora po proekta; 14. da obyasni uchastieto na robotikata v okolnata sreda i klimat; 15. opredelya grafika na deĭnostite; 16. da opredelya grafika za sreshtite na TNM i LTTA



Durant ce projet, nous avons prévu trois TransNational Meeting. Trois rencontres importantes à trois moments également importants du projet.
Une réunion en début de projet à Chypre pour débuter le projet;
une deuxième réunion à la fin de l'année scolaire 2022-2023 pour élaborer le rapport intermédiaire (en Turquie);
une troisième réunion en fin de projet pour le projet final. (en Croatie)
La première rencontre s'effectuera à Chypre du 26 au 30 septembre 2022.
Ce meeting sera important:
1.pour faire connaissance entre les partenaires, faire connaissance des nouveaux;
2. car après la réunion avec l'Agence Nationale Belge Erasmus, le coordinateur fera une synthèse des dispositions pour le projet;
3. pour rappeler les obligations de chacun;
4. pour les explications pour les différents documents;
5. pour débuter correctement et simultanément le projet;
6. pour choisir les activités dont chacun sera responsable;
7. pour rappeler le rôle de chaque coordinateur local;
8. pour démarrer le "Jeu du Détective" avec dates d'échanges et dates 
    d'envoi des correctifs;
9. pour respecter la partie financière et les règles y attenant;
10. pour respecter les dates des activités, de l'envoi des rapports des 
      activités et des meetings
11. pour utiliser une plateforme commune;
12. pour expliquer le document financier permanent, ses objectifs,sa 
       tenue, son utilisation; 
13. pour choisir une mascotte, symbole du partenaire du projet;
14. pour expliquer l'implication de la robotique dans l'environnement 
       et le climat;
15. pour fixer le calendrier des activités;
16. pour fixer le calendrier des meetings TNM et LTTA


Bu proje sırasında, üç Ulusötesi Toplantı planladık. Projede eşit derecede önemli üç anda üç önemli toplantı.
Projeyi başlatmak için Kıbrıs'ta bir başlangıç ​​toplantısı;
2022-2023 eğitim öğretim yılının sonunda ara raporun hazırlanması için ikinci bir toplantı (Türkiye'de);
final projesi için projenin sonunda üçüncü bir toplantı. (Hırvatistan'da)
İlk toplantı 26-30 Eylül 2022 tarihleri ​​arasında Kıbrıs'ta yapılacak.
Bu toplantı önemli olacak:
1. ortaklar arasında tanışmak, yenileri tanımak;
2. çünkü Belçika Ulusal Erasmus Ajansı ile yapılacak görüşmeden sonra koordinatör proje için yapılan düzenlemelerin bir özetini yapacaktır;
3. Herkese yükümlülüklerini hatırlatmak;
4. çeşitli belgelerin açıklamaları için;
5. Projeye doğru ve eş zamanlı olarak başlamak;
6. Her birinin sorumlu olacağı faaliyetleri seçmek;
7. her bir yerel koordinatörün rolünü hatırlamak;
8. Ticaret tarihleri ​​ve tarihleri ​​ile "Dedektif Oyunu"na başlamak
    yamalar göndermek;
9. Mali kısma ve ilgili kurallara riayet etmek;
10. Faaliyetlerin tarihlerine saygı göstermek,
      etkinlikler ve toplantılar
11. ortak bir platform kullanmak;
12. Kalıcı mali belgeyi, amaçlarını,
       kıyafet, kullanımı;
13. Proje ortağının sembolü olan maskot seçimi;
14. Robotiklerin çevreye katılımını açıklamak
       ve iklim;
15. faaliyet programını belirlemek;
16. TNM ve LTTA toplantılarının programını ayarlamak için


Durante este projeto, planejamos três Encontros Transnacionais. Três encontros importantes em três momentos igualmente importantes do projeto.
Uma reunião inicial em Chipre para iniciar o projeto;
uma segunda reunião no final do ano letivo 2022-2023 para a elaboração do relatório intercalar (na Turquia);
uma terceira reunião no final do projeto para o projeto final. (na Croácia)
A primeira reunião acontecerá em Chipre de 26 a 30 de setembro de 2022.
Esta reunião será importante:
1.conhecer os parceiros, conhecer os novos;
2. porque após a reunião com a Agência Nacional Erasmus belga, o coordenador fará um resumo das providências para o projeto;
3. para lembrar a todos de suas obrigações;
4. pelas explicações sobre os diversos documentos;
5. iniciar o projeto de forma correta e simultânea;
6. escolher as atividades pelas quais cada um será responsável;
7. relembrar o papel de cada coordenador local;
8. para iniciar o "Jogo do Detetive" com datas e datas de negociação
    envio de patches;
9. respeitar a parte financeira e as respectivas regras;
10. respeitar as datas das atividades, o envio dos relatórios das
      atividades e encontros
11. usar uma plataforma comum;
12. explicar o documento financeiro permanente, seus objetivos, sua
       roupa, seu uso;
13. escolher um mascote, símbolo do parceiro do projeto;
14. explicar o envolvimento da robótica no ambiente
       e clima;
15. definir o cronograma de atividades;
16. para definir o cronograma das reuniões TNM e LTTA



Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του έργου, έχουμε προγραμματίσει τρεις Διαεθνικές Συναντήσεις. Τρεις σημαντικές συναντήσεις σε τρεις εξίσου σημαντικές στιγμές του έργου.
Μια εναρκτήρια συνάντηση στην Κύπρο για την έναρξη του έργου.
μια δεύτερη συνάντηση στο τέλος του σχολικού έτους 2022-2023 για την κατάρτιση της ενδιάμεσης έκθεσης (στην Τουρκία)·
μια τρίτη συνάντηση στο τέλος του έργου για το τελικό έργο. (στην Κροατία)
Η πρώτη συνάντηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Κύπρο από τις 26 έως τις 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022.
Αυτή η συνάντηση θα είναι σημαντική:
1. Να γνωριστούν μεταξύ των εταίρων, να γνωρίσουν τους νέους.
2. επειδή μετά τη συνάντηση με τον Εθνικό Οργανισμό Erasmus του Βελγίου, ο συντονιστής θα κάνει μια περίληψη των ρυθμίσεων για το έργο.
3. Να υπενθυμίζει σε όλους τις υποχρεώσεις τους.
4. για τις εξηγήσεις για τα διάφορα έγγραφα.
5. Να ξεκινήσει το έργο σωστά και ταυτόχρονα.
6. να επιλέξει τις δραστηριότητες για τις οποίες θα είναι υπεύθυνος ο καθένας.
7. Να υπενθυμίσει το ρόλο κάθε τοπικού συντονιστή.
8. να ξεκινήσει το «Παιχνίδι Ντετέκτιβ» με ημερομηνίες και ημερομηνίες συναλλαγών
    αποστολή patches?
9. Να σέβεται το οικονομικό σκέλος και τους σχετικούς κανόνες.
10. να σέβονται τις ημερομηνίες των δραστηριοτήτων, την αποστολή των εκθέσεων της
      δραστηριότητες και συναντήσεις
11. Να χρησιμοποιεί μια κοινή πλατφόρμα.
12. να εξηγήσει το μόνιμο οικονομικό έγγραφο, τους στόχους του, του
       στολή, η χρήση του?
13. να επιλέξετε μια μασκότ, σύμβολο του εταίρου του έργου.
14. να εξηγήσει τη συμμετοχή της ρομποτικής στο περιβάλλον
       και κλίμα?
15. Να ορίσετε το χρονοδιάγραμμα των δραστηριοτήτων.
16. για να ορίσετε το χρονοδιάγραμμα των συναντήσεων TNM και LTTA


Vo tekot na ovoj proekt planiravme tri Transnacionalni sostanoci. Tri važni sostanoci vo tri podednakvo važni momenti vo proektot. Početna sredba vo Kipar za započnuvanje na proektot; vtor sostanok na krajot na učebnata 2022-2023 godina za da se podgotvi privremeniot izveštaj (vo Turcija); tret sostanok na krajot od proektot za finalniot proekt. (vo Hrvatska) Prvata sredba ḱe se održi na Kipar od 26 do 30 septemvri 2022 godina. Ovoj sostanok ḱe bide važen: 1.da se zapoznae meǵu partnerite, da gi zapoznae novite; 2. bidejḱi po sostanokot so Belgiskata nacionalna agencija Erazmus, koordinatorot ḱe napravi rezime na aranžmanite za proektot; 3. da gi potsetuva site na nivnite obvrski; 4. za objasnuvanjata za različnite dokumenti; 5. da go započne proektot pravilno i istovremeno; 6. da gi izbere aktivnostite za koi sekoj ḱe bide odgovoren; 7. da se potseti na ulogata na sekoj lokalen koordinator; 8. da ja započne „Detektivskata igra“ so trgovski datumi i datumi ispraḱanje zakrpi; 9. da go počituva finansiskiot del i soodvetnite pravila; 10. da gi počituva datumite na aktivnostite, ispraḱanjeto na izveštaite na aktivnosti i sostanoci 11. da koristi zaednička platforma; 12. da go objasni postojaniot finansiski dokument, negovite celi, negovite obleka, negovata upotreba; 13. da izbere maskota, simbol na proektniot partner; 14. da se objasni vklučenosta na robotikata vo životnata sredina i klimata; 15. da se postavi raspored na aktivnosti; 16. da go postavite rasporedot za sostanoci na TNM i LTTA





SEPTEMBER 26 to 30, 2022 : TNM 1 IN LIMASSOL


Arriving of the partners.

For Belgium: Claude & Chrystelle

For Bulgaria : Mariya, Zhasmina, Daniela

For Turkiye: Ibrahim & Recep

For Macedonia: Gordana & 

For Croatia: Barbara & Mirjana

For Italy: Anna Maria & Ermelinda

For Portugal: Antonio & Mario

For Spane:  Guillermo  & 

Cyp 1













The Odysseia hotel where all the partners stayed during the meeting.

