Réunir neuf établissements scolaires autour d’un thème tel que le nôtre était certes ambitieux, mais l’expérience que j’avais des projets européens, de collègues européens avec lesquels j’avais déjà travaillé m’ont très rapidement convaincu d’introduire une candidature. Plusieurs web conférences précédant la remise officielle de la candidature nous ont permis de se connaître, d’établir un agenda commun, de répondre aux divers questionnements des partenaires. Les huit partenaires m’ont fait confiance pour l’organisation de ce projet qui a été, pour de nombreux élèves, un moyen d’approcher le monde de la robotique, de s’y intéresser, de se former, de se parfaire, bref de vivre une expérience nouvelle et intéressante. J’ai ressenti dès le départ l’engouement des partenaires trouvés aux quatre coins de l’Europe. Il est certes beaucoup plus facile de former un groupe uniforme lorsqu’on connait déjà pas mal d’enseignants européens, lorsqu’on a eu la chance de travailler avec des établissements disséminés dans dix-sept pays. Les contacts sont alors beaucoup plus faciles et vos interlocuteurs vous connaissent, connaissent vos demandes, vos attentes. Ce partenariat a été un projet durant lequel chaque partenaire a répondu correctement aux attentes du coordinateur : travaux réguliers, timings respectés, échanges nombreux et fructueux, mobilités organisées de façons magistrales : chacun a effectué le travail espéré dans le souci de réussir notre projet. Je suis fier de coordonner ce projet, d’être responsable d’enseignants  engagés dans le processus européen. Je suis fier des activités réalisées par les partenaires, de l’organisation que chacun a apportée dans les mobilités, de la réflexion d’une collègue européenne qui me déclarait « tu as changé ma façon d’enseigner », de voir nos jeunes s’éclater lors des mobilités et des activités communes, de voir nos jeunes conscients de l’importance d’apprentissage des langues : autant de facteurs qui me permettent de penser que non seulement ce projet était bien une réussite collective, mais surtout que Erasmus est bien un trait d’union entre les jeunes de nos différents pays.

Bringing together nine schools around a theme such as ours was certainly ambitious, but the experience I had of European projects and European colleagues with whom I had already worked very quickly convinced me to submit an application. . Several web conferences preceding the official submission of the application allowed us to get to know each other, establish a common agenda, and answer various questions from partners. The eight partners trusted me with the organization of this project which was, for many students, a way to approach the world of robotics, to take an interest in it, to train, to improve, in short to live a new and interesting experience. From the start, I felt the enthusiasm of the partners found all over Europe. It is certainly much easier to form a uniform group when you already know a lot of European teachers, when you have had the chance to work with establishments spread across seventeen countries. Contacts are then much easier and your contacts know you, your requests, your expectations. This partnership was a project during which each partner correctly responded to the expectations of the coordinator: regular work, respected timings, numerous and fruitful exchanges, mobilities organized in a masterful way: everyone carried out the work hoped for in order to succeed in our project. I am proud to coordinate this project, to be responsible for teachers engaged in the European process. I am proud of the activities carried out by the partners, of the organization that everyone brought to mobility, of the reflection of a European colleague who declared to me “you have changed the way I teach”, of seeing our young people burst during mobility and joint activities, to see our young people aware of the importance of learning languages: all factors which allow me to think that not only was this project a collective success, but above all that Erasmus is indeed a link between young people from our different countries.

Quel a été votre ressenti général en qualité de coordinateur local du projet ?

What was your general feeling as local coordinator of the project?

La confiance que les partenaires m’ont témoignée dès le départ était certes un atout pour la réussite de ce projet, mais constituait également un enjeu colossal vu les objectifs que nous nous étions fixés.

The trust that the partners showed in me from the start was certainly an asset for the success of this project, but also constituted a colossal challenge given the objectives that we had set for ourselves.

Comment avez-vous intéressé vos collègues à participer au projet ?

How did you interest your colleagues in participating in the project?

Nous avions déjà abordé le domaine des robots dans diverses activités antérieures. Il a donc été facile de convaincre collègues et partenaires à travailler sur un thème d’actualité et auquel de nombreux jeunes adhèrent.

We have already addressed the field of robots in various previous activities. It was therefore easy to convince colleagues and partners to work on a topical theme that many young people support.

Quel genre de mobilité avez-vous organisée ?

What kind of mobility have you organized?

Mobilité avec les élèves. Nous avons organisé un camp astronaute de cinq jours à l’Euro Space Center de Transinne et ce pour 53 élèves.

Mobility with students. We organized a five-day astronaut camp at the Euro Space Center in Transinne for 53 students.

Quel est votre ressenti à propos de cette mobilité ?

How do you feel about this mobility?

Une expérience grandiose pour tous les participants qui ont pu vivre cinq jours d’activités variées en rapport avec la robotique, l’espace et surtout de grands moments ensembles.

A grandiose experience for all participants who were able to experience five days of varied activities related to robotics, space and above all great moments together.

Serez-vous candidat à une autre coordination de projet Erasmus+ ?

Expliquez les raisons de ce choix.

Will you be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination?

Explain the reasons for this choice.

Une nouvelle candidature a été présentée sur le thème du climat et pour laquelle nous venons de recevoir une réponse positive de l’Agence nationale. Une nouvelle expérience de deux années s’ouvre donc pour notre école flénusienne.

A new application was presented on the theme of climate and for which we have just received a positive response from the National Agency. A new two-year experience therefore begins for our Flénusian school.

Pour vous, ce projet est-il un projet réussi ? Qu’a-t-il apporté à vos collègues et à vos élèves ?

For you, is this project a successful project? What has it brought to your colleagues and your students?

Ce projet a été une réussite car les partenaires ont parfaitement répondu aux attentes du départ, ont respecté les timings d’activités, de remise des rapports, ont organisé des mobilités inoubliables pour tous les participants. Nos élèves ont pu approcher le monde de la robotique, avoir des contacts avec d’autres élèves européens, comprendre l’importance des langues dans les rapports humains.

This project was a success because the partners perfectly met initial expectations, respected the timing of activities and submission of reports, and organized unforgettable mobility for all participants. Our students were able to approach the world of robotics, have contact with other European students, and understand the importance of languages ​​in human relationships.


Explain your participation in this project: your membership in the project, your activities
carried out by whom, how, your collaboration with your colleagues, your collaboration
with your partners, mobility organizations, your general feeling.

One of the most beautiful life and professional experiences begins with the realization of Erasmus projects. This opportunity for our school started in 2016 and since then we have implemented 8 projects in which we were partners, 3 of which are joint with Mr. Decleve, who as a coordinator transferred all his experience and we had something to learn from him. Lots of interesting mobilities and activities, both for students and teachers. We, as coordinators, participate in the mobilities, a large number of teachers and students were also involved and through dissemination we trained the rest of the students and teachers from our school. We hosted mobility with students twice, in which about 70 participants took part both times, which brought great impressions and experiences. This opportunity to be part of Erasmus projects is really an opportunity to learn something new, achieve professional development and implement innovations in teaching and the teaching process.


Membership in the project: I participated in this project as a local coordinator representing our school, which was one of the partner schools in the Erasmus+ project.

Activities carried out: We organized and conducted various school activities centered around robotics. These activities were designed to engage students and enhance their understanding of robotics technology. We also shared our experiences, findings, and results with our partner schools.

By whom: These activities were carried out by our dedicated team of teachers and staff members who are passionate about integrating technology and robotics into our curriculum.

Collaboration with your colleagues: Collaboration with my colleagues was integral to the success of this project. We held regular planning meetings to design the activities, distribute responsibilities, and ensure that everyone was on the same page. My colleagues actively participated in organizing and conducting the activities, providing valuable insights and support throughout the project.

Collaboration with our partners: Collaboration with our partner schools from the European countries was a key component of this project. We regularly communicated through online meetings and emails to coordinate our efforts, share resources, and discuss progress. We also visited each partner school for project meetings and joint activities, fostering a strong sense of partnership and cultural exchange.

Mobility organizations: We organized several mobility events where students and staff from our school visited partner schools, and we also hosted visits from our partners. These exchanges were crucial for hands-on learning, cultural exchange, and strengthening our collaborative efforts.

Benefits of European values and cooperation: The project significantly reinforced European values such as unity, diversity, and mutual respect. By working closely with our European partners, students and staff gained a deeper appreciation for different cultures and educational approaches. This cooperation fostered a sense of belonging to a larger European community and highlighted the importance of collaboration and solidarity in addressing common challenges and achieving shared goals.