In this hotel, we also made a work session on wednesday morning.

Monday afternoon, eleven partners went to visit Nicosia.

Nicosie 1Nicosie 5




















Nicosie 6












We were thus able to discover a spinning workshop where women, often emigrants, create handcrafted carpets and tablecloths.

Others built pots out of reeds. Wood and ceramics also occupied the premises.

Nicosie 7Nicosie 8








The military cemetery commemorating the 1974 war with Turkiye and the splitting of the island in two.

Nicosie 9











The evening, dinner near the sea.

Nicosie 13Nicosie 12







                                                                                                                                                                 Female teachers of this meeting.







From Tuesday, the work sessions took place at the school and at the hotel.
Tuesday, reception at school in the morning. After an introductory session with the participation of the pupils and the visit of the school, the first working session focused on the administrative aspects of the project, the documents, the information received from the national agency.
The other two working sessions had the following objectives:
- the distribution of activities between the partners, the agenda of activities, the exchange of documents, the use of Google Drive, the exchanges of the "Detective Game", the dates of the other meetings of the school year 2022-2023.
- the financial aspect which remains pending following the modification request to the Belgian national agency. The coordinator will make a transfer of 8000€ to each partner for the Tenerife meeting and planned activities. A transfer request document will be sent to each partner to then be sent to the financial department of the city of Mons.

https://youtu.be/7HBj34VNhyLimassol 21





This mobility was scheduled at the end of June to allow the partners to establish a summary of the different activities carried out during the first year of the project, to discuss the results of the organized LTTA mobilities and the contributions to the students participating in these mobilities, to open the project in its second year with its activity forecasts and planned mobility and the financial situation of the partners.

This mobility was carried out from June 230 to 24, 2023. The students of the school had been on summer break for a few days. Our mobility took place in Istanbul, one day visit, Canakkale (one day), Biga (one day) and finally Bursa before returning to the airports of Istanbul.
Three working sessions were organized during this mobility:
session 1: summary of a year of project.
The partners had received two questionnaires relating to this first year of the project: a questionnaire intended for the teaching team of each partner establishment involved in the project. A second questionnaire was intended for six students who participated in mobility. During this first session, we made a synthesis of the answers given. The answers provided by the students were the subject of particular attention because they are the actors of this project. The project coordinator insisted on the answers given in the questionnaires. These responses had to be sincere and express everyone's feelings, whether positive or negative.                                                                                                                                                  The second session focused on the activities of the second year and the planned mobilities. It should be noted that all the activities planned during the first year were carried out by all the partners. For this second year, the partners discussed the three planned LTTA mobilities. Italy will host the first mobility from October 15 to 21, 2023, Belgium will be the second destination from January 14 to 20, 2024, Portugal will close the mobility in February 2024. The mobility in Belgium had to be modified following the reduced possibility of welcome us. Medical documents will be essential to carry out certain activities during the internship at the Euro Space Center in Transinne.
The course (from the 15th to the 19th) will end with a festivity at the Flénu school in the evening of the 19th. The 20th will be devoted to visiting Brussels and preparing for departures. A deposit must be paid for each school in order to secure mobility.
For the mobility in Italy, the students will stay in two hotels following an important meeting organized simultaneously with our mobility. We will stay four nights in Lancusi and two nights in Salerno. The hotels have requested the payment of a deposit for each school partner.
Mobility in Madeira will be the subject of a point during a videoconference meeting which will be organized after the start of the school year in September.
The third session was the financial part. Each partner gave the coordinator a copy of the expenses incurred during the first year with regard to transnational mobility and LTTA.

The following meeting between the partners: saturday September 16, 2024 at 10.00 am Each partner will receive a link from the coordinator to Teams.



From June 30 to July 4, the partners met for mobility in Croatia. For this mobility, the partners received two questionnaires relating to the partnership: one intended for teachers and the other for students. Another document was intended for local coordinators to get their feelings, their opinions regarding the project, its evolution, and the activities carried out.
During this mobility, a working session by video conference was organized because the project coordinator could not be present due to medical problems. During this session, each partner first expressed their opinion on the progress of the project. It was a general satisfaction because during these two years of the project, there was a friendly atmosphere, an atmosphere of work well done, an atmosphere of various reciprocal help. The organization of the mobility was remarkable in every way by all those responsible and the students kept wonderful memories of these meetings. The coordinator also asked the partners to provide him with all financial documents relating to the project. Nearly fifteen hundred documents had to be printed for this point in the program. The regret of all the partners comes from the end of our project, the end of a great European adventure for the partner establishments, for the teachers and especially for the students who will keep indelible memories of their mobility and their activities carried out in the framework of this “robotics” project.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     During this mobility, our host, Barbara Cicmak allowed the participants to get to know a beautiful Croatian region: Dalmatia, as well as the local cuisine. Zagreb was also the subject of an interesting visit.

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Date de dernière mise à jour : 10/07/2024