General feeling: Overall, my experience as a coordinator was extremely positive. I felt a strong sense of accomplishment seeing our students engaged and excited about robotics. The collaborative spirit among the partner schools was inspiring, and the project significantly enriched our educational practices and international connections. Embracing European values and cooperation not only enhanced our project outcomes but also contributed to the personal and professional growth of everyone involved.

Quel a été votre ressenti général en qualité de coordinateur local du projet ?

What was your general feeling as local coordinator of the project?

As the local coordinator of the Erasmus+ project, my overall feeling was one of immense satisfaction and pride. Coordinating a project of this scale and significance was both challenging and rewarding.

Overall Satisfaction: I felt deeply satisfied with how the project unfolded. Seeing the enthusiasm and engagement of our students and staff in robotics activities was incredibly fulfilling. The collaborative spirit among the partner schools enriched our experience and brought a sense of accomplishment.

Challenges and Solutions: We did face some challenges, particularly in coordinating activities across nine different countries with varying school schedules and curricula. However, regular communication and a strong commitment to the project's goals helped us navigate these challenges successfully. The use of  meetings and resource sharing played a crucial role in maintaining smooth operations.

Personal Growth: On a personal level, this project was a significant growth experience. I honed my leadership and project management skills, particularly in organizing international collaborations. The need to communicate effectively with partners from different cultural backgrounds improved my cross-cultural communication abilities.

Impact on School Community: The project had a profound impact on our school community. It fostered a greater sense of unity and collaboration among our staff and students. Introducing robotics into our curriculum not only enhanced students' technical skills but also sparked their interest in this field.

Memorable Moments: One of the most memorable moments was our international meetings, where we saw the excitement of students and teachers from different countries working together. The joy on our students' faces as they presented their robotics projects to an international audience was unforgettable.

Feedback from Participants: The positive feedback from both students and colleagues reinforced the value of our efforts. Students expressed their excitement about learning robotics and participating in international exchanges. Colleagues appreciated the professional development opportunities and the chance to collaborate with educators across Europe.

Overall, my experience as the local coordinator of this Erasmus+ project was incredibly rewarding. It was a journey of learning, collaboration, and achievement that I will cherish.

Comment avez-vous intéressé vos collègues à participer au projet ?

How did you interest your colleagues in participating in the project?

We had a satisfying participation fort he collegues to the Project. Some teachers participated in the mobilities and the others took part in the school activities.

Communication of Project Goals and Benefits: I began by clearly communicating the goals and objectives of the project, emphasizing the valuable opportunities for professional development, international collaboration, and the enhancement of our students' learning experiences. I highlighted how participating in the project could broaden their teaching practices and provide new, innovative approaches to education.

Involvement in Planning and Decision-Making: From the outset, I involved my colleagues in the planning stages of the project. We held brainstorming sessions where everyone could contribute ideas and discuss potential activities. This collaborative approach ensured that everyone felt a sense of ownership and commitment to the project's success.

Training and Support: Understanding that some colleagues might feel unsure about their roles, I organized training sessions and workshops focused on the project's key aspects, such as using robotics in the classroom and facilitating international exchanges. I provided continuous support, making myself available to answer questions and offer guidance whenever needed.

Creating a Collaborative Environment: Fostering a sense of teamwork was crucial. I created opportunities for colleagues to collaborate on project activities, share their experiences, and support each other. Regular meetings and collaborative planning sessions helped build a strong, united team committed to the project's success.

Feedback and Recognition: Throughout the project, I actively sought feedback from my colleagues to understand their experiences and address any concerns. I made sure to recognize and celebrate their contributions and achievements, whether through informal acknowledgments or formal recognition at school events.

By using these strategies, I was able to successfully engage my colleagues in the Erasmus+ project, creating a collaborative and enthusiastic team dedicated to making the project a success.

Quel genre de mobilité avez-vous organisée ?

What kind of mobility have you organized?

Our school has organised a Transnational Project Meeting in June 2023 in Biga, Çanakkale, Türkiye.

Quel est votre ressenti à propos de cette mobilité ?

How do you feel about this mobility?

We had the honour our partners from 8 different countries. It was the end of the first year of the project and we had the opportunity to evaluate the first part of our project. During the work sessions we talked about  what we had done and what to be done.

Serez-vous candidat à une autre coordination de projet Erasmus+ ?

Expliquez les raisons de ce choix.

Will you be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination?

Explain the reasons for this choice.

After finishing the project with a great satisfaction, for sure, I would love to be a partner of new project. We have worked together with partners 2 years and had lots of experiences. There is an expectation on our school about the Erasmus projects. The reason is that we have been working on Erasmus+ projects since 2019 and we wish to continue with new ones.

Pour vous, ce projet est-il un projet réussi ? Qu’a-t-il apporté à vos collègues et à vos élèves ?

For you, is this project a successful project? What has it brought to your colleagues and your students?

By this project, we had the opportunity to ;

-Be able to work with European schools and share the experinces among us.

-Be a partner of a group and follow the responsibilities.

-For the teachers, to monitor the European schools and collegues to share some techniques and methods.

-For the students, to meet European classmates and make new friends. To learn the ability of teamworks and group works.

This project helped our school to be a sample in our city by carrying out the activities and mobilities. Being a role-model school is the best part of this project.



Μοναδικές εμπειρίες ζωής για 36 μαθητές/τριες και 16 εκπαιδευτικούς

του Στ’ Δημοτικού Λεμεσού (ΚΒ) – Αγ. Νικολάου


Τελευταίο Εκπαιδευτικό Ταξίδι στην Κροατία:

Ολοκλήρωση και Αξιολόγηση του Διετούς Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος

Με το εκπαιδευτικό ταξίδι στo Ζάγκρεμπ της Κροατίας, που πραγματοποιήθηκε από τις 30 Ιουνίου μέχρι τις 04 Ιουλίου 2024, ολοκληρώθηκε η ευρωπαϊκή συνεργασία για το Στ’ Δημοτικό Λεμεσού (ΚΒ) – Αγ. Νικολάου, στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος Erasmus+ KA2, με θέμα: “Robotics yesterday, today, tomorrow. Its interaction with the environment and climate”. Στην σύμπραξη συμμετείχαν σχολεία από την Πορτογαλία, το Βέλγιο, την Ιταλία, την Ισπανία, τη Βουλγαρία, τη Β. Μακεδονία, την Τουρκία, την Κροατία και την Κύπρο.

Στο ένατο, κατά σειρά, εκπαιδευτικό ταξίδι που αποτέλεσε το αποκορύφωμα και την τελική αξιολόγηση του διετούς Προγράμματος, συμμετείχαν οι συντονιστές των εννέα εταιρικών σχολείων. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι, οι συντονιστές είχαν την ευκαιρία να ανακεφαλαιώσουν τα επιτεύγματα του Προγράμματος, να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις και προβληματισμούς και να σχεδιάσουν πιθανές μελλοντικές δράσεις, των εννέα εταιρικών σχολείων.

Πιο συγκεκριμένα, ο κύριος σκοπός της διακρατικής κινητικότητας ήταν η αποτίμηση της συνεργασίας, που ξεκίνησε τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2022 και ολοκληρώνεται τον Αύγουστο του 2024 και η αξιολόγηση των αποτελεσμάτων της σύμπραξης. Οι εκπαιδευτικοί, κατά τη διάρκεια της πενθήμερης παραμονής στη χώρα, μεταξύ άλλων, παρουσίασαν τα αποτελέσματα και τις εμπειρίες από τα σχολεία τους, αναλύοντας τα επιτεύγματα και τις προκλήσεις που αντιμετώπισαν.

Κατά τη διάρκεια των συζητήσεων και των εργαστηρίων, οι εκπαιδευτικοί προχώρησαν στην αξιολόγηση του Προγράμματος, επικεντρώνοντας στα εξής:

1) Εκπαιδευτικά Αποτελέσματα

- Βελτίωση Δεξιοτήτων: Οι μαθητές/τριες που συμμετείχαν στο πρόγραμμα παρουσίασαν σημαντική βελτίωση στις δεξιότητες προγραμματισμού και στην κατανόηση των αρχών της μηχανικής.

- Αύξηση Ενδιαφέροντος: Το ενδιαφέρον των μαθητών/τριών για τις επιστήμες και την τεχνολογία αυξήθηκε, με πολλούς να εκφράζουν την επιθυμία να ακολουθήσουν καριέρα σε συναφείς τομείς.

2) Συνεργασία και Διαπολιτισμική Κατανόηση

- Ενίσχυση Συνεργασίας: Το Πρόγραμμα ενίσχυσε τη συνεργασία μεταξύ των σχολείων, προωθώντας την ανταλλαγή γνώσεων και την ανάπτυξη κοινών εκπαιδευτικών στόχων.

- Διαπολιτισμική Κατανόηση: Οι μαθητές/τριες και οι εκπαιδευτικοί ανέπτυξαν διαπολιτισμικές δεξιότητες, μαθαίνοντας να εργάζονται σε πολυπολιτισμικές ομάδες.

3) Καινοτομία και Τεχνολογία

- Χρήση Προηγμένων Τεχνολογιών: Οι μαθητές/τριες χρησιμοποίησαν σύγχρονα ρομποτικά κιτ και λογισμικά, τα οποία τους επέτρεψαν να πειραματιστούν και να αναπτύξουν νέες λύσεις σε πραγματικά προβλήματα.

- Εκπαιδευτικές Μεθοδολογίες: Η εισαγωγή καινοτόμων εκπαιδευτικών μεθόδων βελτίωσε την ποιότητα της μάθησης και ενθάρρυνε τον πειραματισμό.

Το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα Ρομποτικής ΚΑ2 απέδειξε τη δυνατότητα της ρομποτικής να λειτουργήσει ως ένα ισχυρό εργαλείο για την εκπαίδευση. Με τη συμμετοχή των εννέα σχολείων, το Πρόγραμμα όχι μόνο βελτίωσε τις δεξιότητες των μαθητών/τριών, αλλά και ενίσχυσε τη διαπολιτισμική κατανόηση, καθώς επίσης, αποτέλεσε σημαντικό βήμα στην ενίσχυση της εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής και της συνεργατικής μάθησης στην Ευρώπη. Επιπρόσθετα, οι εμπειρίες ήταν μοναδικές για όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους, εμπειρίες που θα τους συντροφεύουν για όλη τους την ζωή.

Παρενθετικά, για το κυπριακό σχολείο, το Στ’ Δημοτικό Λεμεσού (ΚΒ) – Αγ. Νικολάου, το Πρόγραμμα ήταν κάτι το ανεπανάληπτο, τόσο για τους μαθητές/τριες, όσο και για τους εκπαιδευτικούς, αφού για πρώτη φορά το σχολείο συμμετείχε σε Πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ΚΑ2. Συνολικά, στα δύο χρόνια εφαρμογής του Προγράμματος, συμμετείχαν σε διακρατικές κινητικότητες 36 μαθητές/τριες και 16 εκπαιδευτικοί. Το γεγονός αυτό έχει μεγάλη σημασία και αποτελεί επιτυχία για το Σχολείο, αφού η πλειοψηφία των παιδιών που φοιτά εκεί είναι παιδιά χαμηλού κοινωνικο-οικονομικού προφίλ.  

Συμπερασματικά, το εκπαιδευτικό ταξίδι στην Κροατία αποτέλεσε έναν ιδανικό τρόπο για να ολοκληρωθεί η ευρωπαϊκή συνεργασία. Οι εκπαιδευτικοί συμφώνησαν ότι το πρόγραμμα είχε θετικό αντίκτυπο τόσο στους μαθητές/τριες όσο και στους ίδιους, προσφέροντας πολύτιμες γνώσεις και εμπειρίες. Σχεδιάστηκαν μελλοντικές δράσεις για τη συνέχιση της συνεργασίας και την ενίσχυση της εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής. Με άλλα λόγια, το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα Ρομποτικής ΚΑ2 απέδειξε την αξία της συνεργασίας και της καινοτομίας στην εκπαίδευση, θέτοντας τα θεμέλια για μελλοντικές επιτυχίες.

Ελπίζουμε τα αποτελέσματα αυτού του έργου να αποτελέσουν πηγή έμπνευσης για παρόμοιες μελλοντικές δράσεις και να ενισχύσουν περαιτέρω την ιδέα της ευρωπαϊκής συνεργασίας και της αμοιβαίας κατανόησης.

Της Αγγέλας Χριστάκη Φιλίππου

(Συντονίστριας Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων (ΚΑ1 & ΚΑ2)

Angela 151 Angela 150











Unique life experiences for 36 students and 16 teachers
of the Sixth Primary School of Limassol (KB) - Ag. Nikolaou
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------

Last Educational Trip to Croatia:
Completion and Evaluation of the Two-Year European Program

With the educational trip to Zagreb, Croatia, which took place from June 30 to July 4, 2024, the European cooperation for the 6th Primary School of Limassol (KB) - Ag. Nikolaou, in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 European Program, with the theme: "Robotics yesterday, today, tomorrow. It's interaction with the environment and climate". Schools from Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Turkey, Croatia and Cyprus participated in the partnership.

The coordinators of the nine corporate schools participated in the ninth educational trip in a row, which was the culmination and final evaluation of the two-year Program. In this trip, the coordinators had the opportunity to recap the achievements of the Program, to exchange opinions and concerns and to plan possible future actions, of the nine partner schools.

More specifically, the main purpose of the transnational mobility was to evaluate the cooperation, which started in September 2022 and ends in August 2024, and to evaluate the results of the partnership. The teachers, during the five-day stay in the country, among other things, presented the results and experiences from their schools, analyzing the achievements and challenges they faced.

During the discussions and workshops, the teachers proceeded to evaluate the Program, focusing on the following:

1) Educational Results
- Improved Skills: Students who participated in the program showed significant improvement in programming skills and understanding of engineering principles.
- Increased Interest: Student interest in science and technology has increased, with many expressing a desire to pursue careers in related fields.

2) Cooperation and Intercultural Understanding
- Strengthening Cooperation: The Program strengthened cooperation between schools, promoting the exchange of knowledge and the development of common educational goals.
- Intercultural Understanding: Students and teachers developed intercultural skills, learning to work in multicultural teams.

3) Innovation and Technology
- Use of Advanced Technologies: Students used modern robotic kits and software, which allowed them to experiment and develop new solutions to real problems.
- Educational Methodologies: The introduction of innovative educational methods improved the quality of learning and encouraged experimentation.

The European KA2 Robotics Program demonstrated the potential of robotics to act as a powerful tool for education. With the participation of the nine schools, the Program not only improved students' skills, but also enhanced cross-cultural understanding, as well as being an important step in strengthening educational robotics and collaborative learning in Europe. In addition, the experiences were unique for all involved, experiences that will accompany them for the rest of their lives.

Parenthetically, for the Cypriot school, the 6th Primary School of Limassol (KB) - Ag. Nikolaou, the Program was something unique, both for the students and for the teachers, since for the first time the school participated in an Erasmus+KA2 Program. In total, in the two years of the Program's implementation, 36 students and 16 teachers participated in transnational mobility. This fact is of great importance and is a success for the School, since the majority of the children studying there are children of a low socio-economic profile.

In conclusion, the educational trip to Croatia was an ideal way to complete the European cooperation. The teachers agreed that the program had a positive impact on both the students and themselves, offering valuable knowledge and experiences. Future actions were planned to continue the collaboration and strengthen educational robotics. In other words, the European KA2 Robotics Program demonstrated the value of collaboration and innovation in education, laying the foundations for future successes.

We hope that the results of this project will be a source of inspiration for similar future actions and will further strengthen the idea of ​​European cooperation and mutual understanding.


I would like to acknowledge that taking part in this Erasmus project was a great opportunity for my school. The topic and objectives of the project were really important and up-to-date with the fast pace contemporary societies and technologies are developing day by day. As a local coordinator of the Bulgarian school I worked in great collaboration with my Erasmus team, which consisted of two English language teachers, the school counsellor, one primary teacher, one IT teacher, the assistant director and the school accountant. Working with them, the regular meetings and discussions helped me for not only the successful realization of the project, but also for creating a better working environment and positive, friendly relationship between us.

We carried out 21 activities with our students. 14 teachers took part in these activities although for most of them it was not their field of expertise. But they were all intrigued by the topic of robotics. Thanks to our joint efforts and hard work together with our students we were able to learn a lot about the world of robotics and its involvement in every aspect of our lives, its positive and negative effects. Alongside with learning about robotics, students and teachers improved their skills to use video making programs and power point presentations. After each activity we had a final product – a video, a power point presentation or a poster.

Due to the great number of meetings we had to organize and the regular exchange of activity reports, we, the partners on the project, were able to have continuous communication. This was a great opportunity to strengthen our partnership, to build a relationship of friendship, respect and trust among ourselves, and last but not least to practice our English language skills.

I had to make the travel arrangements for 3 TNMs and 5 LTTAs. This included meetings with teachers, students and their parents in order to organize and carry out a good and safe travel. Multiple meetings of the Erasmus team were held in order to make the best and the fairest selection of students to take part in the meetings. My responsibility was to present them the program, to make the compulsory safety instructions before each trip, to gather all the necessary documents for the students to be able to travel abroad, to make the travel insurances and together with the accountant of the school to purchase the plane tickets. My school hosted one LTTA. For my team it was a great honour and a big challenge at the same time. The preparation for it was done in great collaboration with my colleagues and parents from the school board. Due to the large number of participants involved we had some difficulties but judging by the letter of appreciation from the main coordinator and the thank you emails from all the local coordinators, I am proud and satisfied to conclude that we have prepared and carried out a successful LTTA.

I feel very satisfied and glad with all the work we have done with all my colleagues and partners, with all the successful activities and mobilities we carried out. Being part of such responsible, hard-working and supportive team was a real pleasure for me and my colleagues.

Quel a été votre ressenti général en qualité de coordinateur local du projet ?

What was your general feeling as local coordinator of the project?

Now, at the end of the project, I feel really satisfied and proud. After all the efforts and hard work on the organisation and implementation of the project activities and mobilities, I am more than happy with the results we achieved.

It was a pleasure for me to observe the students’ willingness and dedication while working on the different activities, the positive change in them after each mobility, the interest they developed in robotics and technologies, the knowledge and skills they have acquired.

I am also very happy of being able to interest and involve 14 of my colleagues to take part in the project.

And last but not least, it was a great experience for me to be part of the responsible and collaborative team of coordinators of the project. People with whom we built close, friendly and trustworthy relationships and shared unforgettable moments.

Comment avez-vous intéressé vos collègues à participer au projet ?

How did you interest your colleagues in participating in the project?

After the approval of the project I presented the objectives, the tasks, the schedule of activities and upcoming mobilities to my colleagues. I also made a short presentation of the participating schools. Together with my colleagues we discussed the benefits of the activities and to what extent they could be integrated in our daily work and the strategy of the school. After these meetings, most of my colleagues were motivated to take an active part in the activities planned to be carried out at school. The selection of the participants was done according to both their desire and professional skills.

Before each activity and mobility I presented to the participating teachers all the details for the upcoming events, gave them support, instructions and organisational assistance if they needed such. Upon completing each activity/mobility, the teachers made a report in which they noted all the achievements, difficulties and the way they had overcome them. Then I summarized and translated the information for the activity reports.

Due to the regular meetings and constant communication, I was able to create a successful, motivated and positive Erasmus team.

Quel genre de mobilité avez-vous organisée ?

What kind of mobility have you organized?

LTTA in March 2023

Quel est votre ressenti à propos de cette mobilité ?

How do you feel about this mobility?

I was really worried when me and my team started preparing the meeting because this was the first time that our school was going to host such a big Erasmus group.

We worked with the University for Children.  They organised 4 different workshops - electronics, robotics, chemistry and physics. All of the workshops touched upon the topics of contemporary technology and ecology with lots of hands on experience tasks and experiments. All participants learned a lot about electricity and how it works, how to recycle paper, how to work with a soldering iron, how to do programming with Arduino and many more.

According to the feedback I received from all the partners after the mobility, I can proudly say that it was a successful one.

Serez-vous candidat à une autre coordination de projet Erasmus+ ?

Expliquez les raisons de ce choix.

Will you be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination?

Explain the reasons for this choice.

I would love to and do it with great responsibility, dedication and motivation. It would be another great opportunity for all the teachers and our students to improve our language, communication, social and professional skills. Working on these projects also help us build better relationships with our colleagues and students, help us create a positive and fruitful working environment. Being part of an Erasmus team is also a great challenge and motivation for each teacher to give the best of him/her.

Pour vous, ce projet est-il un projet réussi ? Qu’a-t-il apporté à vos collègues et à vos élèves ?

For you, is this project a successful project? What has it brought to your colleagues and your students?

The project is definitely a successful one.

For the students : they gained a lot of new knowledge and practical skills related to robotics; they improved their language and communication skills; they enriched their cultural awareness about the different European countries; and last but not least they improved their emotional intelligence.

For the Erasmus team: the team has enriched their experience in coordinating and implementing Erasmus projects.

For the participating teachers: they gained a lot of new professional knowledge and skills related to robotics and technology; they increased their motivation for working on extracurricular activities and participating in European projects; they also developed a new type of positive and collaborative attitude towards students, parents, teachers and local educational authorities. Overall, they feel more confidents, creative, innovative and dedicated to their work.

For the school: the school image has improved and the number of children who want to come and study at our school increased largely.

For the local community: parents have become more engaged with the school life. Through this project they became aware of the great opportunities the Erasmus+ program offers to the children.



I sincerely believe that an excellent climate of cooperation and mutual help was established among everyone who directly participated in the project, and that we built a true team.

From my initial apprehension, as I would become part of a group that was already more or less solidified, I can say that it quickly became a feeling of perfect integration, as I felt that everyone was doing their best for the success of our work.

At all times there was a huge desire to do better and better, which was felt in each of the meetings organized.



Quel a été votre ressenti général en qualité de coordinateur local du projet ?

What was your general feeling as local coordinator of the project?


I felt enormous pleasure because on the part of the institution, the participating students and colleagues, there was great involvement.

Comment avez-vous intéressé vos collègues à participer au projet ?

How did you interest your colleagues in participating in the project?

From the beginning, and because our school already has a history of participating in this type of projects, it was easy to find interested collaborators.

Quel genre de mobilité avez-vous organisée ?

What kind of mobility have you organized?


Quel est votre ressenti à propos de cette mobilité ?

How do you feel about this mobility?


After the meeting I was left with a huge feeling of satisfaction and even a little pride, because despite some major setbacks that arose during the preparation, especially with regard to partner institutions that, for scheduling reasons, gave up on collaboration, I think. that we were able to provide an excellent experience to everyone who visited us

Serez-vous candidat à une autre coordination de projet Erasmus+ ?

Expliquez les raisons de ce choix.

Will you be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination?

Explain the reasons for this choice.


Yes definitely.

We have had this type of initiative for many years and in this way it is almost a natural process.


Pour vous, ce projet est-il un projet réussi ? Qu’a-t-il apporté à vos collègues et à vos élèves ?

For you, is this project a successful project? What has it brought to your colleagues and your students?


In addition to being an always current topic, the opportunities for parallel activities that were provided to all participating teachers and students will certainly be a lasting milestone in their future. Adding all this up, the entire set of social experiences to which they had access





Quel a été votre ressenti général en qualité de coordinateur local du projet ?

What was your general feeling as local coordinator of the project?

As the local coordinator of the project, my general feeling was one of great satisfaction and if I can add pride. Here are some specific aspects of my experience:

Satisfaction from Successful Coordination

Coordinating a complex project in two years involved ensuring that all moving parts worked seamlessly together. The successful completion of various project phases on time and within budget was highly gratifying. It was fulfilling to see our plans come to the point of realisation and meet the project objectives.

Collaboration and Teamwork

The collaboration with colleagues, motivated students, their parents and partners was a highlight of the project. Working closely with a diverse group of professionals, including school team members and international partners, provided a rich learning experience. The synergy created through our collaborative efforts led to innovative solutions and effective problem-solving.

Overcoming Challenges

Every project has its challenges, and this one was no exception. From logistical hurdles to unexpected financial issues, we faced numerous obstacles. However, overcoming these challenges through teamwork and perseverance was a rewarding experience. It reinforced the importance of flexibility and adaptability in project management.

Professional Growth

Serving as the local coordinator allowed me to enhance my leadership and project management skills. I gained valuable experience in coordinating complex tasks, managing  negotiating expectations, and ensuring effective communication across different teams. This role significantly contributed to my professional development.

Positive Impact

Knowing that our project had a positive impact on the community was deeply rewarding. Whether it was improving our school life, providing valuable services, or fostering community engagement, the tangible benefits of our work were a source of pride.

Overall Sentiment

Overall, my experience as the local coordinator was overwhelmingly positive. The combination of successful project outcomes, strong team collaboration, personal and professional growth, and the positive impact on the community made this role exceptionally fulfilling. The sense of accomplishment and the lessons learned will undoubtedly influence my future projects and career path in spite the challenges of Project Budgets.


Managing the budget of a project came with several financial challenge such as Underestimation of Costs: Initial budget estimates may. I have learned that Effective financial management in project budgeting requires thorough planning, continuous monitoring, and proactive risk management. By anticipating potential challenges and preparing accordingly, i could better navigate the financial complexities of the projects.

Vrh obrasca

Dno obrasca

Comment avez-vous intéressé vos collègues à participer au projet ?

How did you interest your colleagues in participating in the project?

To interest my school colleagues in participating in the project, I employed several strategies that highlighted the benefits and importance of their involvement. Here’s how I approached it:

1. Communicating the Project’s Vision and Goals

  • Clear Communication: I organized a presentation to clearly outline the project's objectives, goals, and potential impact on the school and community. By explaining how the project aligns with our shared values and goals, I was able to create a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Real-world Impact: Emphasizing the tangible benefits and positive changes the project would bring to the school, students and our community helped to spark interest. For example, showcasing successful case studies from similar projects demonstrated the potential for real, meaningful impact.

2. Highlighting Personal and Professional Benefits

  • Skill Development: I highlighted how participating in the project would help colleagues develop valuable skills such as project management, teamwork, and leadership. These skills are not only beneficial for the project but also enhance their professional growth and career prospects.
  • Networking Opportunities: I pointed out the opportunity to collaborate with external partners and organizations, providing a chance to expand their professional network.

3. Creating a Collaborative Environment

  • Inclusive Planning: I involved colleagues in the planning process by organizing brainstorming sessions and seeking their input. This inclusive approach made them feel valued and more committed to the project.
  • Team-building Activities: To foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, I organized team-building activities. These activities helped build trust and a positive team spirit, which motivated colleagues to participate actively.

4. Providing Support and Resources

  • Training Sessions: I arranged training sessions to ensure colleagues felt confident in their roles. Providing the necessary resources and support helped alleviate any concerns they had about their ability to contribute effectively.
  • Clear Roles and Responsibilities: By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, I ensured that everyone knew what was expected of them and how they could contribute to the project's success.

5. Incentives and Recognition

  • Recognition Programs: I set up a system to recognize and reward contributions. Acknowledging the hard work and dedication of colleagues through awards or public recognition motivated them to stay engaged.
  • Professional Development Credits: Where possible, in Croatia for participation in the project teachers count towards professional development credits, making it an attractive proposition for career advancement.

6. Regular Updates and Feedback

  • Transparent Communication: I kept colleagues informed about the project's progress through regular updates and meetings. This transparency helped maintain their interest and commitment.

Feedback Mechanisms: Providing channels for colleagues to give feedback and suggestions ensured that they felt heard and involved in the decision-making process. I have learned combining clear communication, highlighting personal and professional benefits, fostering a collaborative environment, providing support, offering incentives, maintaining transparency, and showcasing success stories, I was able to effectively interest and engage my school colleagues in participating in the project. These strategies not only motivated them to join but also ensured their sustained involvement and commitment to the project’s success.

Vrh obrasca

Dno obrasca

Quel genre de mobilité avez-vous organisée ?

What kind of mobility have you organized?

For the final meeting of project partners in Croatia, I organized a TNM mobility comprehensive mobility plan to ensure a productive and memorable experience for all participants cooperating with an agency to realise all activities planned.

1. Travel Arrangements

Flights and Transportation

  • Flights: I did not coordinate flight bookings for all international partners to the nearest major airport in Croatia, since they organize the flights on their own.
  • Ground Transportation: Arranged for airport transfers, shuttle services, and local transportation, including buses and taxis, to ensure smooth and efficient travel between locations.

2. Accommodation


  • Hotel Reservations: Secured accommodations in  hotels that offered comfort, and fair price according the budget.

3. Meeting Venue

Facilities and Equipment

  • Conference Facilities: Booked a well-equipped conference center with necessary amenities such as high-speed internet, audio-visual equipment, and comfortable seating arrangements.


4. Cultural and Social Activities

Excursions and Events

  • City Tours: Organized guided tours of local landmarks and historical sites to offer cultural immersion.
  • Networking Events: Planned social events, such as welcome dinners and farewell parties, to foster networking and relationship-building among partners.
  • Local Cuisine: Arranged meals at traditional Croatian restaurants to provide an authentic culinary experience – famous

5. Workshops and Seminars

Knowledge Exchange

  • Thematic Workshops: Scheduled various workshops and seminars relevant to the project, led by experts in the field.
  • Interactive Sessions: Facilitated interactive sessions and discussions to encourage active participation and knowledge sharing.

6. Logistical Support

On-Site Assistance

  • Support Staff: Deployed a team of support staff to assist with logistics, answer queries, and provide assistance as needed.
  • Information Packets: Distributed welcome packets containing itineraries, maps, contact information, and other essential details to all participants upon arrival.

8. Feedback and Evaluation

Post-Event Assessment

  • Feedback Forms: Collected feedback from participants through surveys and questionnaires to assess the success of the event and gather suggestions for improvement.
  • Debriefing Sessions: Held debriefing sessions with key stakeholders to review outcomes and plan future collaborations.

By meticulously planning and organizing these mobility aspects, I try to ensure that the final meeting of project partners in Croatia will not only be productive but also enjoyable and enriching. Hopefully Ithinkt his comprehensive approach facilitated effective collaboration, cultural exchange, and a memorable experience for all participants.

Quel est votre ressenti à propos de cette mobilité ?

How do you feel about this mobility?

Organizing and hosting mobility projects in Croatia, particularly in a city like Zagreb, comes with a mix of positive and negative experiences. Here are some reflections based on recent developments:

Positive Aspects

  1. Innovation and Leadership:
    • Hosting cutting-edge projects like Project 3 Mobility and Rimac's robotaxi service positions Zagreb as a leader in urban mobility innovation. This not only enhances the city's reputation but also attracts investment and talent from around the world​ (P3 Mobility)​​ (Croatia Week)​.
  2. Economic Growth:
    • Significant investments, such as the €179.5 million grant from the European Commission and the €100 million from private investors, provide a substantial economic boost. These funds create jobs, stimulate local businesses, and encourage further development in the tech and automotive sectors​ (P3 Mobility)​​ (EU-Startups)​.
  3. Environmental Benefits:
    • Emphasis on electric vehicles and sustainable transport options aligns with global goals to reduce carbon emissions. Projects like the new tram purchases and the development of autonomous electric vehicles contribute to a cleaner, greener urban environment​ (Croatia Week)​.
  4. Enhanced Public Services:
    • Improvements in public transport, including new buses and trams and free transit for seniors, enhance the quality of life for residents by making mobility more accessible and convenient​ (Croatia Week)​.

Negative Aspects

  1. Implementation Challenges:
    • Coordinating such large-scale projects involves navigating complex bureaucratic processes, securing funding, and ensuring compliance with both national and EU regulations. These hurdles can delay project timelines and increase costs​ (P3 Mobility)​​ (EU-Startups)​.
  2. Public Resistance and Adaptation:
    • Introducing new technologies like autonomous vehicles may face resistance from the public due to concerns over safety, privacy, and job displacement for traditional drivers. Ensuring public acceptance and understanding requires extensive education and outreach efforts​ (Croatia Week)​.
  3. Infrastructure Demands:
    • Developing the necessary infrastructure for new mobility solutions, such as charging stations for electric vehicles and specialized lanes for autonomous vehicles, demands significant upfront investment and can disrupt existing transport systems during the transition period​ (P3 Mobility)​.
  4. Equity and Accessibility Issues:
    • While advancements in mobility can enhance overall transport efficiency, there is a risk that they might not equally benefit all residents. Ensuring that new technologies are accessible to marginalized and low-income communities is crucial to prevent widening the urban mobility divide​ (Croatia Week)​.


Overall, organizing and hosting mobility projects in Zagreb and Croatia presents a valuable opportunity to position the country as a pioneer in innovative urban transport. However, it also requires careful management of challenges related to implementation, public acceptance, infrastructure development, and equity. Balancing these positive and negative aspects is key to achieving sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions.

Serez-vous candidat à une autre coordination de projet Erasmus+ ?

Expliquez les raisons de ce choix.

Will you be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination?

Explain the reasons for this choice.

I would definitely be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination. The reasons for this choice are:

1. Professional Growth and Development**

Skill Enhancement: Coordinating an Erasmus+ project provides numerous opportunities to develop and enhance project management, intercultural communication, and leadership skills.

Networking Opportunities: Engaging with international partners allows for the building of a robust professional network, which can open doors to future collaborations and career opportunities.

2. Positive Impact on Participants and Institution

*Transformational Experiences: Witnessing the personal and professional growth of participants, such as students and colleagues, as they engage in international exchanges and learning experiences is highly rewarding.

*Institutional Benefits: Successfully managing Erasmus+ projects enhances the institution’s reputation, attracts new partnerships, and enriches the academic and cultural environment.

3. Personal Fulfillment

*Cultural Exchange: The opportunity to engage with different cultures, educational systems, and perspectives is personally enriching and broadens one’s worldview.

*Sense of Achievement: Successfully coordinating and completing a project that brings about positive change provides a deep sense of accomplishment and pride.

4. Sustained Impact and Legacy

**Long-Term Benefits:**

   - Coordinating multiple projects can lead to sustained improvements in institutional practices, curriculum development, and international collaboration.

**Legacy Building:**

   - Each successful project contributes to a lasting legacy of innovation and excellence within the institution.

5. **Learning from Past Experiences**

Improved Strategies: Having already coordinated a project, I have learned valuable lessons and gained insights that can be applied to future projects, leading to more efficient and effective management.

**Overcoming Challenges: Past experiences help in anticipating and mitigating challenges, making the coordination process smoother and more enjoyable.

6. **Fostering a Collaborative Environment**

*Team Building: Leading such projects fosters a spirit of teamwork and collaboration among colleagues, which is beneficial for the overall institutional culture.

*Engagement and Motivation: Being involved in meaningful and impactful projects keeps me engaged and motivated in my professional role.

Overall, the combination of professional development, personal fulfillment, positive impact on participants and the institution, and the opportunity to build a lasting legacy makes the prospect of coordinating another Erasmus+ project highly appealing. The ability to apply past experiences to improve future projects also adds to the enthusiasm for taking on this role again.

Pour vous, ce projet est-il un projet réussi ? Qu’a-t-il apporté à vos collègues et à vos élèves ?

For you, is this project a successful project? What has it brought to your colleagues and your students?

Yes, I do consider that this Erasmus+ project was a very successful project for several reasons. It has brought significant benefits to both my colleagues and students, contributing to their professional and personal development.

1. Professional Development for Colleagues

**Skill Enhancement:**

   - Colleagues have developed key skills such as project management, intercultural communication, and teamwork. These skills are valuable in both their current roles and future career prospects.

**Pedagogical Innovations:**

   - Exposure to different teaching methods and educational systems has inspired colleagues to implement innovative practices in their own classrooms, enhancing the overall quality of education at our institution.

**Increased Motivation:**

   - Participation in the project has boosted the motivation and engagement of faculty members, leading to a more dynamic and enthusiastic teaching environment.

2. **Personal Growth for Students**

**Cultural Awareness:**

   - Students have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures, fostering a more inclusive and open-minded perspective.

**Language Skills:**

   - Immersion in foreign languages during exchanges has significantly improved students' language proficiency, which is a valuable asset in their academic and professional lives.

**Confidence and Independence:**

   - The experience of studying or training abroad has boosted students' confidence and independence, preparing them for future challenges in both their personal and professional lives.

3. **School’s Benefits**

**International Collaboration:**

   - The project has strengthened our institution's ties with international partners, paving the way for future collaborations and exchanges.

**Enhanced Reputation:**

   - Successfully participating in Erasmus+ projects has enhanced our institution's reputation, making it more attractive to prospective students and staff.

**Resource Acquisition:**

   - Funding and resources obtained through the project have supported various initiatives and improvements within our institution.

4. **Positive Impact on Teaching and Learning**

**Innovative Practices:**

   - New teaching methodologies and tools introduced through the project have enriched the curriculum and improved student engagement and learning outcomes.

**Interdisciplinary Approaches:**

   - The project has encouraged interdisciplinary collaboration, leading to more holistic and comprehensive educational experiences for students.

5. **Networking and Opportunities**

**Professional Networks:**

   - Both colleagues and students have expanded their professional networks, which can lead to future academic and career opportunities.

**Career Prospects:**

   - Enhanced skills and experiences gained through the project have improved the career prospects of both students and staff, making them more competitive in the job market.

In summary, the Erasmus+ project has been a resounding success, bringing a wide array of benefits to my colleagues, students, and the institution as a whole. It has facilitated professional growth, personal development, and institutional advancement, making it a highly valuable and impactful initiative. The positive outcomes and lasting impacts underscore the importance of continued participation in such international projects.


Robotics, yesterday - today - tomorrow - its interaction with the environment and climate

A project that encourages the development of critical thinking, the development of independence and logical reasoning, knowledge that students and project holders will use in further education and life, international cooperation and teamwork, inclusivity and diversity, environmental sustainability and digital education.

Mobilities and participants

Cyprus 26.9.-1.10.2023. - 2 teachers - preparatory meeting

Tenerife, Spain 21.-27.11.2023.  - 2 teachers and 4 students

Bulgaria - 4.2.- 10.2.2023. 2 teachers and 8 students

Macedonia - 21.-26.5.2023. 2 teachers and 8 students

Turkey - 15-22-2023. 1 teacher and Principal - Final report for the first year of the project

Italy - 15.-21.10.2023. 2 teachers and 6 students

Schedule of activities

- from October 2022 to the end of February 2023, 8 activities were realized

- from March 2023 to November 2023, 7 activities were realized from December 2023 to June 2024.

           Each joint activity lasted four weeks at school (plus homework), a total of 84 hours, and dissemination lasted two weeks.         

         Project progress monitoring - written reports from all participating teachers were submitted.

3 TNM of teacher mobility

TNM: 5 days with 2 representatives - teachers

TNM 1, Cyprus, September 2022. Start of the project

TNM 2 Turkey, June 2023. Interim report - after the first realized year of the project.

TNM 3 Croatia, 30 June 2024.- 4 July 2024 Final report

5 LTTA mobility with students - list of activities

LTTA 1 Spanish Robotics formation Sparkoh October 2022 - 4 students

LTTA 2 Bulgarian University for Children in Varna (made a robot) March 2023 - 8 students

LTTA 3 Macedonia recycling animal waste into electricity May 2023 - 8 students

LTTA 4 Portugal University of Madeira Robotics Center October 2023 - 4 students

LTTA 5 Italy Robotic Center of the University of Salerno - 6 students

Science center in Naples - 6 students

LTTA 6 Belgian European Space Centre

5 days as an astronaut. 1 2024 - 6 students

A total of 36 students planned / 36 students realized


Ljiljana Klinger, MA. Educ, prof. Education , School principle

Irina Krlić, prof. English language

Ratko Johan, prof. English language

Marina Antolović, prof. Informatics

Mirjana Blažičko, prof. Croatian language 

project coordinator Barbara Čičmak, prof. Croatian Studies

Ana Neveščanin, prof. English language

Mirna Ćurković, prof. of biology

Janja Lešćan, prof. Croatian language

Ime i prezime učitelja sudionika


  1. Mirjana Blažičko
  2. Barbara Čičmak


  1. Mirjana Blažičko
  2. Barbara Čičmak


  1. Ana Nevešćanin
  2. Barbara Čičmak


  1. Janja Lešćan
  2. Barbara Čičmak

North Macedonia

  1. Barbara Čičmak
  2. Ljiljana Klinger


  1. Irina Krlić
  2. Barbara Čičmak


  1. Marina Antolović
  2. Barbara Čičmak


  1. Linda Zelić  
  2. Barbara Čičmak




  1. Lota Matus
  2. Tena Marija Miletić
  3. Gabrijela Marina Odak
  4. Nika Šekerija
  5. Laura Skobe
  6. Marta Maver
  7. Ana Jurić
  8. Martina  Kramarić
  9. Frane Batinica
  10. Teo Kristović
  11. Matej Dropulić
  12. Matea Obad
  13. Tara Horvat
  14. Petra Vidak-Buljan
  15. Juraj Vidović
  16. Barbara Bačić
  17. Ivor Čakardić Tomašić
  18. Izidor Franjević
  19. Jan Radeka
  20. Ivan Knezović
  21. Leon Dragićević
  22. Bianka Brkić
  23. Petra Vidak Buljan
  24. Marta Palić
  25. Damjan Mirjanić
  26. Val Radolfi
  27. Karla Smoljanović
  28. Mate Vidak-Buljan
  29. Franka Vidović
  30. Borna Skok
  31. Maks Božićević
  32. Martin Kruk
  33. Karla Pardupa
  34. Mihaela Belevska
  35. Sara Markus
  36. Sara Zalar



North Macedonia




The coordinator presented the project at the UV, presented the project at the Parents' Council, organized activities and mobility, cooperated with teachers and project moderators, prepared mobilities, kept documentation and submitted the necessary reports

My membership in the project began when I was selected to join the team due to my skills and expertise in project management and collaboration. I was officially inducted as a team member during our initial kickoff meeting, where roles and responsibilities were clearly defined. Different activities were carried out by a diverse team of teachers of different profiles, such as Language and Literature Teachers, Design teachers, Technical Education Teachers, IT teachers, Librarian, School Principal, Biology, Drama and Visual Art teachers bringing their unique skills to the table together with students. This included project management activities, design activities, and marketing skills. The project activities were structured around a detailed project plan. This plan included timelines, workshops, and deliverables for both. Students and teachers. We used various tools such as project management software, different communication platforms, and educational systems to ensure efficient workflow and collaboration.

Collaboration with colleagues was very important part of the project’s success. We held regular meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and brainstorm solutions. Peer reviews and feedback sessions were integral to maintaining high standards and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Our project involved collaboration with partners, and We maintained open lines of communication through regular update meetings and progress reports. Collaboration tools like Google Drive, Zoom and Microsoft Teams facilitated real-time document sharing and editing, ensuring all partners were on the same page. All partners and Coordinator of the project were all the time opened for all the questions, helpful, openminded, cooperative, supportive and caring.

The project required mobility organizations to ensure team members could meet in person when necessary. This included organizing travel for team members to visit their countries and attend not only different workshops for students and teachers but also the most beautiful places in different countries. We worked closely with mobility organizations to arrange logistics and ensure smooth travel experiences but that was the most challenging part.

Overall, my general feeling about participating in this project is extremely positive. The experience was enriching, providing opportunities to develop new skills and work with a dynamic team. The challenges we faced helped foster a strong sense of camaraderie and accomplishment. The collaboration with colleagues and partners was seamless, thanks to effective communication and shared goals. This project not only advanced our professional expertise but also built lasting professional relationships and opened new opportunities for future collaborations.

As the local coordinator of the project, my general feeling was one of great satisfaction and if I can add pride. Here are some specific aspects of my experience:

Coordinating a complex project in two years involved ensuring that all moving parts worked seamlessly together. The successful completion of various project phases on time and within budget was highly gratifying. It was fulfilling to see our plans come to the point of realization and meet the project objectives.

The collaboration with colleagues, motivated students, their parents and partners was a highlight of the project. Working closely with a diverse group of professionals, including school team members and international partners, provided a rich learning experience. The synergy created through our collaborative efforts led to innovative solutions and effective problem-solving.

Every project has its challenges, and this one was no exception. From logistical hurdles to unexpected financial issues, we faced numerous obstacles. However, overcoming these challenges through teamwork and perseverance was a rewarding experience. It reinforced the importance of flexibility and adaptability in project management.

Serving as the local coordinator allowed me to enhance my leadership and project management skills. I gained valuable experience in coordinating complex tasks, managing negotiating expectations, and ensuring effective communication across different teams. This role significantly contributed to my professional development.

Positive Impact

Knowing that our project had a positive impact on the community was deeply rewarding. Whether it was improving our school life, providing valuable services, or fostering community engagement, the tangible benefits of our work were a source of pride.

Overall Sentiment

Overall, my experience as the local coordinator was overwhelmingly positive. The combination of successful project outcomes, strong team collaboration, personal and professional growth, and the positive impact on the community made this role exceptionally fulfilling. The sense of accomplishment and the lessons learned will undoubtedly influence my future projects and career path in spite the challenges of Project Budgets.


Managing the budget of a project came with several financial challenge such as Underestimation of Costs: Initial budget estimates may. I have learned that Effective financial management in project budgeting requires thorough planning, continuous monitoring, and proactive risk management. By anticipating potential challenges and preparing accordingly, i could better navigate the financial complexities of the projects. To interest my school colleagues in participating in the project, I employed several strategies that highlighted the benefits and importance of their involvement. Here’s how I approached it:

1. Communicating the Project’s Vision and Goals

•          Clear Communication: I organized a presentation to clearly outline the project's objectives, goals, and potential impact on the school and community. By explaining how the project aligns with our shared values and goals, I was able to create a sense of purpose and direction.

•          Real-world Impact: Emphasizing the tangible benefits and positive changes the project would bring to the school, students and our community helped to spark interest. For example, showcasing successful case studies from similar projects demonstrated the potential for real, meaningful impact.

2. Highlighting Personal and Professional Benefits

•          Skill Development: I highlighted how participating in the project would help colleagues develop valuable skills such as project management, teamwork, and leadership. These skills are not only beneficial for the project but also enhance their professional growth and career prospects.

•          Networking Opportunities: I pointed out the opportunity to collaborate with external partners and organizations, providing a chance to expand their professional network.

3. Creating a Collaborative Environment

•          Inclusive Planning: I involved colleagues in the planning process by organizing brainstorming sessions and seeking their input. This inclusive approach made them feel valued and more committed to the project.

•          Team-building Activities: To foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, I organized team-building activities. These activities helped build trust and a positive team spirit, which motivated colleagues to participate actively.

4. Providing Support and Resources

•          Training Sessions: I arranged training sessions to ensure colleagues felt confident in their roles. Providing the necessary resources and support helped alleviate any concerns they had about their ability to contribute effectively.

•          Clear Roles and Responsibilities: By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, I ensured that everyone knew what was expected of them and how they could contribute to the project's success.

5. Incentives and Recognition

•          Recognition Programs: I set up a system to recognize and reward contributions. Acknowledging the hard work and dedication of colleagues through awards or public recognition motivated them to stay engaged.

•          Professional Development Credits: Where possible, in Croatia for participation in the project teachers count towards professional development credits, making it an attractive proposition for career advancement.

6. Regular Updates and Feedback

•          Transparent Communication: I kept colleagues informed about the project's progress through regular updates and meetings. This transparency helped maintain their interest and commitment.

Feedback Mechanisms: Providing channels for colleagues to give feedback and suggestions ensured that they felt heard and involved in the decision-making process. I have learned combining clear communication, highlighting personal and professional benefits, fostering a collaborative environment, providing support, offering incentives, maintaining transparency, and showcasing success stories, I was able to effectively interest and engage my school colleagues in participating in the project. These strategies not only motivated them to join but also ensured their sustained involvement and commitment to the project’s success.

For the final meeting of project partners in Croatia, I organized a TNM mobility comprehensive mobility plan to ensure a productive and memorable experience for all participants cooperating with an agency to realize all activities planned.

1. Travel Arrangements

Flights and Transportation

•          Flights: I did not coordinate flight bookings for all international partners to the nearest major airport in Croatia, since they organize the flights on their own.

•          Ground Transportation: Arranged for airport transfers, shuttle services, and local transportation, including buses and taxis, to ensure smooth and efficient travel between locations.

2. Accommodation


•          Hotel Reservations: Secured accommodations in  hotels that offered comfort, and fair price according the budget.

3. Meeting Venue

Facilities and Equipment

•          Conference Facilities: Booked a well-equipped conference center with necessary amenities such as high-speed internet, audio-visual equipment, and comfortable seating arrangements.


4. Cultural and Social Activities

Excursions and Events

•          City Tours: Organized guided tours of local landmarks and historical sites to offer cultural immersion.

•          Networking Events: Planned social events, such as welcome dinners and farewell parties, to foster networking and relationship-building among partners.

•          Local Cuisine: Arranged meals at traditional Croatian restaurants to provide an authentic culinary experience – famous

5. Workshops and Seminars

Knowledge Exchange

•          Thematic Workshops: Scheduled various workshops and seminars relevant to the project, led by experts in the field.

•          Interactive Sessions: Facilitated interactive sessions and discussions to encourage active participation and knowledge sharing.

6. Logistical Support

On-Site Assistance

•          Support Staff: Deployed a team of support staff to assist with logistics, answer queries, and provide assistance as needed.

•          Information Packets: Distributed welcome packets containing itineraries, maps, contact information, and other essential details to all participants upon arrival.

I would be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination.

 Coordinating an Erasmus+ project provides numerous opportunities to develop and enhance project management, intercultural communication, and leadership skills. Engaging with international partners allows for the building of a robust professional network, which can open doors to future collaborations and career opportunities. Witnessing the personal and professional growth of participants, such as students and colleagues, as they engage in international exchanges and learning experiences is highly rewarding. Successfully managing Erasmus+ projects enhance the institution’s reputation, attracts new partnerships, and enriches the academic and cultural environment. The opportunity to engage with different cultures, educational systems, and perspectives is personally enriching and broadens one’s worldview. Successfully coordinating and completing a project that brings about positive change provides a deep sense of accomplishment and pride.

Coordinating multiple projects can lead to sustained improvements in institutional practices, curriculum development, and international collaboration.

   - Each successful project contributes to a legacy of innovation and excellence within the institution.

Having already coordinated a project, I have learned valuable lessons and gained insights that can be applied to future projects, leading to more efficient and effective management. Past experiences help in anticipating and mitigating challenges, making the coordination process smoother and more enjoyable. Leading such projects fosters a spirit of teamwork and collaboration among colleagues, which is beneficial for the overall institutional culture. Being involved in meaningful and impactful projects keeps me engaged and motivated in my professional role.

Overall, the combination of professional development, personal fulfillment, positive impact on participants and the institution, and the opportunity to build a legacy makes the prospect of coordinating another Erasmus+ project highly appealing. The ability to apply past experiences to improve future projects also adds to the enthusiasm for taking on this role again

I consider that this Erasmus+ project was a very successful project for several reasons. It has brought significant benefits to both my colleagues and students, contributing to their professional and personal development.

   - Colleagues have developed key skills such as project management, intercultural communication, and teamwork. These skills are valuable in both their current roles and future career prospects.

   - Exposure to different teaching methods and educational systems has inspired colleagues to implement innovative practices in their own classrooms, enhancing the overall quality of education at our institution.

   - Participation in the project has boosted the motivation and engagement of faculty members, leading to a more dynamic and enthusiastic teaching environment.

   - Students have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures, fostering a more inclusive and open-minded perspective.

   - Immersion in foreign languages during exchanges has significantly improved students' language proficiency, which is an asset in their academic and professional lives.

   - The experience of studying or training abroad has boosted students' confidence and independence, preparing them for future challenges in both their personal and professional lives.

The project has strengthened our institution's ties with international partners, paving the way for future collaborations and exchanges.

   - Successfully participating in Erasmus+ projects have enhanced our institution's reputation, making it more attractive to prospective students and staff.

  - Funding and resources obtained through the project have supported various initiatives and improvements within our institution.

   - New teaching methodologies and tools introduced through the project have enriched the curriculum and improved student engagement and learning outcomes.

   - The project has encouraged interdisciplinary collaboration, leading to more holistic and comprehensive educational experiences for students.

- Both colleagues and students have expanded their professional networks, which can lead to future academic and career opportunities.

   - Enhanced skills and experiences gained through the project have improved the career prospects of both students and staff, making them more competitive in the job market.

In summary, the Erasmus+ project has been a resounding success, bringing a wide array of benefits to my colleagues, students, and the institution. It has facilitated professional growth, personal development, and institutional advancement, making it a highly valuable and impactful initiative. The positive outcomes and lasting impacts underscore the importance of continued participation in such international projects.


My participation in the project began in 2022 when the coordinator Claude told us the idea of participating in this new robotics and environment project. We had previously worked together on another Erasmus project. I found the idea very interesting, since new countries from all over Europe were also joining. During these two years I have been able to work with several colleagues at the school who have been involved with the Erasmus project and have carried out different activities with all the students of the school, from 4 years old to 12. In addition, our 6th grade students have participated in mobility which has been a wonderful experience for them. During the beginning of the course we hold a meeting in which we explain the project and the line of work, as well as the tasks to be carried out, so the interested teachers join the project and participate directly in it. Furthermore, working with other colleagues from other countries, in this case 9 in total, has been quite an experience. I think the experience is positive and the organization and management of the mobility has also been positive. Some mobilities have carried out more appropriate activities in relation to the project, but in general the experience is positive. Due to the distance from our island, it has also generated an extra cost for us, so it has been a little difficult in this sense. The general feeling is very positive and we are happy to have participated in this project. We thank the chief coordinator Claude, who has satisfactorily coordinated all the countries and schools.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SCHOOL : CEIP JUAN GARCÍA PÉREZ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NAME OF THE COORDINATOR : GUILLERMO LOZANO FERNÁNDEZ.

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Guillermo 201


As coordinator of the Erasmus+ project for our institute, I worked in synergy with the other teachers of the classes involved, above all English language teachers, with the headmaster and the Administrative director, forming a large team, where everyone had worked hard.

With my secondary and primary colleagues, I prepared the activities carried out in class with the students, starting from the Detective Games, preparatory activities for the LTTA meetings with the students, to the other activities related to the use of robotics in agriculture, in industry, in weather forecasts, etc.

Activities were carried out on the following topics

Use of robotics in agriculture.

Artificial intelligence and supercomputers in weather forecasting.

Interaction between robotics, environment and climate.

Robotics in the space industry.

Meeting with a meteorologist at school

Participation in LTTA meetings with specific training by universities or research centers.

I was responsible for the organization of the LTTA meetings.

As regards the LTTA meeting held in our school, I was responsible, together with my colleagues, for finding hotels, restaurants, transfers, booking excursions, as well as organizing the training activities for students at the Diem of the University of Salerno, making contact with the director and teachers of the aforementioned department of computer science, engineering and mathematics, who for three days hosted the students of all nine European delegations, carrying out activities related to robot programming.

The great organizational effort for the welcome, the hospitality, the carrying out of the days, both at the university and for the excursions, was rewarded by the appreciation that all the delegations expressed towards our school

For the other meetings, I followed the procedure at the agency for booking airline tickets, interfaced with the coordinators of the other schools.                                                                                    I created power point presentations to explain the travel program and the aims of the Erasmus+ Project, showing them to the parents of the pupils involved, in meetings held at school, in the days before the mobilities. I also followed the bureaucratic procedure that parents had to forward to the Police Headquarters for the release of accompanying documents for minors entrusted to teachers.

With our primary and secondary school colleagues, we guided the students in the activities they were going to carry out, coordinating to divide the activities between the various classes and thus assign the work as scheduled. Finally, together with our speaking colleagues, we drafted the reports in English, accompanied by photos, videos and Power Points.

As the work was completed, I sent the reports to the Belgian coordinator and the other partners, just as I socialized the work carried out by the other European schools to our classes, through the creation of a virtual noticeboard.

The documentation is in the padlet whose link I attach

My conclusions :

• The processes activated within the mobilities (between teachers and students) are very positive: intense collaboration, a lot of creativity, good relevance to the themes of the project and the tasks to be carried out.

• Satisfaction with the possibility of practicing a foreign language and improving relational skills

• Full satisfaction with the interaction with children of other nationalities and the interest in the places visited

• Great interest in well-executed robotics activities

• Valid and constructive external processes (with families; with the coordinator; between partners; between representatives)

• Good documentation produced overall and created in collaboration with partners.

• Climate of dialogue within the partnership that respects roles, is open and constructive.

• The cultural, organizational and relational level of the meetings held was excellent.


Quel a été votre ressenti général en qualité de coordinateur local du projet ?

What was your general feeling as local coordinator of the project?

As a local coordinator I was a bit worried at the beginning of the proect but I knew  the other partners and above all the coordinator and I was much more calm then.

Very satisfied to practice English language and improve relational skills.

Very proud to be part in this project.

Comment avez-vous intéressé vos collègues à participer au projet ?

How did you interest your colleagues in participating in the project?

The topic was very interesting for them.

They choose the activities with enthusiasm and positive feelings.

A  further motivation was participating in transnational mobilities

Quel genre de mobilité avez-vous organisée ?

What kind of mobility have you organized?

A mobility LTTA

We host the students at the university of Salerno where they study and work about the programming of robots.

Quel est votre ressenti à propos de cette mobilité ?

How do you feel about this mobility?

The great organizational effort for the welcome, the hospitality, the carrying out of the days, both at the university and for the excursions, was rewarded by the appreciation that all the delegations expressed towards our school.

I was very proud to host all the partners and to show them the beauties of my land.

Serez-vous candidat à une autre coordination de projet Erasmus+ ?

Expliquez les raisons de ce choix.

Will you be a candidate for another Erasmus+ project coordination?

Explain the reasons for this choice.

Yes, I will.

Because it offers many opportunities to develop  intercultural communication, to meet colleagues of other nations, to collaborate together, to exchange learning experiences

Pour vous, ce projet est-il un projet réussi ? Qu’a-t-il apporté à vos collègues et à vos élèves ?

For you, is this project a successful project? What has it brought to your colleagues and your students?

I think this Erasmus+ project was a very successful project. It has brought a lot of benefits to both my colleagues and students, about their professional and personal development.

Teachers had the possibility:

To have a professional growth and a personal development;

to develop key skills such as project management, intercultural communication and teamwork.

To know different teaching methods and educational systems

Students had the possibility:

To understand and appreciate different cultures;

to practice foreign languages

to live experiences abroad

to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration


Date de dernière mise à jour : 20/07/2024
